Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1123: Start of cooperation

Chapter 1123

After Zhang Feng and Pedro left with their own people, Estun appeared in front of Erger.

Erger still stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking into the distance, and did not turn his head back, but directly asked, "What are your thoughts?"

Eston walked to the back of Erger and stood still, and said very calmly: "Su Chuan? This person is so hidden that people never know what he is thinking, and can't see through. It's Pedro instead. , Deliberately made a domineering posture to conceal his fear. Compared with Su Chuan, the two people are not on the same level."

Erger nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Eston's statement.

"Yeah! This Su Chuan is too unfathomable! Don't talk about him, even the two people with him are really terrifying! By the way, how is the investigation? There is still no result. ?"

Hearing this, Estun shook his head slightly, and said, "No result! This Su Chuan appeared suddenly, and no background of him was investigated. Only one thing was revealed, and that was his entry into Mexico City. Information, nothing else."

"Could it be that such a big living person still appeared out of thin air?" Erger muttered to himself, and then asked: "Eston, you said Su Chuan would take two people with you, don't you be afraid? Really? Is it so confident? Or did he also sit and arrange, but we didn't find it?"

Hearing this question, Estun frowned, "I don't know!"

"Oh, I hope he really made the arrangements, so that at least it proves that his confidence is disguised. The acting is so good that we didn't see it. But if he didn't make any arrangements, he would take two people like this. Walking in swaggeringly, what does that mean? It shows that he is really confident!" Urger said.

Estun did not answer the conversation, because he didn't know what to say, and in retrospect he saw every scene of Zhang Feng. He found that everything this man did, and even every expression on his face, was extremely perfect. But there is no perfect thing in this world, and naturally there is no perfect person. That can only mean that you have not seen the other party at all, or that the other party is hiding too deeply.


The darkness gradually enveloped Mexico City. In such a night, a team of people took advantage of the cover of the night and began to act.

The cooperation between Cerza and Sanefo had just been reached, and they had not had time to start, but they did not expect that their target Pedro's people would come directly to the door.

The intelligence is from Erge!

As mentioned earlier, who knows the most in this Mexico City? Erger!

He holds the police in Mexico City under his hand, and every policeman does not know how many informants he holds. In addition, he may also call official sources of intelligence, such as cameras scattered on the street, and the telecommunications department must also cooperate with him.

Combining Pedro's own intelligence sources, Cerza and Sanefo seem to be hidden deep enough in Mexico City, but in fact every move is seen.

The plan is to eliminate the forces of Cerza and Sanefo a little bit, just like boiling a frog in warm water, and will not cause the other party to be overly alert. When they notice it, it is too late to struggle.

Overnight, the smell of blood permeated the city. I don't know how many people lost their lives in such a long night.

Of course, the only people who can feel this blood are those who rely on the chaotic underground world of Mexico City to beg for food. As for the civilians, they didn't notice anything, because no more than five minutes after Pedro's men started, the police from Mexico City rushed to quickly deal with the dead body and control the scene.

Wait until dawn, the red sun is rising, everything that happened last night was cleaned up, as if nothing had happened.

This kind of thing lasted for three full nights, and Cerza and Sanev finally noticed something was wrong.

Originally, they were only because Pedro noticed that the two people started to join forces, and thus carried out an act of revenge. But who knows that in just three days, they almost lost a fifth of their manpower.

You must know that one-fifth here is not one-fifth of all the power they have, but one-fifth of the personnel who can actually fight.

It is impossible for an organization to have all the people fighting, and a large part of it is responsible for operating the business.

Under such circumstances, Sanefo and Cerza immediately agreed to start an immediate counterattack, otherwise, if this goes on, their manpower will be exhausted and they cannot wait any longer.

But before they could do anything, when the fourth day was still dark, the two people received calls from Eston one after another.

"There will be people from above to inspect these two days, and they will stop." Estun left such a sentence.

The meaning is very straightforward. If there are people from above, they should be safe and self-conscious, and don't put eye drops on Director Erjie.

Naturally, the two of them would not commit crimes against the wind, so they were ready to wait for the people above to leave and counter Pedro.

But what they didn't expect was that Pedro's attack came again, and this time it was even more fierce.

The manpower of Cerza and Sanefo had already been assembled. After hearing Eston’s call, he expected that Pedro would have been called by Eston too. He would definitely not commit a crime against the wind. The severance of the manpower again is completely without any defense.

Sanefo and Cerza reacted almost immediately, just one game!

Pedro and Erger joined forces to make the game!

Tell yourself not to do it, but Pedro is extremely fierce!

But Cerza and Sanefo know that this is meaningless now, because their loss of manpower for three consecutive days makes them no longer capable of resisting Pedro, even if the two are added together. is also like this!

After a simple phone call, both of them left the stronghold quickly, carrying the things they had prepared.

But in the panic, neither Cherza nor Sanev noticed. Someone behind them followed.

The night is dense, there is no moonlight, and even only a few unbright stars.

In such a solemn night, the **** cleaning is still continuing.

Surrender and not kill! No mercy for the rebellion! This is Pedro's order.

Just as the car that Sanye was floating was about to leave the city, deep gunfire suddenly sounded in the darkness!


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