Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1173: Not that stupid!

When these people came to Roman City, they naturally wanted Wang Xingqi to entertain them. Good food, wine, and fun are indispensable.

Wang Xingqi is not stingy in this regard, because the money will still be counted on their own heads.

Waiting to entertain the three of Capaci. After they slept, Wang Xingqi called his men.

"How is Solomon now?"

The subordinates said: "Boss, no one is going to see him, except for the doctors and nurses, as well as his subordinates. The other Japanese woman, Miss Baihui, is always there.

"Have you found her background?" Wang Xingqi asked.

The subordinate said: "Yes, she came from Solomon in a clubhouse. I have checked the clubhouse and there is no problem, but..."


"But this Miss Baihui has only been in this club for eleven days!"

Wang Xingqi was silent for a while, smiled in his heart, but said in his mouth: "You don't need to stare at this Miss Baihui, how impolite! Just stare at other people to see Solomon. Just notify me as soon as possible. !!!"

"Yes, boss!"

"one left!"

"What else, tell them all!" Wang Xingqi roared, he was irritated, and these men really didn't know what to do.

"Sorry boss, this is it, Miss Baihui has been dating Sheriff Bob for the past two days!" the subordinate said.

Wang Xingqi said: "I see, you continue to follow up!"

"Yes, boss!"

Wang Xingqi knew about this a long time ago. Solomon's urinary **** naturally wanted to bribe Sheriff Bob.

With Sheriff Bob as an umbrella, Solomon is much more convenient and will get more benefits.

For Wang Xingqi, Sheriff Bob was nothing to worry about, and he was not even within his consideration. It was the woman who worried him, Miss Baihui!

This woman is powerful, scheming, and tolerant. Isn't she a ninja? If it is true, that would be very interesting.

She stayed by Solomon's side, serving Solomon, and everything about Solomon could not escape her eyes.

And she will seize the opportunity!

This is exactly what Wang Xingqi is worried about. I don't know what Andre and Socia have thoughts?

At this time, Socia was sitting on the sun lounger on the balcony outside the room, dressed in a three-point style, basking in the sun, drinking wine in her hand.

On the balcony, she was a beautiful scenery. Someone on the tall building not far away looked to this side with spectacles, and Socia also found out. She didn’t care, and sent a kiss to the other side. The otaku was so shocked that his glasses fell to the ground.


Socia giggled very happy.

Ling Ling!

Suddenly the mobile phone on the small table rang, she took it to answer it, her expression changed, and she said solemnly, "I'm Socia!"

A man’s voice came from the phone: "Socia, no matter what method you use, you must get information. Solomon has something from the 52nd district of the US. As long as we get this, we can control the future. By selling to the country, we can also make a fortune and get a lot of privileges, understand?"

"Boss, I understand!" Socia said in a deep voice, her expression was no longer the arrogant look she had just now, and she changed to a respectful one.

Socia hung up, went into the room, got dressed, and went out.

She went to the next room and knocked on Andre's door. Andre came out and smiled: "Socia, come, let's come in and talk, I have good wine here!"

Soasi said in a deep voice: "Andre, I want Solomon's information, you withdraw, let's talk, what do you want?"

Andre was taken aback, looked at Socia, and smiled: "Do you think I would be so stupid?"

She thought very beautifully. How could there be such an easy thing? The intelligence that Solomon got was extremely valuable. Who didn't want to get it? Does it depend on her?

"I'll drink with you!" Socia said, she is a very straightforward person, she can say anything, but this is only for Andre, because he eats this set.

Andre looked at Socia's figure, a T-shirt showing half of his belly, and his pants were ultra-short jeans, shorter than the four-legged pants that Andre was wearing.

So what Socia is saying now is a good sign!

She wanted to use her beauty to seduce Andre, because Andre has always wanted to get her.

"Well, as long as you drink with me, I will help you get information, how about?" Andre smiled.

Soiaxi said: "Okay!"

"Please come in, baby!" Andrei smiled, turned sideways, let her in, Socia walked in, Andrei put his hand on Socia's hip, Socia did not refuse.

Andre was overjoyed, even more unscrupulous...

Generally speaking, after this situation, the price that a woman pays for what she wants in exchange is not just a little shill price, but often more in the end.

She overestimated herself, thinking it would be fine to just lie there.

In fact, Socia was helpless. Before coming here, she didn't expect to meet Zhang Feng. This was the person who made her uneasy, and the people she brought were not strong enough!

It would be much better if Andre helped. What would be the sacrifice of a little hue! Besides, what about her.

Take what you need!

An alliance has been formed here, at least until Socia and Andre get the information.

At this time, Zhang Feng stayed in the hotel where Sheriff Bob often had discounts with Baihui. For two days, they would come here every night.

Zhang Feng has already put the recording in the room, and apart from some sounds, he has received no useful information.

However, there was a chance that Zhang Feng met them two in the elevator. Fortunately, Zhang Feng was wearing a hat and sunglasses, wearing sportswear, sneakers, and holding a map of Roman City in his hand. The lights are there to watch.

Sheriff Bob did not come in a police uniform, but a black-and-white suit with a big belly. He held Baihui in his arms and saw Zhang Feng turned his back to study the map. He thiefly smiled and his hands became dishonest. Baihui snuggled in his arms and let him wreak havoc.

The sheriff was bold and seemed to be looking for excitement. Someone here unexpectedly lifted Baihui's coat to his waist. Zhang Feng saw from the mirror in the elevator box that there was a finger-sized tattoo on Baihui's buttocks.

It's an animal, a dragon!

Zhang Feng immediately took out the camera, called up the flash, and pressed the shutter.


The flashing light and the sound frightened the men and women who were getting crooked. To be precise, it was Sheriff Bob who frightened, and Baihui was very calm.

"What are you doing?" Sheriff Bob scolded, and it would be troublesome if he was photographed.

Zhang Feng changed his voice and said in a very non-standard local meaning: "Sorry, I accidentally pressed the shutter. Sorry, sorry!"

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