They are adventure red, adventure black and adventure blue.

Seeing Sambaxiu, Adventure Blue raised his hand and greeted him: "Hey, leader!"

"This voice, Cressiza?"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 189 Hiyama Group does not employ child labor

Not every scientist has the outstanding physical fitness of Ultraman Hikari.

When Makino Morio ran into the laboratory, Akashi and the others had already released their transformations.

Although he did not see the three sets of Todoroki suits he made being successfully put on by anyone, with the accelerator drives in the hands of the three of them, Makino Morio could imagine what it was like when Ino Zhenmo shouted just now.

He quickly rushed to Clesiza and Yi Nengzhenmo, touched their bodies for a long time, and asked eagerly: "You just used the acceleration drive to put on the bombing suit, right? How did it feel? Dressing Do you feel any discomfort or pressure when doing it?”

Glancing at Makino Morio, who was almost hanging on her body, Clesiza spoke in a relaxed tone and joked: "I didn't feel anything before, but now my shoulders feel a little heavy."

"Sorry, I was too excited." Makino Morio also realized his gaffe, and stepped back with a smile and stood next to Samba Xiu.

"What's going on? How did you two start playing with the accelerator?" Samba Xiu asked.

Yi Nengzhenmo lowered his head in embarrassment, as if he was worried that Samba Xiu would blame him, and said nothing.

However, it is a real good thing for the adventurer team that someone can wear the Todoroki suit. Akashi Akashi said: "Mamo was curious about my daily work, so I showed him the accelerator driver. He was curious to try it. He tried it and accidentally triggered the transformation function of the accelerator driver. Fortunately, his body could bear the load of the Todoroki suit. As for Clesiza, he also wanted to try it after seeing Zhenmo's transformation. After testing his physical data, he found that even if he couldn't wear it, he wouldn't suffer too much damage, so he agreed to try it. Unexpectedly, it was successful. "

"This, this is really an unexpected surprise." The corner of Makino Mori'o's mouth rose, extremely happy. He was just depressed that the Todoroki suit could not find the wearer, but he didn't expect that he would show up next time.

Samba Xiu looked at Ineng Zhenmo and Clesiza, who were a little guilty, and understood that Akashi Akashi's statement was just an embellishment, especially the part about Clesiza.

Most likely because they saw Inou Zhenmo and Akashi Akatsuki successfully dressing up, they became more competitive. After all, to Clesiza, one is his younger brother and the other is his rival.

However, Samba Xiu didn't bother to pursue these competitive little stories, as long as nothing happened to them.

Makino Morio looked at Clesiza with great enthusiasm and extended an invitation: "Mr. Clesiza, are you interested in joining the Todoroki Sentai Adventurers and engaging in the work of searching for and protecting secret treasures?"

Hearing this, Clesiza had a flash of emotion, but soon he looked at Sambaxiu and asked for Sambaxiu's opinion: "Leader, this..."

Although this loyalty is worthy of recognition, the person with a confused expression thought that he held some irreplaceable important position in the Hiyama Group.

Samba Xiu waved his hand: "As long as you are happy."

"Thank you, leader!" Clesiza looked surprised. First, she pursed her lips at Ineng Zhenmo with an expression of "I'm awesome." Then she glanced at Akashi Akashi, with a strong desire to win in her eyes. Finally, he looked at Makino Morio and said, "I am willing to join the adventurers."

"Great!" Makino Morio cheered.

Yi Neng Zhenmo was holding the accelerator driver with a confused look on his face. After raising his right hand to attract the attention of several adults, he pointed at himself and asked: "What about me? I also want to join the adventurers and join the work of protecting the secret treasure!"

Makino Morio squeezed out some apology, squatted slightly, and said to Inou Mamo: "Kid, this search for secret treasures is a very dangerous job, and it will take up a lot of your time. You are still a junior high school student, so the top priority should be to complete it. own studies.”

"I can drop out of school!" Yi Nengzhenmo said decisively.

Hearing this, Clessie snarled and said angrily: "You brat dare to drop out of school! What use can you do if you don't know anything?"

After all, he had been hanging out in the human world for a while, and Clesiza had some understanding of the importance of academic qualifications. He knew very well that if he hadn't been taken care of by Samba Xiu, he would have had to do odd jobs and there would be no way he could be as comfortable as he is now.

Therefore, after becoming the guardian of Yi Neng Zhenmo, the first thing he did was to find a way to send this brat to school to receive the baptism of knowledge.

However, Yi Nengzhenmo shouted: "I don't know anything! I am also a treasure hunter, and I know how to hunt for treasures!"

Hearing this, Clesiza finally understood: "Okay, how do you know about the legendary treasure hunter Eternal Fang? It turns out that you have been in the industry for a long time! So those bastards at the beginning were not What a human trafficker, this is the master who brought you in!"

Aware of Clesiza's anger, Yi Nengzhenmo also understood that his lies had been exposed. He suddenly felt guilty and his tone became a little weaker.

Witnessing this, Clesiza snorted without saying anything. She walked to the corner and sat down, feeling angry and sulking.

Akashi Akashi witnessed the quarrel between the two. Although he didn't understand why Clesiza suddenly became so depressed, he also disagreed with letting a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child join a dangerous treasure hunt, especially since he had just Almost losing his companion.

However, he was quite pleased that a child could have such a strong interest in treasure hunting. He walked up to Ino Mamo and advised: "Treasure hunting is not something that can be accomplished by passion and interest alone. Treasure hunting is a complicated matter. You need to have knowledge of geography, climate, humanities, and science. Otherwise, you will not be able to cope with the difficulties encountered in treasure hunting. You said you are also a treasure hunter, so you should also understand that many problems require specialized knowledge to solve. So I suggest you study hard first, and I will leave you a place in the adventurer."

At this moment, Ino Mamo was in a state of confusion. He looked at Cleciza from time to time, the man who was frustrated by his deception.

Samba Xiu glanced at Cleciza who was depressed in the corner, and said: "Hiyama Group does not employ child labor."

Hearing Samba Xiu's statement, Ino Mamo also understood how he should choose, and nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will join the adventurer after I finish my studies."

As soon as the voice fell, Cleciza's depression increased a bit.

He stood up and left the laboratory on his own.

Seeing this, Ino Mamo hurried forward, trying to catch up with Cressiza.

However, Sambashu raised his hand to stop him and shook his head at him.

To be honest, Sambashu didn't know what Cressiza was thinking, but he felt that it was better for him to go ahead instead of letting Ino Mamo follow.

"I'll go."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 190 Sambashu: When will I control the earth?

Cressiza didn't walk far, and Sambashu soon saw him sitting on the stairs at the corner of the stairs.

Hearing the footsteps, Cleciza didn't even turn his head, and said with a bitter tone: "Leader, I made you laugh."

Since the other party took the initiative to speak, Sambaxiu only needed to play the role of a listener. After answering, he sat next to Cleciza: "If you hold back what you want to say for too long, it will become a joke. If you have any dissatisfaction, just say it directly. Mood usually comes first."

Encouraged by Sambaxiu, Cleciza didn't speak immediately. He took a few deep breaths, restrained his emotions, and sorted out his words: "Leader, I am such a useless guy. I actually want to get a sense of accomplishment from a stinky kid."

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Some words are like water. The valve of the water tank, as long as you twist it hard, the pent-up emotions will pour out like water in the water tank: "But I am really useless, I don't have any special abilities, I can't sneak into the capital fire department like Li Gu Luo to control the city's emergency system, and I can't help you, leader, take over the power supply bureau like Doledorradar. I originally thought there was a Bakuda to accompany me, but that guy went undercover in the space police. I am the only one, like a useless mascot, doing the most basic sales in the Hiyama Group."

Cleciza's professional discrimination puzzled Samba Xiu, but what shocked him more was that he had instructed Li Gu Luo, Doledorradar and others to control the fire department and power supply bureau?

Although it is necessary to let Cleciza talk about his depression now, Samba Xiu should not interrupt, lest the other party's emotional gates that have been finally released be blocked by his words.

But Sambashu felt that it was necessary to clarify such a dangerous idea: "Whether it is Liguro, Doredorad, or even Neka who is now at the Earthquake Research Center, they all said they wanted to go there. I just helped to run it."

"Leader, didn't you say before that we should integrate into the human world and live a good life..." Clesiza was stunned for a moment, and then nodded as if he had figured something out: "I understand."

Then, Clesiza continued to talk about his own affairs: "In fact, I can more or less guess that the brat is not simple, but I can get a lot of praise and affirmation from him, so I ignored his past and used him as a tool to satisfy my vanity."

As he spoke, Clesiza's emotions gradually stabilized, and he sighed, as if he suddenly understood: "Yes, it's my problem. I shouldn't seek the affirmation of others just because I can't get your approval, leader. And I got inexplicably angry after not getting the admiration of others. That brat changed his mind because of a few words from Akashi Akatsuki, what's there to care about."

Obviously still You care a lot, right?

Hearing Cleciza's emphasis, Sambaxiu complained silently in his heart, but he did not speak to spoil the mood. Instead, he encouraged Cleciza after watching her gradually gaining motivation: "It's best if you think this way."

Cleciza suddenly looked at Sambaxiu with a firm and fiery gaze: "Leader, don't worry, I will definitely help you control the adventurers!"

"That's not necessary..." Sambaxiu subconsciously wanted to refute, but Cleciza was so excited that he was embarrassed to dampen his emotions, "Then keep going! "

Cleciza stood up, dusted off the dust on his body, clenched his fists, and said in a sonorous voice: "Leader, I will go to Akashi Akatsuki to learn from him and study the treasure hunt."

Looking at the self-healed Cleciza, Sambaxiu actually forgot why he came here just now. Feeling the coldness of the stairs on his buttocks, Sambaxiu's forehead was sweating: "So those guys think so?"

Sambaxiu didn't care what the scene would be like when Cleciza returned to the laboratory. He took out his mobile phone and opened the address book.

He paused before dialing the numbers of Liguro, Doredo Radar and others.

After thinking for a moment, he selected the contact information of Martial Arts and decided to learn from Martial Arts how to communicate with his subordinates before confirming the thoughts of Li Guluo and others, so as not to say anything in the communication later that might disturb Li Guluo and others. If there is a misunderstanding.

After all, Martial Arts seems to be running the company well, and most of his demons work in security companies. It seems that there is no misunderstanding of his words.

Moreover, as a good friend who knows everything about him, Martial Arts should be the best able to understand his plain pursuit of living a good life.

He dialed Wu Dao's phone number and conveyed his request for help: "Bu Dao, what do you think I should do to tell them that I didn't help them enter those departments to set up a shadow organization to control the entire human world behind their backs?"

But when Sangbasiu conveyed his doubts, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Wu Dao asked with some confusion: "So that's not what you meant?"

"How could I have that idea?" Samba Xiu was also confused. He suddenly realized that Martial Arts also had the same idea as Clesiza.

Wu Dao's tone was a bit sure: "You are learning beast boxing to increase your personal strength, and you are also expanding your business territory to control all walks of life. You really don't have such thoughts?"

"No, I just want to protect myself. Elise can testify to this, how dangerous the earth is."

Martial Arts' tone suddenly became relaxed: "Samba Xiu, are you kidding? We did this just to protect ourselves, otherwise we would have been cleared out by the Earth Defense Force. Besides, if you didn't have that What are you thinking about, so actively helping Anmaru gain reputation in the fire station? According to this trend, Anmaru may actually become a council member in a few years. Besides, I heard that Bakuda guy has already entered the Earth Agency..."

Sangbasiu could no longer hear what Budao said next, and he had no intention of listening. He had already put down his phone and fell into silent thinking.

After a while, he put the phone to his ear again, said a few words about Wu Dao and hung up the call.

Sitting on the cold stairs, Samba Xiu looked up at the spiral: "This has come to this, can't it stop?"

He raised his hand, gathered his fingers, and clenched them into a fist: "Then we have no choice but to go!"

The moment he made up his mind, an icon appeared in Sambaxiu's eyes.

There are only a few strokes in the small square, but it looks like a dragon soaring into the sky.

Then this special icon began to jump repeatedly in the BUFF column and DEBUFF column.

Even though Sambaxiu had long been accustomed to his gaudy vision, the icons flashing back and forth still made him dizzy.

He stretched out his hand and took the opportunity to poke hard at the corner of the BUFF column in his field of vision, trying to force the unstable icon to settle down.

To Sambaxiu's surprise, this special icon was actually fixed on the BUFF column, like a mosquito that had been swatted away.

【A strong dragon has regrets】

Staring at these few words, Samba Xiu guessed that he was probably looking directly at his fate.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 191 Bakuda’s little hands are not very clean

Samba Xiu's change of mentality was undoubtedly a result of the helplessness forced by the situation, but it was undeniable that at this moment, Sang Basiu felt more relaxed than ever before.

Clesiza eliminated his depression through self-analysis, and Sambasio eliminated his depression by sorting out the current situation.

If the previous Sambaxiu was a horse holding the reins, trying to tame himself to find the direction of life, then the current Sambaxiu is an eagle flying high, trying to control the overall situation to face the threat of death.

It's hard to say which of these two mentalities is better able to survive in this crisis-ridden world, but the latter is always more powerful.

Grandinu was probably the first to feel this power.

Just because in the chaotic space, Grandinu observed the stars of the disaster demon clan and found that a layer of dark clouds enveloped the entire starry sky.

Pluto, which was still bouncing towards Dolop's star from time to time, was shrouded by this layer of clouds, like a wooden stake hammered into the soil, motionless.

"According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before Gilfissa replaces me and becomes the true leader of the Disaster Demon Clan." Although Grandinu had made up his mind to transfer the star of Pluto to Dolop two days ago, but Just forcing Gilfissa to take over the command of the next few battles is really not a substantial action. "We must find a way to shake the Pluto Star. When the Pluto Star is slightly loosened, we can quickly move to Doro." On Pu!”

With this idea in mind, Grandinu came to the Palace of the Disaster Demon and came to Gilfisa, who was worrying about the next battle: "Gilfisa, get the remaining Disaster Beast cards you have."

Although as a filial son, Gilfissa had never disobeyed Grandinu's orders, but after taking out the few Disaster Beast cards he had left, he still asked: "Mother?"

Grandinu is an expert at playing the role of a loving mother. She wrapped the Disaster Beast cards with a ball of negative energy, and then frowned. A bloody energy seeped out from the negative energy group and soaked into these Disaster Beast cards: "Gill Fisa, as Pluto, you must achieve something, otherwise you will not be able to gain a foothold among the brothers. You are the child I admire most, and this strength is my recognition of you. Don’t let me down.”

Several cards of the Disaster Beast returned to Gilfisa's hands, trembling slightly.

Feeling the manic energy and high fighting spirit in the Disaster Beast Cards, Gilfisa was ecstatic: "Mother, I will respond to your expectations with victory."

However, what Gilfisa didn't know was that although his desire to attack the Disaster Beast was enhanced, his defensive instinct was greatly weakened.

Grandinu looked at Gilfisa who was overjoyed, nodded, and returned to the Chaos Space with satisfaction to continue observing the stars of the Disaster Beast Clan.

If it is said that Grandinu noticed the huge changes brought about by Samba Xiu's change of mentality by chance, then Wujianlong realized this completely because he cared more about Samba Xiu.

It was probably not long after Samba Shu said goodbye to Makino Morio and left the institute that Wu Jianlong discovered the deviation of Samba Shu's fate. The unprecedented ease and joy not only appeared on Samba Shu, but also reflected Wu Jianlong's heart at the moment: "It seems that the order between the little lion and the candidate should be exchanged."

Having said that, Wu Jianlong would not give up urging Rio.

He casually threw a spell at Rio who was still meditating to nourish his energy, and after ensuring that the other party would have a nightmare tonight, Wu Jianlong set off for Samba Shu's residence.

At the same time, in the deep and cold universe, in the boundless dark area, a mythical beast that maintained the balance between good and evil in the universe suddenly opened its eyes. It looked towards the direction of the earth, and then twisted its body to move towards the earth.


Samba Shu didn't know that he had only changed his mentality, and it caused such a big change before he took action.

He relaxed his mind and decided to face his fate. He slept well and contentedly. The next morning, he went to the Space Police Earth Department in high spirits to fulfill the agreement he had made with Dochikuruga.

Considering that the development of combat uniforms is mostly the work content of the Equipment Maintenance Department, Samba Xiu thought that it was a good opportunity to see how Bakuda was doing in the Space Police. If Bakuda was just messing around there, he needed to urge him now.

Thinking of this, Samba Xiu had unknowingly arrived at the door of Dochikuruga's office.

He pressed the doorbell, and after a "Come in", Samba Xiu pushed the door open.

Seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Dochikuruga showed a warm smile: "Mr. Hiyama, you came so early, I am really flattered."

"Isn't this to cooperate with your work?" Samba Xiu smiled and replied, then looked around the room and saw two familiar faces.

One is a support member of the future Tokusou Sentai Defective Ranger, and is also a special warrior of the Tokusou Sentai, a White Bird Swan who can transform into a Defective Swan.

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