"I always feel that the matter is not over yet, Disphias, are you sure that Grandinu is dead?" Sambaxiu sat on the sofa on the first floor of his house, and made the final confirmation to Disphias with a serious expression.

Disphias nodded vigorously and said with great certainty: "I watched closely. Even though everyone's attention was diverted because of the woman's coma, I kept watching Grandinu. I can be sure that Grandinu was killed by you, the leader, and Mr. Kiel as soon as he was resurrected."

"An ominous premonition," Sambaxiu regretted that he was just staring at Grandinu like Disphias. If he could pay attention to other people in the disaster clan at that time, maybe he could figure out what happened. "By the way, Kiel, did you find the amethyst?"

"No, I rushed to the chaotic space as soon as I dissolved the fusion, and there was nothing there," Kiel shook his head and gave his own guess after thinking for a moment, "Maybe it was taken away by Salamandis, who is the new leader of the disaster that Grandinu believes in. Maybe the amethyst was taken away by him."

"Amethyst, what amethyst?" Ilias has always been very interested in topics related to gems, and asked repeatedly.

But until now, Samba Xiu didn't know how to confess to Wu Dao, Ilias and others that he had a child.

Naturally, facing Ilias's questioning, he hesitated and didn't know how to start.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Wu Dao spoke up to save the situation: "So the key now is to find that Salamandis, Ilias, your tracking magic..."

"I tried it, but it didn't work. The big witch is really good at cleaning up the mess. I almost scraped the ground clean yesterday, but I couldn't feel the flow of magic power. If the guy's body tissue, maybe I can try again." Ilias looked at Kil.

Kil shook his head and spread his hands helplessly: "It seems that my undercover work is not done well enough."

No one responded to Kil's self-deprecation, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

Fortunately, Sambashu reacted quickly and did not let the silence last too long: "Yesterday, it was mainly GOGOV who fought against Salamandis. There should be some Salamandis tissue samples left on their weapons. I will contact Dr. Xun World. Then, Ilias, you and I will go together."

After that, Sambashu took out his mobile phone and called the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center. After informing him of his request, he straightened his sleeves and stood up.

Ilias thought Sambashu was about to leave: "Leaving now? I have to go to the store to explain first..."

Sambashu waved his hand, pointed at Kiel and said: "Dr. Xun World still needs to repair the Extreme Victory Robot. He probably has no time in the next few days. I will take Kiel to familiarize himself with the environment of the company and the factory."

Although some situations are still unclear, the transaction between Sambashu and Kiel has been completed, and the contract that Sambashu must help Kiel kill Grandinu has also dissipated. Naturally, Kiel should also fulfill his obligations.

"You are so anxious, you are a money-grubber." Iris curled her lips in disappointment.

Sambaxiu did smile calmly and replied, "We are the same."

"Okay, I have something else to do in the store, so I'll go back first." Iris snorted at Sambaxiu, and with a bit of a competitive meaning, she got up and left first.

Disphias followed closely, but before leaving, he bowed slightly to Sambaxiu.

So at this moment, besides Sambaxiu and Gil, there was only Wudao left in Sambaxiu's house.

"Sambaxiu, do you have a place for Gil?"

"No, he will stay in my house for a while, just like you did before. After he adapts to the rhythm of the factory, I will find him a new place to live."

"I understand." Wudao said nothing more and left the room directly.

Gil looked at Wu Dao's back as he left, and said with a little puzzlement: "Wu Dao seems a little difficult to get along with."

Samba Xiu argued for his friend: "He is cold on the outside but warm on the inside."

Kil nodded and said nothing more.

However, at this moment, the fist demon bracelet on Samba Xiu's wrist trembled slightly, and then Ying Fei's slightly melancholy voice came from it: "Now my progress has really become the slowest. I say Samba Xiu, why don't you switch to practicing the beast fist now, while those two are just a little bit of a sign, we will directly overtake them."

"Beast fist?" Gil was surprised.

Samba Xiu shook his hand expressionlessly and smiled: "Don't worry, anyway, I am afraid of death and will not seek death."

Kil chose to believe Samba Xiu and nodded.

"Let's go to the garage, I will take you to the factory to understand the specific work content, and you can also let those dark dead start working as soon as possible."

Pushing open the door of the garage, Samba Xiu sat in the main driver's seat, and just fastened the seat belt, the phone rang.

He looked at the incoming call, and it was the Xun World he had just contacted.

"Mr. Hiyama, Tinas of the Disaster Clan appeared in the business center of Maruyama District. I will ask Chan and the others to evacuate the surrounding onlookers. You and Mr. Kiel go there first."

After thanking Kiel to Xun World, Samba started the car.

On the way, Samba explained to Kiel about Tinas's appearance in the human world. Kiel, who was originally smiling, instantly changed his face to another one, full of tension and anxiety.

Sambaxiu knew that Kil didn't know how to face Tinas, but he didn't know how to persuade her. He could only silently play the role of a coachman and send Kil to Tinas.

At this moment, Tinas, or rather Grandinu, was surrounded by GOGOV, and her whole person showed a pitiful sense of vulnerability.

The clothes on her body were in tatters, and there were several bloodstains and scratches on her fair skin. Her whole body was dusty, as if she had been kicked and rolled on the ground.


Hearing Kil's nervous shouting, Xunliushui felt Kil's anger and quickly explained: "She looked like this when we saw her. We don't know what happened to her."

Thanks to Xunliushui's timely communication, there was no unnecessary misunderstanding between Kiel and GOGOV.

He rushed to Grandinu in one stride. The possible embarrassing scene in front of his injured sister had already been forgotten by Kil: "Tinas, what's going on with you?"

"Traitor, get out of here!" Grandinu let out a sincere roar, and then began to sob softly, "Brother Kebruda..."

"What's wrong with Kebruda?" The embarrassed sister was enough to arouse Kil's concern, not to mention that his brother seemed to have encountered something unexpected, so Kil was naturally more and more panicked.

"Brother Kebruda was killed by Salamandis. Salamandis planned to use a sacrifice to resurrect my mother. He originally wanted to use me as a sacrifice, but brother Kebruda wanted to save me. quilt……"

Having said this, there is no need to say more about the fate of Kebruda in Grandinu’s mouth.

"Is Salamandis crazy? For a mother like that, he actually sacrificed his brothers and sisters!" Kil clenched his fists and asked hurriedly, "Tinas, take me to find Salamandis. To avenge Kebruda."

"The current stronghold of the Disaster Demon Clan is the Disaster Demon Cave, which is always moving. Without the guidance of the butler Pierlu, there is no way to go back." Naturally, Grandinu could not tell Kil about his last stronghold, so he He said what he had already prepared.

But Grandinu's words did not dissuade Kiel from his determination.

Kil turned around and looked at Sambaxiu: "Hiyama, let Elise try to find the Disaster Demon Cave with Tinas."

Faced with Kiel's proposal, Sambaxiu said nothing.

He slowly stepped forward and came behind Grandinu, drew out his Shadow Sword, and placed it on her neck.

"Hiyama, what are you doing!" Kil said quickly, fearing that Samba Xiu's trembling hand would add another blood stain to his sister.

However, Sambaxiu ignored Kil's shout and just asked solemnly: "You are not Tinas, who are you?"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 210 The daughter who prefers her father

"Hiyama, what are you talking about? Of course she is Tinas!" Kil, who was overwhelmed by anger, didn't have much brain capacity to think carefully about the questions raised by Sambaxiu.

Sambaxiu cast a helpless and disgusting look at Kil: "Both Cobruda and Tinas that I know are loyal to the great witch Grandinu like a fanatical believer. If they sacrifice They can exchange for the lives of Grandinu or Gilfissa. They will never look back. How could such a dispute break out? Kil, think carefully about your time as an undercover member of the Disaster Demon Clan and what they showed. The passion cannot be extinguished by death."

Sambaxiu's words were like clearing the clouds and clearing away the little thoughts and worries caused by impulsiveness. Thinking carefully about the almost foolish loyalty shown by the disaster demon brothers and sisters in their previous relationship, Keir hesitated: "This..."

Seeing this, Sangbasiu quickly added: "Besides, the disaster demon clan has many means of resurrection. Even if there are many means that require sacrifices, they will not target their own brothers and sisters."

After hearing this supplement, Kil's eyes looked at Grandinu with only vigilance and anger: "Who are you? Why do you want to occupy Dinas's body?"

Grandinu was too lazy to answer Kil's question. This careless eldest son was not the target of her trip, but Sambaxiu was.

She turned around slowly, letting the sharp sword cut through the delicate skin and squeeze out dazzling blood.

"As expected of you, my dear. You are so smart. It seems that I don't have to worry about our children becoming as stupid as their elder brothers."

"You are Grandinu!"

The short two-sentence conversation left onlookers stunned.

Fortunately for Kiel, after all, he knew something about Sambaxiu being attacked by Grandinu at night, and he also knew that the crystallization of sin had arisen between them.

But this was a bit of a shock to GOGOV, especially the Sunda Festival. The face under the helmet was full of astonishment, and the slightly opened mouth wanted to repeat Grandinu's words such as "dear" and "child". Keywords, but found that he had lost his mind and voice due to shock.

She wanted to turn her attention to Samba Xiu, trying to make Samba Xiu feel her helplessness and doubts, so as to get an answer.

It's just that now is not a good time for Samba Xiu to explain the cause and effect. She also knows that she is not qualified to ask for such an explanation. She can only follow her four equally surprised brothers and act as a qualified spectator.

I saw that after Sambaxiu understood the identity of the person in front of him, he did not hesitate at all and used force decisively, intending to seize the opportunity to behead Grandinu and not give the other party a chance to use his conspiracy.

But Sambaxiu underestimated Grandinu's ruthlessness. Faced with the sharp sword of shadow, Grandinu did not dodge, but strode forward and came directly in front of Sambaxiu, allowing the sword of shadow to attack him. Most of her neck was scratched.

"Dear, you know what? Our child said she misses you very much."

After saying that, he opened his arms like a crab's claws and clamped down on Sambaxiu's neck, making his body fit tightly against his.

The next second, a turbid and disorderly light flashed across Grandinu's exposed lower abdomen.

Her navel turned into a counter-clockwise rotating and ever-expanding vortex, swallowing Samba Xiu up like a black hole in an instant.



Things happened too fast. By the time Kiel and GOGOV reacted, Grandinu had already touched his belly and showed a satisfied smile.

"Only by devouring the father's body can we give birth to better offspring. My dear, I can't favor one over the other, otherwise my previous husbands will be miserable in hell."

Hearing Grandinu's soliloquy, Kilden immediately understood the other party's dirty and shameless plan: "Grandinu, you are using Tinas's body to give birth to that evil embryo!"

"It's just recycling, otherwise why do you think I would keep a waste that has lost most of its magic power?" Grandinu said, glancing at Kil with a sneer, "Speaking of which, if it weren't for your big brother's awesome power, If my body is destroyed, why should I use this useless body?”

"You despicable bastard, get out of Tinas's body!" Kil drew out the Sword of Darkness, eyes rising with anger, staring at Grandinu's chest.

Kil's hands holding the sword were like tight bowstrings, as if the sword might be thrust out like an arrow at any time.

Grandinu glanced at the tense-looking Kil with contempt: "Huh, so what if I leave Tinas's body. Her soul has been crushed by me, and she can't come back!"

"Beast!" Although Kil was unwilling to accept this cruel fact, he knew that Grandinu could do such a crazy thing. He couldn't bear it. He exerted force with both arms, and the sword came out like the wind, flying towards Grandinu's body at high speed. Go away with your heart.

However, Grandinu was unhurried and patted his slightly bulging belly: "It's okay to come, but it won't kill three people."

Kil could ignore the original owner of this body and the unborn child, but he could not give up the devoured Sambaxiu.

He could only stop his sword, suppress his anger out of unwillingness, and calm down to think of a way to rescue Samba Xiu.

"Hahaha," Grandinu looked at the aggrieved Kil, feeling extremely happy in his heart, "Kiel, there is not much time left for you. You must know that my digestion ability is very strong. Although Tina Si's body is a little worse in this regard, but it will probably only take ten minutes. Then you can only wait for me to give birth to the child and trace his figure in that child. "

After saying that, Grandinu continued to laugh wildly and waved her hand: "I am satisfied with your ugly appearance. It is time to return to the Calamity Demon Cave to prepare for pregnancy."

Just when Grandinu was about to summon a teleportation vortex to send himself back to the Calamity Demon Cave.

A pain started in the lower abdomen and quickly spread throughout the body.

Grandinu couldn't help but bend down and cover his belly.

Then a stream of light was seen emerging from Grandinu's lower abdomen, flying into the air, and turning into a human form.

It’s Samba Xiu!

"Hiyama!" Kil was overjoyed, and immediately raised his sword and stabbed Grandinu, who was bending down.

Without any worries, he used ruthless moves to hit Grandinu's vitals.

Samba Xiu followed closely and took out the Shadow Sword.

Seeing that the two of them were going to cooperate tacitly and reenact a witch hunt, Grandinu had no choice but to resist the chaotic sword moves, summon a teleportation vortex, and flee the scene in a hurry.

Seeing Grandinu's figure disappearing into the whirlpool, Kil sneered and raised his hand: "Idiot, what can you do if you escape?"

"Can you catch up with her?" Sangbasiu was a little curious.

"No, but don't forget, I had a backup plan in that embryo. If I detonate that embryo now, even if Grandinu is lucky enough to survive, her plan will fail."

After saying that, Keir raised his hand and waved it down vigorously.

However, Sambaxiu raised his hand and grabbed Keir's wrist: "Don't do it yet."


"Kiel, that kid sent me out."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 211 Martial Arts is not a person who does not understand love

In the corridor outside the Calamity Demon Cave, Grandinu covered his lower abdomen and carefully explored the situation around the amethyst embryo: "Damn it, I actually let that guy Sambaxiu escape. There have been no accidents so many times before. Why?" This time alone..."

Suddenly, Kebruda's panicked voice came to his ears: "Mother, why are you injured like this?"

Grandinu, whose thoughts were interrupted, naturally had no good feelings toward Kebruda. He shook off the other person's hand that was trying to support him, and said angrily: "I met Kiel when I went out this time, and he ruined my plan."

"Is it the traitor Kiel who hurt my mother like this?" Kebruda's unquenched anger surged up again, and he said angrily, "Mother, please allow me to deal with this traitor for you."

"Kebruda, don't show your loyalty with empty promises. You know very well that you are no match for Kiel." Grandinu glanced sideways at Kebruda, too lazy to talk to this stupid son any more. say what.

Going around the other party, she walked into the Calamity Cave and used magic to open up a new space in the cramped cave.

Obviously, this was a private room she prepared for herself.

"Pierre, I'm injured and need to recuperate. The care of the Calamity Cave is left to you."

After receiving the master's order, Pierre did not dare to delay and nodded repeatedly.

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