The other one is Bakuda.

"Mr. Hiyama is here at the right time. Let me introduce you. This is Ms. Shiratori Swan. She is an outstanding scientist and engineer in the Space Police Organization. She is currently the director of the Logistics Department of the Earth Agency."

After introducing the White Bird Swan, Dochikuruga turned to Bakuda: "This person doesn't need any introduction from me. Mr. Bakuda used to be a subordinate of Mr. Hiyama, but currently Mr. Bakuda is an equipment refurbishment officer for the Earth Agency. The head of the department.”

"Section Chief?"

Good guy, Samba Xiu was originally worried that Bakuda would just fish out of his job in the Space Police and not make progress, but after not seeing each other for a few months, this guy has been promoted.

However, this speed is indeed a bit fast.

Seeing Samba Xiu's shock, Bakuda giggled sheepishly.

Dochikuluga, as if he wanted to rectify Bakuda's name, explained: "Mr. Bakuda's repair and reproduction skills are too good, and his promotion was approved by the headquarters. Like mine..."

As he spoke, Dochikuruga walked to his desk and pressed a button on the corner of the desk. There was a crack in the wall behind him, and then a piece of wall flipped over, revealing an empty shelf.

"Where's my sword?"

After a brief period of confusion, everyone present looked at Bakuda who was smiling stupidly.

White Bird Swan moved quickly, pulled open Bakuda's leather jacket, and took out two identical wolf-headed swords: "Bakuda, why haven't you gotten rid of your petty theft habit?"

Bakuda quickly pulled up his leather jacket, fearing that the other weapons hanging on the clothes would fall off, and then said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, seeing that the director didn't take care of his weapons so much, I felt itchy, so I kept them for the director first. for a while.”


Does everyone think that Sangpaxiu is very busy? I'm also worried that you might think he's too idle and keep finding things for him to do.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 192 The Shadow Sword has an excellent anti-theft mechanism

Dochikurujia reluctantly took a wolf-head sword from White Bird Swan and glanced at Bakuda with a bit of anger.

How much doting is there in the resentment?

Samba Xiu was shocked by his outrageous idea and clicked his toes to bring his thoughts back.

Then he saw Dochikuluga taking the wolf-headed sword and looking at it carefully for a moment. He then picked up another wolf-headed sword with a slight "squeak", looked at Bakuda, and asked for help: "Which one Did you copy it?"

Bakuda smiled honestly, glanced at the two wolf-headed swords, pointed at the sword in Dochikuruga's right hand and said, "This is it."

Seeing this, Dochikuruga handed back the long sword in his right hand.

Bakuda was about to reach out to take it, but Sambaxiu stepped forward, stood between the two, picked up the sword in Dochikuruga's left hand and stuffed it into Bakuda's leather jacket.

"Leader~" Bakuda said with a bit of dissatisfaction in a greasy manner.

Sambaxiu glanced at Bakuda's majestic face, suppressed the discomfort of goosebumps all over his body, and pointed at the sword in Dochikuruga's right hand: "It seems that I guessed right, the one on the right hand is the real thing. "

Hearing this, Dochikuruga was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled twice to resolve the embarrassment: "Now Mr. Hiyama should be able to understand why Bakuda's promotion is so fast. Although he has a little itchy hands, but His reproduction technology and repair technology are truly top-notch in the universe.”

Witnessing the infinite possibilities of his men once again, Sambaxiu teased: "So the armor of the Space Police is intended to be based on other people's excellent works."

Regarding this, as the boss of the Logistics Department of the Space Police Earth Agency, Shiratori Swan's attitude is very calm: "Only by incorporating the strengths of hundreds of experts can the future combat uniforms be adapted to different space environments. Working behind closed doors will only yield ridiculous products." ”

At this time, Dochikuruga had already shown a tacit understanding between Mirai and Shiratori Swan, and he answered naturally: "To be honest, in addition to Mr. Hiyama, we have also sent invitations to the Super Sentai on Earth. "

An invitation had been sent, it was a delicate wording.

Realizing that Sambaxiu was hesitant to speak, Dochikuruga was open-minded and confessed directly: "It's a pity that currently only a few super sentais under the Earth Defense Force share technology with us."

Sambaxiu smiled and stretched out his hand: "Then I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Dochikuruga's tone was filled with joy. He turned sideways and led Sambaxiu out of the office.

White Bird Swan and Bakuda followed closely behind.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the experimental site of the Equipment Repair Department, under the guidance of Shiratori Swan and Bakuda.

Sambaxiu walked onto a high platform, surrounded by large and small precision instruments, almost every one of which was equipped with a high-precision camera.

"Mr. Hiyama, please transform into a monster hunter."

Samba Xiu opened his palm, and the silver-white Shadow Sword appeared.

Bakuda's eyes lit up, and his eyes looking at the Shadow Sword were full of passion.

Sambaxiu naturally knew Bakuda's temperament, and looked at him angrily, then raised his sword of shadow and drew circles on his head.

After two rounds, the silver-white armor was placed on the upper body, and the sophisticated scanning instrument immediately began to record and analyze the armor.

To be honest, Sambaxiu came here just to be a model, but it was probably because the armor development process of the Space Police was really slow, so Sambaxiu was able to exchange such an "easy" job for a generous reward.

As night fell, Samba Xiu, who had released his transformation, was not in a hurry to leave.

After all, I had come here, and although I didn’t find any opportunity to remind Bakuda to work hard, there was still a Bucladesh in the Space Police Earth Bureau, so Samba Xiu took the opportunity to go and see the cute one. Little old man.

For some reason, Bukradis, who was sorting out documents for a certain clerk, looked a little strange when he saw Samba Xiu. He seemed to be a restrained and cautious father who wanted to help his daughter find out her preferences from the person she was interested in.

Seeing this expression, most of the insinuations that Samba Xiu had drafted in his mind immediately dissipated, leaving only doubts: "I said, old man, what is your expression? Why did you see Qihab's resentful spirit? "

Sambaxiu raised his hand and scratched his straight back, thinking: Could it be that he accidentally contaminated Qihab's ashes?

Sambaxiu's words made Bukradis a little less nervous. He smiled and said: "How can there be any resentful spirits in this world? They are just the fantasy of the miserable people when they are oppressed. How can you believe this?"

"and you……"

Bukradis took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and asked: "Sambaxiu, it will be the first anniversary of you saving me from Balban. Is there anything you want?"

"Hey~" Sambaxiu crossed his arms and looked up and down Bukradis with suspicious eyes. He couldn't believe what Bukradis would say at all. "I said, old man, you still have a sense of ritual." ”

"Humph, I am the most educated person among us, so I cannot let go of the etiquette I should have." This is an unconvincing excuse, but for some reason it is quite convincing when it comes from Bukradis. Perhaps it was because this little old man and the word "tsundere" went well together, "Tell me, do you have anything in particular that you prefer?"

Considering that it was an old man's wish no matter what, Samba Xiu calmed down his goosebumps and replied seriously: "My favorite things are obvious, firearms, motorcycles, etc. But I want those things myself. I’ll do it, old man, you’re a liberal arts student and you can’t understand this, just give me some ‘flashy’ decorations.”

"Decorations..." Bukradis fell into a scholar's unique contemplation. After a moment, his eyes flashed, "Okay!"

Sambasio was startled by Bukradis's surprise, but he didn't show it on his face. He calmed down and re-drafted. Sambasio said a few words that hinted at Bukradis's efforts to be promoted.

Afterwards, accompanied by Dochikuruga, Sambaxiu walked out of the door of the Space Police Earth Agency.

Just as they said goodbye to Dochikuruga, a loud noise accompanied by a violent explosion came from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp sound breaking through the air.

I saw the silver-white Shadow Sword emerging from the smoke of the explosion and drawing a beautiful parabola in the sky.


Straight in front of Samba Xiu.

Sambaxiu and Dochikuluga both looked at the location of the explosion, which was the Equipment Repair Section of the Space Police Earth Agency.

"Sorry, Director Dochikuruga, it seems that someone triggered the anti-theft mechanism of the Shadow Sword."

Dochikuruga looked up at the sky.

For some reason, Sangbasiu actually saw a little melancholy on this dog's face.

Then, the two of them said in unison: "I'll make you laugh."

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 193 The pure white feathers ignite Elise’s anger

In the Palace of the Disaster Demon, a dignified low pressure enveloped the heads of the Disaster Demon clan, including Grandinu, who had not yet recovered and possessed an entity.

"Gilphisa, you let me down."

Like a king troubled by the incompetence of his ministers, Grandinu stared condescendingly at Gilfisa, who was kneeling on one knee, with a cold and distant tone.

The sincere drama of brothers and sisters is played out every day in the Palace of Calamity Demons. As soon as Grandinu’s criticism came down, Dinas and Kebruda rushed to defend Gilfisa: “Mother, all of this It’s not Brother Gilfisa’s fault, it’s all the damn GOGOV who is so in the way!”

However, for Grandinu, who had already made up her mind to find trouble with Gilfisa, this trivial dissuasion could not change her mind: "Gilfisa, your lovely brothers and sisters are excusing your failure, do you also Do you think that the recent series of losses are all because of those hateful GOGOVs? As Pluto, I don’t think you will evade responsibility by saying cowardly words that disappoint me, right?”

Nearly a month has passed since Grandinu personally selected the general. Since then, Gilfisa has carried out four or five battles, but it is obvious that the battles have all ended in failure, otherwise the Calamity Demon Palace at this moment would be Another atmosphere.

"Please rest assured, mother, Gilfisa has never forgotten his defeat, nor will he make excuses for failure. I will go all out in the next battle." Gilfisa lowered his head and expressed himself with this humble attitude. of loyalty.

Grandinu stared closely at the Pluto's Star on Gilfissa's chest, briefly disappeared from the Calamity Demon Palace, returned to the chaotic space to observe the stars, and found that the Pluto's Star in the stars was still as stable as a mountain, she said calmly. A face returned to the Calamity Demon Palace.

"I have heard similar declarations several times. Every battle has not resulted in a huge defeat. Gilfisa, if you want to regain my trust, you should probably come up with some real materials."

Hearing these aggressive and harsh words, Gilfisa stood up with a sullen face, took out a black and gold card box, and took out three chapters of disaster monster cards with golden edges: "Mother, please allow me to use my trump card, from The Iron Cavalry of the Underworld.”

Grandinu's intention to exert such pressure was to force Gilfissa to take action in person, so that she could use the power of GOGOV to deal with Gilfissa and recover Pluto.

However, since Gilfisa has already pulled out his trump card, as long as this battle fails, Gilfisa will die according to his own vision.

So, Grandinu pretended to look forward to it and let out two chuckles: "Hoho, then I will look forward to your trump card."

Gilfisa nodded, walked solemnly to the Devil's Cave used to summon disaster beasts, threw three cards into the hole that looked like the bloody mouth of an evil ghost, and recited a strange spell: "Resurrection, underworld." Demon fighter!"

If Gilfisa had to cheer up because of Grandinu's criticism. So at this moment, in Elise's home, the hard work shown by Elise is because of Samba Xiu.

"The breath is wrong, and there is something wrong with the rhythm. Elise, please use the Exciting Armor again." Like a sports coach who is good at helping athletes polish the details, Samba Xiu carefully guided Elise to use the Exciting Armor. I don't know why, today's martial arts can summon their own ki beasts, but Elise can't even master the most basic ki armor. "This time I try to divide the ki in the body into three parts." Share, separate..."

Elise nodded and followed Sambaxiu's guidance to start another attempt at the Energetic Armor.

As Elise circulated the excitement in her body, a mysterious and seductive snake shadow appeared behind her. Gradually, several pieces of exquisite armor flew out from the snake shadow and attached to Elise's body. , and soon wrapped around Elise’s body.

Looking at the already-formed Exciting Armor, Sambaxiu smiled, and just as he was about to say some words of encouragement and comfort, the already formed Exciting Armor suddenly fell off from Elise's body, just like autumn. Like withered leaves.

"Why did it fail again?"

Elise was a little frustrated, and she gradually collapsed to the ground with sweat profusely.

It's no wonder that anyone who fails at something for more than ten days in a row will have such a decadent mood.

Let alone Elise, Samba Xiu couldn't figure it out. He and his martial arts practice were both very fast before, but how could it become so difficult for Elise here.

As the saying goes, "Those who are in authority are confused, but those who are onlookers are clear." At this moment, Ying Fei, who rarely spoke actively, reminded: "Maybe she needs some time to settle. I have checked the amount of aroused energy in her body and her control over the aroused energy. There is nothing wrong with her skills, but she has not been able to master such a simple skill as Qi Armor. It is probably because she is a little eager to succeed. You should give her some time and space to think, explore, and settle. "

Although Sambaxiu was not sure whether Yingfei's suggestion was effective, he might not have much choice at this moment. Nodding, Sambaxiu left the yard and walked into the house with silent steps, leaving Elise to have some solitude. of time and space.

Observing the interior decoration of Elise, Sambaxiu quickly passed away the entire afternoon.

Glancing at the darkening sky outside the window, Samba Xiu stood up and felt it was time to check Elise's results.

But when Sambaxiu opened the door and walked out of Elise's home, Sambaxiu saw Elise's body trembling unconsciously, and then he hurriedly hid something in himself. In loose practice clothes.

Samba Xiu didn't point out Elise's little moves like a strict teacher. Although this might mean that Elise was left alone for an afternoon and the other party did not spend her mind on practice, but practicing boxing was also necessary. For those who pay attention to the balance between work and rest, perhaps appropriate relaxation will also help to improve the state of mind.

But perhaps it was Samba Xiu's generosity that made Elise ashamed. She actually took out the object she was trying to hide from her training uniform, which was a feather-shaped brooch inlaid with a huge ruby, and handed it to Samba After repairing it, she confessed: "I'm sorry, Samba Xiu, I've been doing this all afternoon. This feather fell from the sky. It was quite beautiful, so I used it to make a brooch..."

Elise was still confessing, but Sambaxiu keenly captured the key word - "white feathers falling from the sky". He raised his head and glanced at the sun that was about to disappear on the horizon. Sambaxiu secretly said "No" and took the After picking up the feathers, he threw them into an open space in the yard.

Then, when the sun completely disappeared and darkness officially fell, a huge explosion occurred from that delicate brooch.

At the same time, Sangbasiu's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was the contact from the Xun world.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 194: Excited? Still angry?

When the communication was connected, Xun Shijie's anxious voice came from the mobile phone.

"Mr. Hiyama, the situation is urgent. Can you please go to the Z7 area to stop the disaster demon's attack? They were defeated. The GOGO bracelet was also seriously damaged. The protective suit cannot be worn, so we have to retreat first."

Although Xun Shijie sounded anxious, it was not difficult for Sangbasiu: "Okay, I'll rush over right away."

Samba agreed readily, so that his tone was a bit arrogant and confident. Xun Shijie quickly reminded him: "Mr. Hiyama, don't take it lightly. This time, the disaster beasts are different from the past. They are very powerful and there are three of them. So Mr. Hiyama just needs to delay as much as possible. There is no need to fight hard. I am developing new equipment now. When they repair the GOGO bracelet, I should be able to catch these three disaster beasts in one fell swoop."

Combining Xun Shijie's words and the white feathers that just caused the explosion, Samba can be sure that the disaster beast that caused chaos this time is Gilfisa's trump card - the Hades Demon Fighter.

Although this so-called trump card was not his opponent, Xun World had good intentions after all: "Don't worry, Dr. Xun World, I will pay attention."

Samba Xiu turned his body to look at the place where the explosion just happened, and saw that the ground and walls blackened by the explosion were embedded with tiny ruby ​​fragments. Putting away his mobile phone, Samba Xiu said with emotion: "The Hades Magic Fighters have appeared, so the plot of the Rescue Team is halfway through, and the day of the formation of the planetary cross is coming soon."

The Hades Magic Fighters are the trump cards in Gilfisa's hand. In the original plot, the appearance of these three monsters is a very important plot. It not only leads to the "sixth warrior" of the Rescue Team, but also opens the prelude to the death drama of Pluto Gilfisa.

Soon after the death of Pluto Gilfisa, the planetary cross was completely formed, and the disaster demon clan used the priest disaster demon beast left by Gilfisa to perform the ritual of resurrecting the great witch. However, due to the efforts of the Rescue Team, the ceremony failed to be successfully held, and the Great Witch Grandinu was finally resurrected in an incomplete form, that is, the lower body including both hands seemed to be poured into a gray cocoon by cement.

However, with Gil and Sambashu, reality will never follow the original plot: "Notify Gil so that he can prepare, and then find time to discuss with GOGOV not to block the resurrection of Grandinu. It's time to finish the story of "Rescue Team GOGOV" in advance."

Sambashu murmured in a low voice, and was about to leave, but saw Ilias walked to the place where the brooch exploded at some point, bending down to pick up the fragments of the ruby, with anger in her eyes.

Sighing, Sambashu wanted to say something comforting, but Ilias looked up at him and asked, "Sambashu, since you know that feather will explode, then you must know who did it, right?"

Sambashu nodded, "It was the Dark World Warriors of the Disaster Clan who did it. They are currently wreaking havoc in the Z7 area."

"Z7?" Ilias had only been to Bayshore Territory 55 once, and that was to rescue Sambashu who was trapped in the Disaster Space. Naturally, she didn't know where this place was. "Sambashu, take me there. I want to meet that Dark World Warrior!"

"Don't bother you to make the trip. I'll go there." Sambashu hoped that Ilias could use this momentum to practice.

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