Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1155: Zhao Dasheng is dead

Zhang Feng nodded, and Wang Xiaojuan, who stretched out the grapes in her hand to the back, said, "Come on, eat some too!"

"I have it here!" Wang Xiaojuan said coldly.

Wang Xiaojuan left, Zhang Feng smiled dryly, and Xu Qiuping said, "She is so strange, so cold!"

"Hehe, she's just like that!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Do you know her well?"

"Worked together before!"


Xu Qiuping was thinking about things. Just now, she asked Zhang Feng to ask Wang Xiaojuan about something, but Wang Xiaojuan refused directly, "I don't know about his personal affairs, and I don't want to know about him, but you can't know about official affairs!"

Xu Qiuping hasn't met such an indifferent person.

At this moment, Tang Da came back for them. He drove an ordinary car for civilian use instead of the Fifteenth Cavaliers. They were not that stupid, otherwise Chen Wanru would not want them.

In the room, several people were talking.

Zhang Feng said, "Dawei, what's the situation now?"

Tang Dawei was a little nervous, because the matter was not handled well. Chief Wang had already said it yesterday. Now it is Zhang Feng who has the final say. Everyone must listen to him. Will he blame it? "You don't need to be nervous, we are now on the same front, we are comrades in arms, brothers, and revolutionary comrades, so if you have any problems, we should solve them together and face them head-on!" Zhang Feng said solemnly, "If not If you dislike it, you can call me Zhang Feng, or Brother Feng, I’m better than you

One or two years older! "

"Yes! Brother Feng!" said Tang Dawei, "Yesterday we dealt with the scene and left without waiting for the burning, but not long after we left, the police didn't find out. Later I got the news and the police have already gotten a lot of information. Message because the body has not been burned!"

"And in the morning, I heard from the used car market that the police were investigating the car!"

"Brother Feng, what are we going to do next?"

This question should have been asked to Wang Xiaojuan, but now Zhang Feng has the final say, and Tang Dawei asked Zhang Feng. "It's okay, even if you waited there last night, the police will find out that if that's the case, you will be arrested, and you are right to leave. As for the car, you can modify it and handle it. When the case is over, you will sell it. It can also be sold at a good price. We are also short of funds here!

"Zhang Feng said, "As for how you sell, you don't need to tell me, you can solve it yourself, and the money you sell is included in the expenses! "

No matter what you do, money is used. Zhang Feng does not have such a strong concept of money, but he also knows its importance. No money is absolutely impossible, and nothing can be done.

"Yes, we thought Brother Feng would drive that car!" Tang Dawei said.

That's a luxury car, nearly 20 million, everyone wants to drive! Brother Feng didn't want it. It's very unexpected. It's no better here than in China. This car is very free and not so strict. "I won't stay here for too long. I will leave after finishing the business!" Zhang Feng said, "You pay close attention to Solomon's side. If anyone comes to contact him, report it to me immediately and leak my intelligence information. The real man is not Solomon, he is just an errand, the real behind the scenes

The instructions have not yet appeared! There are also two people named Andre and Socia, you go to check! "

Zhang Feng said that he thought of this. If Mike is here now, it would be easy to handle it. If it doesn't work, he will call Mike back. Let's talk about it.

Andre and Socia?

Tang Da was a little surprised for them. He said, "These two people are from the Mafia, Brother Feng, where did you know?"

"Solomon personally said it!" Zhang Feng said, shaking his heart for the Mafia, it is probably not so easy to handle!

Because this is a huge monster, if you touch them, it will definitely be troublesome.

But Zhang Feng has never been afraid of trouble. If it were them, Zhang Feng would not let them go, because he would never have trouble.

Tang Dawei said, "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will pay attention to them. In the Mafia, we have insiders!"

"Oh?" Zhang Feng was surprised, and Chen Wanru was a great trick.

"Yes, this is a long time ago, but we have never used him!" Tang Dawei said.

For the world's veteran big organization, Chen Wanru can't let it go. Insiders are stationed all year round.

"That's good, you arrange it, I want to see him!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes!" Tang Dawei said, "Brother Feng, what else can you explain?"

"Not for the time being, Xiaojuan, these things, you follow up!" Zhang Feng said to Wang Xiaojuan.

"Yes!" Wang Xiaojuan responded coldly.

After explaining the matter, Zhang Feng thought of a question and called the old beggar.

"Master, why didn't Zhao Dasheng call me?" Zhang Feng asked immediately after answering the call.

The old beggar said, "Why do you still ask this question?"

"Should I not ask?" Zhang Feng said puzzledly. The old beggar never talked to himself like this.

There is a big problem here!

"Should not ask me, didn't Wang Xiaojuan tell you that Zhao Dasheng is dead?" the old beggar said.

The old beggar surprised Zhang Feng!

Zhang Feng raised his brows, a little angry, and said, "She didn't say it!"

"Then you go and ask him!" said the old beggar, "Also, this matter is very involved, you should consider it yourself, don't cause me big trouble!"

The old beggar hung up as he spoke.

Zhang Feng calmed down and called Wang Xiaojuan and asked directly, "Why didn't you tell me about Zhao Dasheng?"

"You didn't ask me again, I thought you already knew it, and he should die, this is how such a scum will end!" Wang Xiaojuan said coldly.

Zhang Feng really wanted to go up and slap her, but Zhang Feng still held it back. He never hit women, except for the enemy, otherwise he would hit her when he was still in the Wa!

But Zhang Feng couldn't help but said, "Your Wang family has robbed others of their life-saving resources, isn't it a scum?"

When Zhang Feng said this, Wang Xiaojuan’s face became colder and gloomy and angrily said, "Zhang Feng, I have already told you, if you want to care about things in the country at the beginning, I will accompany you, I will not escape, and, The Wang family is the Wang family, I am me, and Zhao Dasheng’s affairs have nothing to do with me!"

Seeing her being so angry, Zhang Feng realized that she had become angry and said, "I'm sorry!"

"Don't say sorry to me!" Wang Xiaojuan said and left.

"and many more!"

Wang Xiaojuan said, "What else, hurry up!"

"How did he die? When did it happen?" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

Wang Xiaojuan said, “Three days ago, Solomon’s men were thrown under the bridge and fell to death. The police sentenced him to commit suicide. Since he smuggled in as a sinner, the body has been transported back to China!” “His sister Zhao Yihan What?" Zhang Feng asked again, suddenly thinking of what the driver said when he passed the bridge yesterday.

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