Hearing this, Samba Xiu's expression became a little unnatural. Looking at the last area that had not turned green for a long time, he said: "Dr. Sakurada, ask two researchers to go over with me and take a look. It's been so long. I'm afraid something will happen over there."

Dr. Sakurada had no objection and pointed to the two nearest researchers: "You two, please go with Mr. Hiyama."

As soon as he finished speaking, the last unchanged cell on the screen turned green.

Seeing this, Dr. Sakurada looked at Samba Xiu and asked, "Mr. Hiyama, are you still going?"

Out of confidence in his bad luck, Sambaxiu nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look, just in case."

After that, he led the two researchers and headed out.

However, at this moment, the originally green chart instantly turned into blood red.

Then a 3D skull composed of Arabic numerals appeared on the computer screen in the laboratory.

"What's going on? The virus has obviously been eliminated!" A researcher looked horrified when faced with the sudden change.

Fear, like happiness, is contagious.

With the first person being frightened, fear quickly spreads throughout the laboratory.

Fortunately, Dr. Sakurada, as the backbone, did not show any panic and immediately reassured everyone: "Don't panic, everyone. It's just a virus. We are eliminating it once."

After that, he pulled up a seat, threw himself in front of the keyboard, and prepared to compete with the virus that broke out again.

However, as soon as Dr. Sakurada's fingers touched the keyboard, the electric current rushed out of the keyboard and knocked him away.

"Dad!" When the young Sakurada Hiroshi saw this, he immediately wanted to step forward and hold his father who flew out.

Fortunately, Decius had quick eyesight and quick hands and caught the impulsive child.

Samba Xiu stepped forward and stopped Dr. Sakurada, preventing him from hitting the wall.

"Thank you," Dr. Sakurada thanked him, and then looked solemnly at the digital skulls that appeared on each monitor, "Mr. Hiyama, although you have emphasized to us the existence of the virus life form Messiah before, , but we don’t know the reason why this kind of thing came into being. Now it seems that Messiah evolved from the disaster virus.”

Samba Xiu lamented: "What a terrible development."

Logically speaking, the birth of the Messiah was on December 25, 1999, but unexpectedly it was advanced to late May.

Sambaxiu thought that the last green area contained the destiny of the star. It might be true as Dr. Sakurada said. Originally, Messiah was born out of the self-disaster demon virus. However, due to lack of energy, it lurked until Christmas before fully evolving. Now it has Only with the energy blessing of Star Fate can such rapid evolution be achieved.

"Dr. Sakurada, Decius said that you have prepared for the emergence of the Messiah. In this situation, are the previous preparations still effective?" Samba Xiu asked.

"The simple firewall program should have failed, but the method of transmitting the entire transmission research center to subspace can still be implemented, but..." Dr. Sakurada looked around, then looked at his son, with a little more in his eyes. Feeling guilty, "The transmission technology of life forms is not yet mature."

"It's okay. Let's prepare for the transmission of the transmission research center first. As for everyone in the research center, gather them together first. I have a way to rescue them." After that, Samba Xiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Elise's number. Number.

At this moment, Dr. Sakurada could only choose to believe Samba Xiu. He walked towards the computer that had just ejected him, took out a backpack from under the table, and took out a heavy laptop from it.

Just when Dr. Sakurada was about to turn on the computer and activate the pre-equipped subspace transmission device, a sudden change occurred.

I saw the skull on the monitor swaying ferociously from left to right for a while, and a stream of data spurted out from the monitor, eventually forming purple weirdos.

Sambasho recognized these things at a glance as Bagras, a combatant of the villain organization Bagras in "Go-Busters".

Dr. Sakurada, who witnessed the birth of Bagla with his own eyes, hurriedly looked at Samba Xiu: "Mr. Hiyama, the Messiah used the energy of the research center to create these monsters. Before sending the research center to subspace, the Star must be Take away the life, otherwise if the star's life is also transmitted to the subspace, these guys will have enough energy to escape from the subspace at an extremely fast speed!"

In fact, there is no need for Dr. Sakurada to remind Samba Xiu to abandon the destiny of the star. That is his resettlement fee for laid-off employees: "Dechius, while you protect everyone's safety, follow Dr. Sakurada to gather other people. I Go get the life of the star.”

"Yes Leader!"

Considering that the Messiah could be spread through the cable network, Sangbasiu called Wu Dao again: "Bu Dao, come here and help me chop something."


I ordered a Splatoon set meal, and now I'm almost exhausted. I'm sorry that I'm only updating now. I may have to rest for a while, and then I can continue typing when I feel a little more comfortable.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 182 Formation of the Special Command

Energy is the cornerstone of development and the fire of civilization.

Although Messiah does not consume much data at present, he also knows how important energy is to himself.

So when Sambaxiu ran to the corresponding floor based on the room number provided by Dr. Sakurada, what he saw was a grand scene that was different from the sporadic Baghra on other floors.

The three-meter-wide corridor, which was originally very empty, was crowded with Bagras. Since Bagras are virus life forms, the crowded here does not only refer to the floor, but also includes the ceiling and walls.

Standing at the staircase and looking inside, the corridor is like the mouth of a worm, which makes people feel uncomfortable physiologically.

Sambaxiu is a carefree person, but he still got goose bumps when he saw such a scene.

With his hands clasped and rubbing his arms, Sambaxiu used the Qi armor and took two steps back to give himself some space for a run-up.

Then black Qi emerged from his body, and the whole person turned into the big head of Daitanix and rushed towards the dense Bagras.


The violent sound shook the building, and the dense Bagras exploded at the other end of the corridor like a burst of fireworks.

Sambashu, who turned into a dump truck and opened a road in the corridor, had naturally run to the other end of the corridor. Turning around, he looked at the corridor where many Bagras were still hanging, and threw a fist in dissatisfaction.

Then a shadow of Daitanix flew out of his fist, opening his mouth wide and eating the remaining Bagras like small cakes in a buffet restaurant, one by one.

"It's much cleaner now," Sambashu shouted, "The corridor has been cleaned up. Please go to the first laboratory and meet up with Dr. Sakurada and wait for the group transmission in ten minutes."

Hearing this, many closed laboratory doors opened, and then they all poked their heads out to look left and right, and called their companions out after confirming that there was no danger.

There were still some laboratory doors that were not opened, and Sambashu hurriedly asked the researcher who had just come out: "Are there people in these laboratories?"

"Yes." The researcher nodded hurriedly.

Obviously, these laboratories that were not opened, like the first laboratory where Sambashu was before, had Bagras.

Since he was here, Sambashu naturally had no reason to watch him die.

Pulling open the closed doors one by one, Samba Xiu swept through several laboratories at the fastest speed, rescued the trapped people, and rushed into the room where the Star Life was stored.

As soon as he pushed the door open, Samba Xiu saw the densely packed Baglars surrounding a man who looked familiar to him, and the man was holding the glittering Star Life in his hands.

"Ozu Tsubasa? No, the one in the Transmission Research Center should be Zhen Yaren, the additional warrior of the Tokumei Sentai."

Samba Xiu was too lazy to complain about the frequent face collisions in the Super Sentai world view, and rushed into the Baglar group with a fist, and pulled Zhen Yaren out of the laboratory.

Turning around, he threw a fist with the energy of the big head of Detanix at the Baglars who were ready to pounce, and then closed the door, allowing the collision of the Qi and the virus life form to produce a huge explosion.

"This hero, may I ask who you are..." As an ordinary genius engineer, Zhen Yaren did not have a perspective eye, and could not see Samba Xiu's face through the black goggles of the Qi armor.

"Hiyama Jing."

"So it's the boss, I'm so sorry." Zhen Yaren has always been playful and outgoing. After learning about Samba Shu's identity, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, and even felt a little proud. "I didn't expect that I, Zhen Yaren, had such a big face that the boss of our transmission research center came to rescue me personally."

"Actually..." Samba Shu's eyes glanced at the Star Fate in Zhen Yaren's hand.

"Boss, you can just keep some words in your heart," Zhen Yaren responded quickly, but his narcissistic temperament was not restrained at all. "If you don't say it, you are a talent scout. If you say it, the atmosphere between us will be awkward."

Samba Xiu was amused by this guy's performance and continued: "Yes, I cherish talents, so I took the risk to make this trip."

Zhen Yaren didn't expect Samba Xiu to be so shameless. He just thought that the investor of the Transmission Research Center was an honest man. Now it seems that he is just a black-bellied man. But if you think about it carefully, it is impossible for a businessman who can enter the old industry that has been divided up in a short period of time and gain a foothold in the market to be honest: "Boss, you are much more interesting than Dr. Sakurada, the old-fashioned."

Samba Xiu didn't know Zhen Yaren's rich inner activities at the moment. He smiled and said: "Save the energy to talk. We have to quickly meet up with Dr. Sakurada and others."

Leading Zhen Yaren back to the first laboratory, Samba Xiu saw Ilias and Disphias with a leisurely look on their faces.

"Okay, everyone is here, Dr. Sakurada, we can start teleporting the entire research center to the subspace." As she spoke, Ilias opened her palms, crossed her hands, and stretched them hard. Her lazy look formed a sharp contrast with the nervous researchers around her.

"Ms. Ilias, don't you need to make any preparations for your teleportation?" After all, Dr. Sakurada, who believed in materialism, had never experienced Ilias's teleportation magic, and was afraid that Ilias would be careless and miss a person.

Ilias shook her head and patted Disphias on the shoulder.

"If my brother is not here, you need to hold something in your hands, but he is here too, you just wait," Ilias raised her hand and glanced at the small and delicate watch on her left wrist, "It's almost time to start."

Ilias nodded at Disphias, and Disphias walked to the other side of the crowd with a scepter in his hand.

Then the two began to chant spells at the same time.

A huge magic circle emerged under the feet of the crowd, bringing hope to the researchers while also shattering their worldview.

Especially at the moment when Ilias and Disphias completed the magic circle, the moment when the heaven and earth changed and time and space intertwined.

"I suddenly feel like I'm switching my major to magic."

I don't know who said this. The researchers who had just escaped from danger began to discuss magic. The bolder ones, such as Zhenya, even went directly to Elise and asked curious questions.

Samba Xiu listened to the researchers releasing the excitement of escaping from death in this way. He smiled and nodded at Budao who was coming here after cutting the network cable of the research center in the distance.

At this moment, Dr. Sakurada approached Samba Xiu with a serious face: "Mr. Hiyama, the Messiah is just exiled to the subspace by us now, and will return to the real world sooner or later. When you went to take the destiny of the star just now We have witnessed the terrifying evolution speed of the Messiah. It only took him just one minute to go from being unable to speak to being able to express a sentence fluently. So in order to deal with the crisis of the Messiah in the future, Mr. Hiyama, I want to form a special team. A team.”

Samba Xiu has always been very interested in investing in Super Sentai without any hesitation: "Dr. Sakurada, your sense of responsibility is touching. I agree to this proposal. Decius, I will leave this matter to you." You come to connect.”

"Yes Leader!" Decius responded respectfully.

A moment later, when Dr. Sakurada left to take care of his family, Decius suddenly said: "Leader, there is something I need to report about the Messiah."

"What's up?"

"That's what Messiah said when you were not in the First Laboratory."

Seeing the solemn expression on Decius's face, Samba Xiu became curious, and even Elise and Budo came over with eagerness for knowledge.

Decius didn't show off, lowered his voice and said: "Revenge against the bastard of Balbon!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 183 Hiyama Group needs to attract talents

"Revenge against Balban? Damn it, Qihab has been dead for half a year, and his body has rotted. This..." As a magician, Elise doesn't use electronic products much on weekdays and understands viruses. The existence of a living body is even more difficult. She was stuck and had no choice but to turn to Samba Xiu for help, and at the same time threw out a sound-blocking magic.

"Viral life form, Messiah."

Elise nodded comically and asked: "Yes, virus life form, so who does this Messiah want to seek revenge from?"

Wu Dao snorted coldly. Although he didn't know much, he saw it more clearly than Elise: "Of course he is seeking revenge from us. It is impossible to commit suicide and then go to hell to find Qihab."

"Us?" Elise pointed at herself, with an innocent look on her face, "It's time for us to become Barbang. Aren't we the Hiyama Group that actively pays taxes?"

Martial Arts did not respond and looked at Sangbasiu: "Although Qihab is dead, the wealth that Balban plundered three thousand years ago is in our hands. Sangbasiu, we must be prepared to deal with this revenge."

"Well, although the Messiah probably said this because he absorbed part of the energy of the Star's Fate, it's better to be prepared than to be caught off guard." Samba Xiu has always been in favor of planning before taking action, but there are some things he can't What we can do is very limited. "There are specialties in the arts. None of us are proficient in computers. Elise and her family are only good at magic. Martial arts and my men are only good at physical means. Dealing with the Messiah is still a matter of course." Let’s leave it to the professional team that Dr. Sakurada is preparing to form. We just need to provide financial support and meet his needs as much as possible.”

After hearing this, Decius suggested: "Leader, since this incident was caused by the disaster demon, it means that the initiator must have a deeper understanding of computers and networks than we do. Maybe we can..."

Sambaxiu looked at the old man who gave him advice with some surprise. He thought that Decius was an honest man similar to martial arts, but he never thought that the other man was so ruthless.

Before Sangbasiu could recover from the shock, Wu Dao nodded in agreement: "Indeed, we lack such talents."

Elise added: "Samba Xiu, you have been very active in front of the disaster demon recently. Please stop going later and leave it to me and martial arts. How are you practicing the martial arts and the aura armor? If you're not familiar with it yet, I'll use magic to disguise it for you. I don't want to be stopped by the Galaxy before I even set off."

Wu Dao's eyes were like daggers, and he glanced at Elise angrily: "Martial Dao is not a person who indulges in pleasure. I will not forget the practice of Beast Fist day and night. I have already mastered the Qi Armor."

"Okay, then I just need to disguise myself." Elise put one hand on her hips and held the crystal ball in the other. Although she was casting disguise magic, this posture inexplicably revealed a sense of pride.

Wu Dao frowned, clenched his fists, and resisted the urge to take action: "Elise, you are too lazy."

"Sorry, sorry, I always feel empty inside if I don't take the time to count how much I earned today." Elise tilted her head and said with a playful smile.

Martial Arts was offended by Elise's frivolous smile. He turned his head to look at Samba Xiu, his sad eyes seemed to be expecting Samba Xiu to express his attitude to control the increasingly dishonest Elise.

After receiving Wu Dao's resentment, Sangbasiu did not speak to dissuade him, but silently took off the Fist Demon bracelet on his wrist: "Master Yingfei, it's time for you to exert your strength."

Then he took Elise's hand and put the bracelet on her wrist in the eyes of the other party who looked slightly surprised and shy.

"Sambaxiu, why are you giving me this thing? Do you want me to develop new products?" Elise wondered curiously as she wondered what Sambaxiu was thinking.

Sangbasiu shook his head, with a gentle smile on his lips: "Please, Master Yingfei, let you have some dreams tonight and feel the earth of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Elise instantly understood Sambaxiu's plan. In order to have a sweet sleep tonight, she quickly grabbed the fist demon bracelet on her wrist and tried to pull it off.

"If you take off the bracelet, I will ask Desphias to teleport your safe to my house." Sambaxiu said in a gentle tone, but he said words that horrified Elise.

And Disphias also spoke at the right time, with a serious look on his face: "Don't worry, leader, once you give an order, Disphias will absolutely obey."

Having said that, Desphias looked at Elise and said, "Sister, it's not my brother who is talking about you. You have been too lazy recently. Can you learn from the martial arts elder brother? The earth is not stable and harmonious." In the back garden, the disaster demon came just after Balban was destroyed, so you must have a sense of urgency. "

Seeing that this impromptu gathering was about to turn into her own trial meeting, Elise quickly shouted: "I know I was wrong, and I will change it immediately. But if we don't catch this disaster monster, it will be destroyed by GOGOV!"

Hearing this, Wu Dao put away his disgusted eyes and clenched his fists: "Gas Armor."

Looking at Martial Arts wrapped in light blue armor and Elise in disguise, Sambaxiu reminded: "The disaster beasts are different from the demons of Balbon. They are not independent living individuals, but products of negative energy. . Therefore, strictly speaking, they are actually puppets controlled by the great witch Grandinu, so after taking away this disaster monster, Budo and Elise, you may have to find a way to cut it off before recruiting him. Grandinu's control over him."

"No wonder you seem to be uninterested in this suggestion. It turns out you have concerns in this regard." Although Elise did not pump her chest in a pledge, there was a sense of confidence in her eyebrows, "Although I don't know what the so-called How does the great witch control the disaster monster? But don’t worry, if I just take a look, I can find a way to release it. After all, I was also the demon emperor who roamed the galaxy three thousand years ago. "

Seeing that the other party was so confident, Samba Xiu also started to look forward to it.

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