Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1122: Heavy hand

Reference 1122

"I don't want to hear gunshots."

Erger said indifferently that he didn't want to be too involved in the contest or temptation between Zhang Feng and Pedro. But what he meant is already obvious, that is, the two sides are not allowed to use weapons.

Although the soundproofing effect of the room is very good, the gunshots will still be heard. Saying the same is also an indirect explanation of whose territory is here.

This is my site for Erger. You must have a bottom line for how you two are arguing. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. This is Erger's voice-over.

Both Zhang Feng and Pedro understood what he meant.

Zhang Feng sneered and laughed: "Caldera, have fun with Mr. Pedro's brother. By the way, don’t start with too much weight." That’s how it is said, but the word'heavy' is in the mouth. The bite was heavy at the time, and the meaning is self-evident.

Pedro sneered twice and ordered a bodyguard to come out.

Caldera and Pedro's bodyguards stood opposite each other. It was obvious that Caldera was almost able to fit each other in, and the two were not of the same size.

After all, Caldera's height is about two meters, and with the strong muscles, the whole person looks like a humanoid beast.

It was the bodyguard greeted by Pedro, who was less than 1.9 meters tall, and his muscles did not look particularly strong under the suit.

But everyone at the scene understood that since Pedro greeted him, there must be a spectrum in his heart.

Caldera touched his bald head and licked his lips with his tongue, looking extremely bloodthirsty.

He didn't pay attention to any strategy and then rushed towards the opposite man with a sneer.

The violent explosive power broke out at a terrifying speed in an instant, and almost rushed in front of the opponent in the blink of an eye, without any moves, directly holding his shoulders and slammed into the opponent.


The man in front of Caldera sneered abruptly. With a flick of his wrist, a dagger fell out of his cuff and held it in his hand, slamming it straight towards Caldera!

Sinister enough!

Zhang Feng's eyes suddenly tightened, and then he relaxed again.

Pedro had a sneer of conspiracy at the corner of his mouth. No matter how strong he was, he could only be slaughtered with bare hands.

Caldera also frowned. He didn't expect the other party to use weapons, but at this time there was no time to think about other things.

Of course, he didn't think that the opponent could injure himself with a weapon.

After all, the gap between the two people... is too big!

Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce his body, Caldera's forward body suddenly slammed to one side, and he was able to dodge.

The man in front of him had an expression of disbelief, and he was able to dodge over such a critical gap.

How can this be?

Nothing is impossible! If you are a normal person, it is impossible to control your body to make dodge movements under such inertia. But Caldera, who has undergone physical changes, can especially be judged by ordinary people!

After dodging, Caldera's fist was constantly enlarged in the man's eyes.


After a brief and intimate contact, the man's head leaned back, and the whole person was more like a kite with a broken line flying upside down, leaving a burst of blood in the air.

"Stop!" Pedro suddenly stood up from the sofa and roared coldly.

He didn't even think that his people would pull out their daggers, and he had no choice but to get the opponent, but instead he took a punch.

You must stop, or if the opponent pursues the victory, it is very likely that your own life will be lost.

These bodyguards were all cultivated by him with a lot of manpower and material resources, but they were all on the tip of his heart and could not be lost.

I don't know if Pedro's words worked, or how Caldera thought, he didn't have any idea of ​​chasing after him. After knocking the man into the air with a punch, he sneered twice, and walked back behind Zhang Feng casually.

In addition to Caldera himself, there were two other people present who knew why he would come back on his own. These two people are Zhang Feng and Siljava.

Because I heard Pedro's roar? Definitely impossible. Because apart from Zhang Feng, no one can order Caldera.

The real reason is that one punch is enough and there is no need to chase.

At this time, Pedro's other bodyguards also walked to the man who fell on the ground, their expressions all changed.

The man who fell on the ground had his entire cheek sunken in, and blood was overflowing from his nostrils, ears, and eyes.

After taking a breath, he was out of breath and died.

You should know that the average thickness of the human skull is more than 5 millimeters, and the thickest part can even reach one centimeter, which is the hardest bone on the body. But even so, under Caldera's punch, the entire skull was completely deformed and shattered, showing how terrifying Caldera's power is.

Moreover, when Caldera punched, he was not doing his best. He forcibly dodged his body at the moment of his death, and hurriedly punched out. It was so terrifying!

This time, let alone Pedro, even Erger, who was sitting upright, was shocked.

The two of them were completely shocked, their eyes turned from Caldera's face to Zhang Feng's face.

"Caldera, didn't I tell you not to make heavy moves?" Zhang Feng said harshly.

Caldera rubbed his head awkwardly, and said, "I didn't use any force either, his head is too soft..."

That being said, it sounds like there is a sense of selling well after getting cheaper.

Zhang Feng laughed dryly, looked at Pedro and said with a smile: "Mr. Pedro, you see me also missed. Hey, I think we might as well just talk about cooperation?"

The corners of Pedro's mouth twitched twice. After testing, he felt that the smiling person in front of him became more and more unfathomable. He wanted to kick Zhang Feng away and directly talk to Erger. The idea of ​​cooperation was completely dispelled.

Where is Erger? In my heart, I felt slightly fortunate. Su Chuan is Zhang Feng, and the stronger the strength he shows, the better. Just like what Zhang Feng said, the relationship between two people has long been both prosperous and both prosperous.

"About cooperation..."


Cooperation matters are easy to negotiate, after all, with Erger in it, doing a lot of things will get great convenience.

Without further ado, after Pedro left the police station with a gloomy face, he began to set up.

Zhang Feng also took Caldera and Siljava back to the Mid-Levels Villa.

The white impermanence special forces scattered and hidden in the dark all returned separately.

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