Seeing the slightly unnatural expression on Sangbasixiu's face, Xunji said: "Mr. Jing, I'll see you off."

After sending Sangbasiu to the door of the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, Xunji asked before Sangbasiu got in the car: "Mr. Jing, you know the two people who kidnapped the disaster beast, right?"

Xunji's voice was very soft, obviously able to keep the volume down, but his tone was not questioning, but even a little certain.

Upon seeing this, Sangbasiu knew that the other party already had a rough guess in his mind, so he did not deny it: "Yes, I know him."

After receiving Sangbasiu's frank reply, Xunji's face was filled with undisguised joy. She smiled slightly and asked, "So those two are also partners of justice? Just like Mr. Jing."

"It shouldn't count. They don't have any great ideas to save the world." Samba Xiu was a little unsure about the positioning of Martial Arts and Elise, "But they don't have any bad intentions."

After saying this, Samba Xiu himself felt a little unsure, especially when he thought about what his two heroes originally planned to do to Seba Giroud.

Xun Ji smiled and said: "Just like Mr. Schick is a beast demon hunter who specializes in fighting beast demons, maybe Mr. Jing's two friends just haven't encountered an enemy who needs their strength to fight."

Sambaxiu echoed: "Maybe."

Speaking of Si Ke, Xun Ji suddenly thought of the original agreement between him and Sangbasiu, and asked: "How is Mr. Si Ke doing recently? I remember that he joined Mr. Jing's company and became your employee."

After being reminded by Xun Ji, Sangbasiu remembered that there was another strange person in his company: "It's pretty good. I just joined the job two days ago and is currently slowly adapting to life on earth. I heard that he has been here recently. I met a person who looked very similar to my previous companion and tried to find out the whereabouts of that person. "

A simple sentence, but with a strong flavor of gossip, Xunji was immediately interested.

But before she could ask Sambaxiu to talk, Sambaxiu's phone rang.

Seeing Sangbasiu's eyes becoming more serious after answering the phone, Sundaji understood that this was probably a more important call, and immediately said "good night" to Sangbasiu and returned home.

"Director Dochikuruga, is there something urgent that calls you suddenly at night?"

The caller of this call was none other than Dochikuruga, the head of the Space Police Earth Agency: "Mr. Hiyama, I heard that the last Troll Hunter is currently working in your Hiyama Group?"

Schick's employment is no secret, not to mention that Samba Xiu's secretary is a member of the Space Police.

Therefore, Sambaxiu was not surprised by this, but he was a little curious. Why did Dochikuluga suddenly mention this: "Tell me, Mr. Director, what do you want us to do? If you want Schick to join the universe Please forgive me for refusing, the policeman still owes me a large amount of compensation."

"Compensation?" Although Dochikuluga knew that Schick had joined the Hiyama Group, he did not understand the cause and effect of the matter. When he heard Sambaxiu say this, he realized that Sambaxiu did not want to be poached, so Since he was not here to expand the number of grassroots officers of the Space Police, "Don't worry, Mr. Hiyama, we just want to ask Mr. Schick for a little help, and we have no intention of asking him to change jobs."

"A small favor? Director Dochikuruga, don't be so vague, otherwise I won't dare to agree rashly." Facing a behemoth like the Space Police, Sambaxiu didn't dare to agree casually. Who knows what the other party sees in his eyes? Is being busy a big deal here?

Fortunately, Dochikuruga also understood Sambaxiu's attitude and did not continue to be secretive. He said bluntly: "The main thing is to ask Mr. Schick to assist the Space Police's R\u0026D department in developing combat uniforms for grassroots police officers. Currently, the combat uniforms The research and development has encountered some bottlenecks, and I would like to use the Troll Demon Hunter armor as a reference.”

This can barely be regarded as a small favor, but it is also a big deal. After all, it concerns all the grassroots police officers in the universe police system.

Sambaxiu fell into a brief thought and did not respond to Dochikuruga immediately.

Perhaps the situation was indeed urgent, so Dochikurujia shouted several times: "Mr. Hiyama, Mr. Hiyama!"

"The Space Police wants to use Trolloc Hunter's reinforced armor for research. To be honest, I don't have much say in this matter. You can discuss it directly with Schick."

Hearing Sambaxiu say this, Dochikuluga's tone became a little more joyful, and it was obvious that the other party didn't mind doing this favor for him.

It was just the tone of the words, and it was obvious that the other party had something more to say: "So is there something unexpected going on with Mr. Schick now?"

"Well, now Schick no longer has the ability to wear enhanced armor. In other words, even if I promise him to go over and help, you may not be able to carry out corresponding research." Samba Xiu suppressed a smile and said with pretentious regret.

"This..." Dochikuluga never expected that this would be the case. He was speechless for a moment, and the brief silence was mixed with a little frustration.

Samba Xiu paused and continued: "But fortunately, I inherited the transformation ability of the Troll Demon Hunter."

Although Dochikuruga did not show too strong emotional fluctuations due to his composure gained from being in a high position for many years, Sambaxiu's heavy breathing still gave Dochikuru a lot of trouble: "So Mr. Hiyama, can you Would you please come to the Space Police Earth Department and help us develop combat uniforms?"

Since he can get some benefits from the space police, Samba Xiu will naturally not be polite: "Of course, but can I give you some hard work fees?"

Dochikuruga thought for a moment and said: "Mr. Hiyama, you should not be satisfied with being a small businessman on earth. Sooner or later, your business territory will spread to the universe. Of course, the space police cannot be too close to businessmen." But it’s okay to provide some safe and stable business information.”

Sambaxiu was very satisfied with Dochikuruga's answer and said with a smile: "Director Dochikuruga, don't say that. I, Hiyama Kage, have always been a loyal supporter of the Space Police, so naturally I have to help with this little favor." , but I have a schedule for the past two days, so I don’t know if it will be convenient to come here on Sunday.”

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 187 The weirdo fed by Yi Neng Zhenmo

As the Hiyama Group's business territory continues to expand, Sambaxiu's available time is also increasing.

However, his schedule has indeed been fully booked in the past two days, and this is not a lie just to show off.

On Saturday, it was customary to go to SCRTC to talk to Xia Fu about his experience in practicing Beast Fist, and to help Ozu Miyuki look after the Ozu brothers and sisters. On Friday, I made an appointment with Akashi Akashi to hear the other party's report on the formation of the adventurers.

"Currently, I am the only member of the adventurers, although Dr. Makino has completed the development of three sets of Todoroki suits."

In the president's office of Hiyama Building, Akashi Akashi sat on the sofa, looking at the heat rising from the teacup in front of him, with a look of shame on his face.

Hearing this bad news, Samba Xiu was a little puzzled: "Akashi, I remember that two of your companions also joined Dr. Makino's team. Why are you the only member of the adventurers? It's because they don't plan to continue. Are you active on the front line of treasure hunting?”

Akashi Akashi took out a report from his briefcase: "President, please take a look. This is the new suit data that Dr. Makino made iteratively based on the data I used to use the first version of the Todoroki suit."

After all, he learned a lot from Tatsumi World and helped repair GOGOV's protective clothing several times. Samba Xiu simply browsed through the report Akashi Akashi submitted and intuitively felt the progress of Makino Morio's technology: "Dr. Makino is indeed a genius. He can double the performance of the suit in just three or four months."

Akashi Akashi added: "However, although the performance of the suit has improved, there are also requirements for the physical fitness of the wearer. Although Xiangzi and Masaki still want to continue taking risks with me, their physical fitness cannot afford the Todoroki suit. load, I will let them assist Dr. Makino’s logistics work.”

Hearing Akashi Akashi's explanation, Samba Xiu's brows were filled with sadness: "Even the companions of the Immortal Fang cannot meet the dress requirements of the Todoroki suit. This team of adventurers is really difficult to organize for a while. Get up. Akashi, thank you very much."

Sambaxiu had originally planned to ask the adventurer team led by Akashi Akashi to help find some evil objects during today's meeting. After all, although Qihab's ashes met all the requirements mentioned by Taoist Yu Fan, Sangbasiu could not let Sambaxiu Rely on for a lifetime.

Because Qihab was attacked by the Infernal Dragon during his lifetime, even if the part contaminated by the Infernal Dragon's power has been screened out, the evil spirit in Qihab's ashes is gradually disappearing.

This is one of the reasons why Yu Fan took the initiative to stay in Tokyo for a few more days.

It's just that Akashi Akashi is the only one in the current adventurer team. As far as the Todoroki team is concerned, the top priority should be to recruit people and find evil objects. It's better to spend some money and follow the path of the shadow team.

Akashi Akashi saw that Samba Xiu was hesitant to speak. Because he was grateful for the indirect life-saving grace, he asked, "Does the president have any tasks for the adventurers?"

However, although I was embarrassed to ask Akashi to look for evil objects specifically, it was still okay to ask him to pay a little attention to weird objects during his daily search for secret treasures.

So after hearing Akashi Akatsuki's active concern, Samba Xiu said: "It's not a mission. I just hope you can help pay attention to those things that look more evil during the adventure. If there is no danger index, please give me some advice." Help bring it to me.”

"Something evil?" Akashi thought he heard wrongly. He stared at Samba Xiu carefully several times before confirming that he was not joking.

Sambaxiu explained: "I recently met a master who said that I need to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, so he suggested that I find some evil objects to suppress my luck, otherwise I will easily fall from the top and be unable to recover."

Hearing this explanation, Akashi Xiao's confusion dissipated a lot. Although he himself did not believe in these magical things and was a staunch materialist, he understood that Samba Xiu, a wealthy businessman, faced these mystical and mysterious theories. The caution shown when dealing with metaphysical knowledge: "Okay, I'll pay attention."

After receiving Akashi Akatsuki's assurance, Sambaxiu felt a little more relaxed, but he still reminded: "At this stage, we should find a way to recruit people first, at least to expand the number of adventurers to three."

"Understood, the best thing to avoid when taking risks is to aim too high." Akashi nodded.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while about the progress of Dr. Makino's equipment development, and the meeting was considered a successful conclusion.

Then, Samba Xiu stood up, took the elevator downstairs with Akashi Akashi, and personally escorted each other out.

Just when Sambaxiu turned around and was about to return to the office to continue working, an energetic shout came from behind him.


Sambaxiu thought it was one of his subordinates, but when he looked back, he saw a childish face.

I saw the thirteen or fourteen-year-old Yi Neng Zhenmo staring at Sambaxiu enthusiastically and waving to say hello to him.

Sambaxiu was not surprised by the enthusiasm shown by Yi Nengzhenmo. After all, he was adopted by his subordinate Clesiza, and he also gave him a valuable meeting gift as an elder.

But he was a little curious as to why Yi Neng Zhenmo appeared in the Hiyama Building. Was it because he didn't have to go to school or was the Hiyama Group secretly employing child labor.

Seemingly sensing Sambaxiu's doubts, the secretary who came down with Sambaxiu explained: "Little Zhenmo is here to deliver lunch to Clesiza."


"Klesiza's lunch has always been a bento prepared by Xiao Zhenmo. I guess that guy left the bento at home carelessly when he went out."

Hearing what the secretary said, Yi Nengzhenmo showed a helpless smile: "Uncle, I don't have rough lines every day or two. I'm used to it."

Samba Xiu listened to the two people's various complaints about Clesiza. He couldn't help but sigh: "Cresiza, you are really unreliable."

With that said, Sambaxiu walked up to Yi Nengzhenmo and took the lunch box from the other person's hand: "You should have classes in the afternoon, so go back to school quickly. I will help you bring the lunch box to Clesiza later."

"Thank you, leader," he thanked Samba Xiu, but Yi Nengzhenmo did not leave immediately. "Leader, is the person who came down with you just now Akashi Akashi the Eternal Fang?"

"Yes," Samba Xiu nodded affirmatively, "What, do you know him?"

"I know, that's the legendary most powerful treasure hunter in the world!" Yi Nengzhenmo nodded vigorously, his tone became a little excited, and he continued to ask, "Leader, why does Akashi Akashi appear here? He is working for you. ”

Sambaxiu affirmed again: "Yes, he is working for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Neng could not hide his excitement and said: "Leader, I have wanted to be a treasure hunter since I was a child. The Immortal Fang is my idol. I admire him very much. Can you please take me to meet him?" ”

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 188 Adventure Blue Clay Siza?

Ino Zhenmo admires Akashi Akashi, which sounds like a humorous joke.

After all, in "Todoroki Sentai Adventurers", although Ino Mamo is a member of the adventurers, he always regards the captain Akashi Akatsuki as his opponent. He is always holding his breath and wants to defeat the opponent in the search for secret treasures to prove himself. .

But after all, that was Yi Neng Zhenmo who was an adult and had been in the treasure hunter business for many years, not the Yineng Zhenmo who was just thirteen or fourteen years old and had just been rescued by Clesiza from an unreliable adult.

Besides, if you have never worshiped someone, how can you try to surpass it?

Therefore, Sangbasiu can understand Yi Nengzhenmo's worship.

However, Clesiza couldn't quite understand it. When he realized that he didn't bring his lunch box, he just took the elevator to the first floor and was about to go home to finish the lunch. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he heard the speech of Ineng Zhenmo like a little fan. , the competitive spirit suddenly arises.

He came to Yi Nengzhenmo's side and spoke with a bit of sour resentment: "Brat, shouldn't I be the one you admire most? What did Akashi Akashi do to deserve your admiration?"

Ino Zhenmo said unconvinced: "The Eternal Fang, Akashi Akashi, is a legendary treasure hunter. According to legend, as long as the secret treasure is targeted by him, no matter how dangerous the mechanism is to guard it, how terrible the monster is to guard it, in the end, Everything will fall into his hands!"

"Tch, to put it nicely, isn't he just a tomb robber?" Clesiza choked, "I rode a motorcycle and killed everyone in and out of the gang to rescue you."

Yi Neng Zhenmo imitated Clesiza and snorted coldly: "But I still asked the leader to borrow that motorcycle."

Looking at Clesiza who was like a child and was angry with Yi Nengzhenmo, Samba Xiu reluctantly stuffed the lunch box in his hand to the other party: "If you want Zhenmo to admire you, you should first change this bad habit of being careless. ”

"Leader..." Clesiza felt aggrieved and refused to accept the lunch box. "Leader, do you also think that I am not as good as Akashi Akashi?"

Clesiza's coquettishness was a bit off-putting to Sambaxiu. He turned his head in disgust and asked, "Where did you hear this?"

"Leader, when you say I'm careless, aren't you just trying to prove that Shi Xiao is doing things properly?"

In this regard, Samba Xiu could not argue: "Akashi is indeed more careful in his work."

"As expected, leader, you also dislike me..." Clesiza didn't have any of the heroic spirit that he once had as a space pirate. Instead, he looked like a kicked stray dog ​​on the roadside.

But this unseemly look did not last long, and his tone suddenly became firm, as if he had a clear goal: "Leader, I also want to meet Akashi Akashi, and I want to see who can Both the brat and you will be full of praise."

Sangbasiu raised his hand to his forehead and said, "Your choice of words is a bit too strange."

After complaining about Clesiza's choice of words, Sambaxiu said: "Okay, you two wait for me in the afternoon tomorrow. I will take you two to see Akashi Akatsuki after I come back from scrtc."

Hearing this, Yi Nengzhenmo and Clesiza shouted together: "The leader is wise!"

Sensing the furtive gaze of the lady at the front desk on the first floor, Sambaxiu felt an unprecedented sense of shame in his heart.

Fortunately, time can bury memories and feelings that you don’t want to recall.

The next day, after going to SCRTC to communicate with Xia Fu and consolidating the practice of Ji Qi, Sangpaxiu forgot the embarrassing memory of Friday.

After driving the five Ozu brothers and sisters home, Samba Xiu started the car again under the usual grateful eyes of Ozu Miyuki, went to Clesiza's residence, and picked up Clesiza, who was still feeling sulky. And Ino Mamo, who felt helpless about this, headed to Makino Morio's research center without stopping.

As soon as he got there, Samba Xiu handed Cresiza and Ino Zhenmo to Akashi Akashi, and followed Makino Morio to see Todoroki Chariot.

Although Samba Xiu is Makino Morio's sponsor and the big boss of Todoroki Sentai, he is embarrassed to say that he went all the way just to fulfill the wish of Clesiza and Ino Masaki to meet Akashi Akatsuki. After all, we have to find a way out.

Inspecting the development progress of the Hung Hung Chariot is a very good excuse.

Although the progress of the formation of the adventurer team was worrying, the development of the Todoroki Chariot was very smooth. Naturally, facing the sudden visit of Samba Xiu, Makino Morio did not show any nervousness or confusion, and was even a little proud.

He led Sambaxiu to the huge space where the Boom Chariot was parked, and pointed to the chariot frame being welded and built by a robotic arm in the distance: "The development of the No. 2 Boom Racing Car and the No. 3 Boom Rotary Machine have been completed. 4 There is only the final finishing work left in the development of the No. 5 Hong Kong shovel. What is being built now is the basic framework of the No. 5 Hong Kong submarine. It is expected that the integration and commissioning of the No. 5 Hong Kong submarine will be completed in June next year. "

Sambaxiu sighed cooperatively: "Dr. Makino's movements are really fast. It seems that I have to quickly find a piece of land to build a warehouse for the secret treasure."

"Before the end of today, the corresponding five sets of Todoroki suits should be produced." Makino Morio nodded with a smile, seeming to agree with Sambaxiu's words, but when he thought about the slow formation of the adventurer team, He showed a bit of embarrassment, "It's just that the load of the Todoroki suit cannot be endured by ordinary people. Akashi found many people through his connections to test it, but no one can adapt to the load of the suit."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu couldn't help but frown: "Is this an exaggeration? Although Akashi's physical fitness is excellent, it is not beyond the limits of the human body. He can adapt to the load of the suit. It should not be difficult to find someone, right?"

Makino Morio also had a look of doubt on his face: "I'm confused too. I thought I had increased the data for the other two already made suits, which caused the load to far exceed Akashi's suit. But I adjusted it lower later. It’s really hard to figure out how no one can adapt.”

Let alone Makino Morio, Samba Xiu was confused just by hearing the description.

Is it possible that this Hongbo suit is exclusive to someone else?

After walking out of the warehouse where the Todoroki Chariot was parked, Samba Xiu followed Makino Morio to the laboratory where the accelerator driver was stored.

Before he saw the door, Sangbasiu heard a cheer from Yi Neng Zhenmo.

"Success! Uncle, you successfully put on the Hongbo suit!"

Hearing this, Samba Xiu and Makino Morio looked at each other with confusion.

Then he strode into the room.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he saw three adventurers dressed successfully.

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