Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1154: resentment

Alice had already learned from the doctor before arriving at the door of the ward. Solomon’s injuries could not die and he did not need first aid, and he could visit the sick during this time period. His bodyguard would not let him in, so obviously he couldn’t get through with him. .

As a result, Alice took out her pistol and said angrily, "Those who hindered the official shooting!

It doesn't change the color of the side, it doesn't work, it doesn't work!

Alice knew that this was wrong, she just scared them and prevented them from being shot. The ignorance of the two bodyguards made Alice furious. She stretched out her hand to grab one of the bodyguards and forced them in.

The bodyguard is not vegetarian either, the hammer-like fist comes to Alice's delicate face.

Alice was horrified, backed quickly, opened the pistol insurance and pointed to the bodyguard's head and said, "Dare to attack the police!"

The bodyguard did not dare to move, Alice walked in, and another bodyguard stopped her again. She raised her foot and kicked at the bodyguard, and the bodyguard dodged away.

Seeing that the scene was getting worse and worse, many people gathered around and pointed and took out their phones to take pictures.

Someone came out of the ward, and the person who came out made Alice even more angry. It turned out to be Bob, that annoying man, whose position was one level higher than her. He has always kept her beauty and often used some of his duties. It is convenient to do small actions.

And Alice has always disliked him, no matter how he is or how he does things, it is said that he has taken bribes and has contact with gangsters, but there has been no evidence.

"Alice, what are you doing? Don't you know this is a hospital?"

A decent man five or six years older than Alice said to her.

"Hmph, you go away, I'm going to interrogate Solomon!" Alice said, she was about to walk in.

Bob stopped her, didn't talk too much nonsense with her, took out a piece of paper and said, "Alice, this is an order from the chief, you can see for yourself!"

Alice glanced at ten lines. After reading it, she threw the paper on his face and turned away and said, "Huh, let me be your assistant. No way, I will do it myself!"

"Alice, do you dare to disobey the chief's order?" Bob asked loudly. Bob is helpless, this is a very strange phenomenon, because even the chief has no choice but to fire her, but this is a lot of pressure. Alice is very capable of handling cases and is very serious, but she is often unruly in order to handle cases. To do it, which caused many problems, but she finally

After all, he is an expert at handling cases! Alice didn’t care about him. She went out of the hospital and exhaled at the gate to calm her heart. She thought to herself, this is a very obvious thing. The relationship between Bob and Solomon is unclear. There is a ghost, I want him to handle this case, based on Alice’s understanding of him, this is not


The final result was that the case was closed, but it was not complete, and there were many doubts and even innocence.

Now this case is so big that such a situation is never allowed. In the previous case, someone died under the bridge and he committed suicide. Alice was not a suicide, but she has no evidence now.

For her, that is an unsolved case.

She didn't understand, why would most of the case chiefs hold him accountable?

Ling Ling...

Her phone rang, and she answered and said, "Say!"

"Alice, I saw Solomon's luxury car rider XV coming out of his bar through surveillance, and then a few cars followed. Based on my analysis, these cars are chasing the rider XV."

This is the voice of a man who works in the city monitoring department. He has a good relationship with Alice and often helps Alice.

"Send me the video!" Alice said.

"This..." The man hesitated, it was a foul.

Alice said immediately, "I invite you to dinner tonight, the location is up to you!"

This is going to be bleeding, but Alice doesn't care.

The man on the phone said immediately, "Okay, I'll send it to you right away!"

You must know that in the entire Roman City, Alice's appearance is among the best, let alone she is a policeman, and that man is not bending for it.

And the reason why Alice said she wanted to eat is just to get evidence. As for the process, he doesn't care, and she also knows the urine of those men.

After watching the video sent, Alice called, "Find me the Knight XV of Solomon!"

Alice has several subordinates following, and they are very loyal to her.



It wasn't until the next day that Zhang Feng woke up. He saw the wound on his lower arm. It was treated and there was no pain. Zhang Feng's physique is very good, and his immunity and self-healing ability are beyond ordinary people. If it is on the battlefield, He can go into battle now.

Go out of the room and come outside. This is a relatively large manor, surrounded by wide vineyards, full of grapes, and it is endless, estimated to be several hundred acres.

Zhang Feng knew without asking that this was Chen Wanru's industry here, and he used it as a cover for the intelligence department and at the same time was able to do some small business.

When I walked into the vineyard, I saw Xu Qiuping busy in the distance. She was cutting the grapes with scissors and putting them into the basket. The grapes were ripe. I saw Wang Xiaojuan not far away. When I saw her Zhang Feng, I remembered what Wang Xiaojuan said last night, and I think about it, no matter what, the past is over. You can't always hold on to this, you and her The grievances between grandpas cannot be counted on her, and Wang Qian is already dead

, This grievance should also be eliminated.

But it was her grandfather after all. He killed her grandfather himself, and he was her enemy.

And the displeasure between herself and her before, is to be offset!

Zhang Feng has never been such a stingy person, but rather very angry. If others treat him well, he will accompany him. If he is an enemy, he secretly counts him, even the strongest person will have him Kill, like Wang Gan.

Xu Qiuping over there saw Zhang Feng and trot over excitedly and said, "Zhang Feng, you are awake! Come and eat some? It's delicious!"

Looking at Xu Qiuping at this time, she feels very beautiful and beautiful. She is also beautiful when she is not wearing a flight attendant outfit. She wears a Bosmian chiffon dress. She is tall and she is wearing a long skirt. A big hat is naturally beautiful.

Wang Xiaojuan walked behind, holding a basket full of grapes.

"Well, I woke up, I slept for a long time, I will taste it!" Zhang Feng said as he took a string and put it in his mouth.

Zhang Feng did not reject Xu Qiuping, which made her very happy.

"How is it? Sweet?" Xu Qiuping smiled brightly, and she would soon be able to react from yesterday's life and death experience. Looking at her like this, her adaptability is very good. It is not difficult to see that she is a girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

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