Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1153: Officer Alice

Zhang Feng and Xu Qiuping slept peacefully, but Roman City became uneasy because of this. Not long after Zhang Feng and Xu Qiuping left, Tang Da was dealing with the scene for three people.

They found that Knight XV just ran out of gas. They filled up with gas from other cars, and then picked up all the bullets, cartridge cases and guns on the ground.

Put the corpse in the car, pour gasoline on it, and light it.

Suddenly the flames blazed into the sky, because the gasoline in the fuel tank had been drawn out, so it did not cause an explosion, and it burned just like that.

Tang Dawei and the three of them drove the fifteenth knight in the other direction, and soon hid them.

But just after they hadn't walked for two or three minutes, someone passed by the bridge hole and found the fire and the smell of burnt bodies in the bridge hole, and called the police.

Within five minutes, more than a dozen police cars appeared here to surround the area, pulling up the cordon!

The fire in the bridge cave was quickly extinguished, and the corpse was burned beyond recognition, but the forensic doctor quickly found that a gun battle took place here, and most of the corpses were shot and their identities are yet to be confirmed.

Ten minutes later, the area was surrounded by reporters. Long guns and short cannons were stretched out to the police. One of the policewomen faced dozens of reporters. "We will definitely investigate this case thoroughly and the police will carry out news. For the press conference, please be there at that time. There are still many doubts in the case. I can't tell you yet, and I also ask you not to hinder the police in handling the case again, otherwise it will hinder the public affairs, thank you!"

The policewoman said that she was about to leave, and one of them said loudly, "Officer Alice, can you tell us whether this case was a vendetta or a criminal underworld shootout, or a terrorist attack?"

The deputy carried the camera and aimed at the beautiful face of Officer Alice. Officer Alice was slightly angry, but she knew that this TV station is now live. In order to maintain the image of the police, Officer Alice said, "I have Having said that, the case is still under investigation, but what I can tell you is that this case is not a terrorist attack. Thank you for your attention to this case, thank you!"

This is the official tone, but the reporters can only stare. The police are still investigating, so they just went outside and waited, so that they won't hinder the police from handling the case.

Officer Alice returned to the bridge hole wearing a mask. She still felt choked when she went in with the mask, but she still held back because she was used to such a scene.

She went in and asked Powell, a male colleague of the previous case, "What's the progress? Is the identity of the deceased confirmed?"

"Alice, it is preliminarily confirmed that they are members of Solomon's Gang, and judging from their physical shape, I guess they are more than 20 of Solomon's subordinates. Do you want to switch Solomon?" Powell said.

"No, call all the surveillance in the city, especially Solomon's Bar. I want Solomon himself to do all the itineraries these days and who I have met!" Alice said coldly.

"Yes! Sir!" Powell stood up and saluted before turning and leaving to do business.

Alice is nearly 1.8 meters tall and wears a police cap. In fact, she has long brown hair. Under the cap are a pair of big blue eyes, a pointed nose, a **** mouth, and a pointy point. His chin is quite big, like a celebrity face, but it doesn't look like a celebrity.

If you were confused by her appearance, you would be wrong. Even Powell, who was tall, was in awe of her.

"Did you find the murderer?" Alice asked another person.

"No, here are all the same people! There are wheels left. According to the size of the wheels, it is preliminarily judged to be a large off-road vehicle!" said the colleague.

Obviously, it is not easy for the murderer to leave, kill so many people, and get out of his body!

Alice nodded, there are still a lot of clues, so many people died, this case is very big, Alice frowned, because she had not done such a big case.

"Inspector, before the incident, Solomon's men called the police, saying that their boss was kidnapped, that is, Solomon!" said the colleague.

Alice knew this, "Where is that Bob?"

"He said he was chasing the murderer!" said his colleague.

"Huh, trash, asshole!" Alice said angrily, leaving it alone.

Vehicles and corpses at the scene are being transported away, and further investigations are needed at the scene, which requires a very heavy workload.

At this time, Tang Dawei had already drove the car 100 kilometers away from the scene of the crime. There was a safe house for the intelligence department. The car entered the garage and began to repair and paint the fuel tank.

As soon as he returned here, Tang Dawei received a call, "Brother Dawei, watch the news!"

Tang Dawei hung up the phone and watched the news on his cell phone. It was about this case. The car and the corpse were only burned by less than half, and there was still a lot of evidence. Tang Dawei was a little flustered.

He immediately called back, "Director Wang, the police found the scene of the crime. It is estimated that there will be a lot of evidence remaining. What should we do next?"

The call was made to Wang Xiaojuan, she was the real person in charge, and Tang Dawei was the person in charge of errands.

"Wipe up all the traces you can handle, so that the police cannot touch you!" Wang Xiaojuan said.

"Yes!" Tang Dawei said.

At this moment, Wang Xiaojuan’s heart is very complicated. Before coming here, Mr. Gusu had already confessed to her that the information leakage was caused by the involvement of her Wang family. Although she has not admitted until now, she does not believe that grandfather can do such a thing. She also knew that Mr. Gusu and grandfather were old rivals, but they were the same on the issue.

Now that Grandpa did something like that, Mr. Gusu could grab the tail and knock down the Wang family, but Mr. Gusu didn't do it.

And Wang Xiaojuan believed even more that Grandpa didn't know about this, but the people below were doing it.

Who the **** is it? The Wang family has luxuriant branches and various distant relatives, as many as tens of thousands of people, should one ask? It's strange if they can admit it, but now that Grandpa is gone, the Wang family will gradually weaken. What will happen then?

Wang Xiaojuan doesn't know what to do! What can she do as a girl?


Wang Xiaojuan sighed and said, "You can do as much as you can. Do whatever you can. After all, you are a woman. In the near future, you will be wives and mothers. Leave the Wang family's affairs to those men to fight.

As for Zhang Feng, just don't care about him.


Roman City Police Station, Alice decided to find Solomon about the case. According to the people below, he was in the hospital at the moment and he was injured!

But when Alice went outside Solomon's ward of the hospital, she was blocked from entering, even if she showed her credentials, she was not allowed to enter, which made her angry!

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