“Isn’t it sad enough to be rejected by your own children?”

“Children and family members are just tools. Why should I care about the likes and dislikes of tools? If they are not suitable for use, I can just change them. What’s so sad about that?” Grandinu smiled and began to express his distorted view of family.

Sambaxiu also laughed. Sure enough, he had to rely on himself at the critical moment. Isn't this a good time to show his determination and show his idealism? "You guy, I won't allow you to tarnish the feelings between family members! Kil!"

With the experience of failure last time, Kil understood what he should say this time: "I will never allow you to use your brothers and sisters as tools! Grandinu, go to hell with your twisted ideas!"

With Kil's powerful roar, he and Sambaxiu engraved the positions they had when dealing with the Beast Demon King Germoa. After a little thought, Kil called out the name: "Witch Hunter Dark Sun!"

Sambaxiu followed closely: "Witch Hunter Shadow Moon!"

After calling out the name, Sambaxiu's ears once again rang the little song when he first transformed into a Beast Demon Hunter.

Looking at the extra icons in the BUFF column, Sambashu raised the Shadow Sword: "Attack and defense have changed, Grandinu!"

The Shadow Sword was like a leaking oil tank, and the sticky shadow power gushed out from it, corroding and replacing the surrounding gray negative energy smoke.

"What!" Grandinu didn't even have time to exclaim, and Kil swung the Dark Sword to kill him!

After barely dodging Kil's blade, Sambashu's Shadow Sword came again.

Grandinu was instantly dragged into the quagmire of close combat.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

The thunderstorm symbolizing the sky, the collapse of the earth, the huge waves from the ocean, the blazing flames and the erosion from darkness, even though Grandinu worked hard to perform various magics, he could not force Sambashu and Kil back like before.

With the blessing of the two gains of the roll call BUFF and BGM, Sambashu and Kil's tacit understanding reached a jaw-dropping level.

The dense sword light was like particles in a sandstorm, and like the splash of waves hitting the shore, which was unavoidable.

Soon, Grandinu's smooth body surface was covered with several wounds.

Blood and dust made Grandinu extremely embarrassed, and he had lost the proud attitude of an angel when he was just resurrected.

"Damn it!"

Grandinu suddenly released a huge amount of negative energy, and the underground space that had been punched out by the light column was completely opened like popcorn.

Then he immediately flew into the air, looked at Tina who was fighting with Ilias in the distance, and began to accumulate strength, preparing to give Sambashu and Gil a full-strength attack.

However, Sambashu and Gil just looked at each other, and the dark sword and shadow sword in their hands emitted dazzling light. Then the two took advantage of the protruding ground around them to take a few steps at a time, kicked hard, and jumped high.

Like a dragon emerging from the abyss, the two swords drew two meteor-like arcs in the air, piercing Grandinu's body one after another, leaving a huge "X" together.


Before Grandinu could release his final blow, he fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Such a big noise would hardly fail to attract the attention of others.

If it weren't for the obstruction of Wudao, Ilias and GOGOV, I'm afraid that Cobruda and others would have returned to the underground space to witness Grandinu's resurrection as soon as the light column disappeared.

Cobruda was shocked and surprised when he saw Gil holding the Dark Sword and fatally wounding his mother: "Brother Gil, what's going on? How did you, you..."

"You betrayed your mother!" Perhaps because the relationship between Salamandis and Gil was not that deep, or perhaps he was a heartless person, he was the first to recover from the shock, "Gil, you are a damn traitor!"

"How is this possible? How could Brother Gil be a traitor?" Tinas shook her head frantically, obviously unable to accept such a development.

Although Tinas was the first to notice Grandinu's ruthlessness in the original plot, it was in the later part of the plot, but now it is only in the middle of the plot, and Grandinu is still a loving mother in Tinas' heart.

"Sister, stop deceiving yourself. Kiel betrayed our mother and us!"

"Brother Kiel, why..."

Before she could finish her question, she felt a sharp pain in her head. After a scream, she fell backwards.

Kil was about to step forward.

But Cobruda was one step faster. He turned around immediately, took two blows from the martial arts, and rushed to the back of Tinas. He picked up his unconscious sister and said, "Traitor, get out of here!"

Kil was about to explain when she heard a shaking of the earth behind her.


Accompanied by Grandinu's shout, a teleportation vortex appeared behind Cobruda and Salamandis, and Grandinu, who had already fallen, became huge.

"Is mother going to cover our rear?" Salamandis was shocked, but the shock did not last long. He turned around decisively and entered the teleportation vortex.

Cobruda looked at the giant Grandinu, and Salamandis's guess kept echoing in his mind. He burst into tears and did not move.


Finally, it was Grandinu's call that made him walk into the teleportation vortex.


Cutting off the roots is one of the professional qualities of space pirates. No one needs to remind Budo and Elise to enter the teleportation vortex to chase the retreating Salamandis and others.

It's just that this teleportation vortex was obviously manipulated by Grandinu. Martial Arts, Elise and GOGOV were bounced far away just by touching it.

After being bounced away, Tatsumata struggled to get up and looked at his younger brothers and sisters and said, "Let's deal with Grandinu first, everyone."

But before Xunmao could call the emergency train, Kil's lost thoughts were awakened by the word "Grandinu": "GOGOV, leave Grandinu to me."

After saying that, Kil sighed, glanced at Samba Xiu, and recalled the opponent's posture of summoning the Exciting Beast: "Exciting Technique: Lai Lai Beast, Dark Beast!"

However, after the powerful shouts, nothing happened.

The gigantic Grandinu needed someone to stop it. Seeing that Kil couldn't summon the Energizer like Sambasho, GOGOV didn't care about embarrassing Kil, and immediately set off on the Extreme Victory Robot.

At the same time, Samba Xiu frowned and fell into thinking.

In the battle just now, Grandinu showed his true feelings, saying that he only regarded the child as a tool, but in the blink of an eye, the other party took the initiative to defend Salamandis and others. This was really too contradictory.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 208: Swallowing Stars, Shadow, and Usagi Sanku

The Extreme Victory Robot was officially unveiled ten days ago. Strictly speaking, this robot is still within the so-called "novice protection period." However, Grandinu is also the final boss of the drama "Emergency Sentai GOGOV", so he faces a unique situation. Due to Landinu's fierce attack, the Extreme Victory Robot quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Sambasio glanced at Kil, who was upset because of the delay in summoning the Energized Beast. Without saying anything, he summoned Daitanix and started to delay Kil's time.

"Why, why can't I summon the Excited Beast?" Kil was grateful for Sambaxiu's tacit understanding, but he also became more and more impatient.

Just when he still couldn't find the trick to the Exciting Technique Lailai Beast, a familiar voice came to his ears: "Little Kil, you can't use Beast Fist in a hurry. Only when you relax can you use the strongest move." fist."

"Master Hong Jinbao! Why are you here?" Kil looked at the voice and saw Hong Jinbao, whom he had not seen for a long time, smiling and holding a fishing rod, striding towards him.

"I felt your agitation, so I rushed over to take a look." Hong Jinbao raised his generous hand, patted Keir's face, and said, "If it's not to adjust your mentality, don't think about so many messy things. , concentrate and calmly feel the desire to fight in your heart.”

Under the guidance of Hong Jinbao's not-so-gentle but absolutely relaxed tone, Gere slowly closed his eyes, gathered his breath and concentrated, and gradually, a strong aura surged through his body.

A moment later, the shadow of a terrifying and ferocious monster appeared in the rising aura of flames. As the agitation grew, it continued to solidify, and finally turned into a huge agitated beast, standing in the city.

"Master Hong Jinbao, thank you."

After thanking him, Kil jumped up and merged with the Dark Beast.

"Sambaxiu, it's time to complete the final deal!"

Feeling the excitement in his body being drawn by Kil's high-spirited fighting spirit, Sambaxiu knew it was time to update his Geki Galaxing's weapons.

"Come together, Kil!"


With the two people shouting in unison, the agitated dark beast controlled by Geer began to separate and transform.

The ferocious head transformed into a helmet, the broad back transformed into wings, the thick torso was divided into four parts into calf armor and insoles, the hill-like lower body transformed into skirt armor, and the tentacles used for movement transformed into four parts. A pair of long swords of different sizes were hung on both sides of Galactus.

At this point, the combination of Galactus and Shadow is completed.

Martial Arts looked at the agitated Star Swallowing Shadow who had completed the fusion and was fighting with Grandinu, with a complicated expression on his face: "Why did you suddenly fuse together?"

Elise was still patting the corners of her clothes that were stained by smoke and dust due to the bounce, and curled her lips and said: "Isn't it normal to fit together? What's the big fuss? It's not like they haven't fit together before."

"Huh?" Wu Dao was attracted by these words and asked with a frown, "Have you ever merged with Samba Xiu?"

"Do you want to hear what you are asking?" Elise paused as she patted her clothes. "It's just the fusion of the Excited Beasts. Haven't you seen the news before? Twelve days and seven hours 2 That happened thirteen minutes ago.”

Wu Dao was choked by Elise's excellent memory: "It doesn't have to be so specific."

Then he stopped talking and just watched in silence as Sambaxiu and Kil worked together to defeat the gigantic Grandinu.

Hong Jinbao, who was also watching the battle, suddenly looked around, and after a moment he muttered to himself in confusion: "The flash of Lin Qi? Is Xiao Liyang doing some tricks again?"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Although Kebruda and Salamandis, who were holding Tinas, entered different teleportation vortexes, they met in a dark and narrow corridor after a while of spinning.

The two looked at each other first, and after sensing confusion in each other's eyes, Salamandis was the first to speak: "Brother Kebruda, do you know where this is?"

Kebruda shook his head and pointed ahead with his eyes: "Where there is light, walk along that way."

Salamandis nodded, glanced at Tinas in Kebruda's arms, a trace of awe flashed in his eyes, and then spontaneously walked in front, acting as a pioneer to explore the path.

But after taking a few steps, there was a figure in the bright light in the distance, vague and moving.

It looked like he was waving over here again.

"It looks familiar..."

While Salamandis was confused, a familiar voice came from a distance: "Lord Salamandis, this way!"

"It's Pierlu." Kebruda recognized the old butler's voice and breathed a sigh of relief.

Salamandis also quickened his pace, and soon he and Kebruda passed through the long corridor and arrived at the light.

"Pierre, here..." After passing through the corridor, what they saw was not the open hall, but the slightly cramped cave. Seeing the devil's mouth used to summon disaster beasts placed in the corner, Sa Lamandis already had a rough guess in his mind, "Is it the new stronghold of the Disaster Demon Clan?"

Pierlu heard Salamandis' frustration and saw Kebruda's shock. Although he didn't want to admit it, he could only nod his head: "Yes, Master Grandinu learned that Kil After his betrayal, he was worried that the location of the Calamity Demon Palace would be exposed, so he used magic power to temporarily create the Calamity Demon Cave. In the next period of time, he might have to wrong a few adults. "

"Are you kidding? It's such a small place, let alone a room, it doesn't even have a bed!" If he hadn't been holding the unconscious Tinas, Kebruda would have wanted to punch the mountain wall to vent his anger. The inner dissatisfaction, "Pierre, as a housekeeper, don't you know how to prepare a place for Tinas to rest?"

Hearing this, Pierlu apologized while looking at Kebruda and Tinas in his arms with a strange expression.

Kebruda was a little angry at such a look, and he frowned, about to get angry.

"Kebruda, let me down, I'm fine." Dinas suddenly opened her eyes and said in a cold tone.

Tinas's attitude made Kebruda feel strange, but he still put her down gently and helped her until she stood firm: "Tinas, how are you, how do you feel..."

Kebruda was asking Tinas how she felt when Salamandis suddenly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Greetings to my mother, I really admire my mother for her ingenuity and escape from death. "

"Mother...Mother?" Kebruda was so dizzy by Salamandis's words that she couldn't react for a moment.

Fortunately, Grandinu didn't care about Kebruda's stupidity, but said happily: "Forget the compliments, it's just a piece of trash dropped casually with the mentality of using waste, but I didn't expect it to become a good thing." Damn it, Kil, I had to adapt to Tinas's weak body, but it's not a big problem, I just need to use negative energy to make some changes..."

After hearing this, Kebruda was sure that the person in front of him was no longer his sister Tinas, but his mother Grandinu. He quickly knelt down: "Mother, that Tinas... "

"Tinas..." Grandinu obviously didn't expect that in this situation of escaping from death, Kebruda would still care about others. After being stunned for a moment, with the purpose of stabilizing Kebruda, She said, "I temporarily borrowed her body and sealed her soul. I will leave when the body is reshaped."

"Huh..." Kebruda breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that his lovely sister would never come back.

"Then our next goal is to find materials for reshaping your body, Mother?" Salamandis asked tentatively.

Grandinu shook his head and said: "No, negative energy is the best material. Next, you should do the same as before, find a way to make the earth a human hell and collect negative energy for me."

"Mother, then leave it to me!" Kebruda decisively recommended himself.

Grandinu was a little disgusted with Kebruda. Although he did not show it in his expression, the disdain in his eyes could not be hidden: "Leave the matter of collecting negative energy to Salamandis. You are on standby and waiting. I’ll give you the mission when I get back.”

"Mother, are you going out?" Kebruda stood up, "Tinas's body..."

Grandinu was slightly displeased and said in a cold voice, "I went out this time just to repair Tinas' body."

Kebruda nodded quickly: "Mother, please be careful."

Grandinu ignored it and disappeared immediately.

Salamandis stood up slowly, looking at the back of Kebruda who was hesitant to speak, with a hint of ridicule on the corner of his mouth.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 209 You are not Tinas

After defeating the gigantic Grandinu, things came to an end briefly.

Although Sambaxiu instinctively believed that there was something very fishy about Grandinu's generous death, and wanted to track down Salamandis and others who left the battle midway, Elise tried her best and failed. Can capture the slightest flow of magic power.

Apparently since Elise found her hometown once, Grandinu has iterated on her own teleportation magic. In addition to the most basic teleportation function, it also has a finishing function.

It is a classic example of "once bitten by a snake, fear of well ropes for ten years".

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