Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1174: Tattoos

"Be careful!" Inspector Bob said again.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng said repeatedly.

Zhang Feng also pretended to be nervous, and quickly put the camera away.

Sheriff Bob didn’t notice any problem, even Baihui didn’t notice, because her face was buried on Bob’s chest just now. If the other party wanted to take a picture of her, they would not choose to take it at this time, so She thought that this person really pressed the wrong shutter, and she noticed that his camera was shooting at the corner, not at this side, so she didn't think about it.

Zhang Feng went to his room and took out the camera to see that the angle of the shot was very clever.

The lights in the elevator were a bit dim, and the flash just made up for this. It reflected from the mirror and saw the tattoo under Baihui's back.

This is very interesting. Generally speaking, if a woman has a flower or butterfly tattoo in this position, how could it be a black dragon?

No, the black dragon pattern! Wo country!

The two are linked together, Zhang Feng knows!

In the morning, Zhang Feng waited at the gate, taking pictures everywhere with his camera, and when they came out, he casually took pictures of Baihui.

Then got into the car.

He sent this photo to Chen Wanru, and then called her and said: "Wanru, I have sent you two photos, please check it, a Japanese woman, I doubt it has something to do with the black dragon!"

Chen Wanru said: "I have received it, I will send it to you in a while!"

"Okay! That's it first!" Zhang Feng said, he was about to hang up.

Zhang Feng pondered, if Baihui came from the Black Dragon Club, it would be even more interesting.

I have dealt with them many times before, in Africa and in their country, and the arms, ha ha!

Zhang Feng sneered, standing on the opposite side every time, destined to be an endless opponent.

They also want intelligence? Information about yourself?

I am afraid it will not be that simple!

However, until now, Zhang Feng could not figure out whether Solomon had information other than his own.

Zhang Feng still doesn't know how much information Zhao Dasheng provided to them at the beginning, just those things about himself?

This matter needs to be clarified.

The old beggar had to be asked first, so he called him.

The phone was quickly connected, and Zhang Feng said: "Old man, ask a question!"

"You ask, as long as I can tell you, I will tell you!" said the old man.

"What other information did Zhao Dasheng leak out about me?"

"I don't know. After all, Zhao Dasheng is dead, and I don't know who to ask. He has no accomplices. He did it alone. He has been working in our 01 for some years and has come into contact with many secrets. How many purchases, how many times, or how many times each time, this is difficult to pursue!"

"Didn't you interrogate him at that time?"

"The trial was a trial, but he only said information about you. Originally, he wanted to trial him again, but he ran away and died later!"

Zhang Feng is a bit speechless. You didn't let him out on purpose. Can he come out?

But now is not the time to investigate this, Zhang Feng said: "Okay, I will do this myself!"

The old beggar said, "Didn't you help Zhao Dasheng's daughter Zhao Yihan? You can start from her!"

Zhang Feng had an idea, yes, she almost forgot about him, she seemed to have something to say to herself the day before yesterday!

"I know!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, be careful yourself!" The old beggar said and hung up the phone.

Zhang Feng went to visit various attractions in the city, took photos, and saw beautiful women. He became a professional travel photography enthusiast. He wanted to live up to his identity.

In a relatively chaotic market, Zhang Feng came out with a new face, riding a bicycle, carrying a guitar, a long beard underneath, and eyes, but he didn’t wear a hat anymore, his clothes were changed, and some were tattered. .

Can't appear in a completely real face, because how many people are staring at themselves!

Zhang Feng rode his bicycle to the hospital. When he arrived at the underground parking lot of the hospital, he put the bicycle away and went upstairs. When he appeared outside Zhao Yihan’s ward, he became a foreign country with his eyes whizzing, Zhang Feng's eyes wore contact lenses and turned blue.

The angular face and blue eyes, the face is very white, he is white, he looks like a handsome European and American man.

He happened to meet Xu Qiuping who was on the phone in the corridor. Zhang Feng pretended to be watching with the case in his hand. He was only a few meters away from Xu Qiuping and could hear her.

Xu Qiuping has not discovered that this strange doctor is Zhang Feng.

"Dad, I know, I'm fine, I'm on vacation abroad!... You have to pay attention to your body, don't stay up all night, drink plenty of water... You don't have to worry about me, I know how to protect yourself, so good, just first such!"

After Xu Qiuping hung up the phone, she turned around and saw the male doctor looking at her. Xu Qiuping smiled politely in disgust and walked into the ward.

And Zhang Feng looked at the corridor and no one entered the ward.

Xu Qiuping, who had just walked in, saw him coming in and wanted to talk, but Zhang Feng put his finger on his lips in a breeding gesture.

Xu Qiuping began to get nervous, because she felt that this person had no good intentions, so she took two steps back and became vigilant.

But just when she was about to make a counterattack, she saw the doctor tearing off a little beard from his chin, as well as contact lenses, and took out a wet towel from her pocket to wipe her white face clean.

Suddenly Xu Qiuping was surprised. Who else could this be Zhang Feng?

When Xu Qiuping was about to call out, Zhang Feng hurried up to cover her mouth, breed again, and shook his head at her.

Xu Qiuping calmed down. She blinked her eyes to indicate that she understood that she could not speak or call out. Zhang Feng let her go and looked at Zhao Yihan who was lying on the hospital bed. She fell asleep again.

Zhang Feng took out something and detected it in the ward. After a while, he took out a bug under the bed and destroyed it immediately.

Xu Qiuping naturally knew what this was. She was frightened. She was always here. How could anyone put a bug here?

Fortunately, Zhang Feng discovered this time, and fortunately, he didn't say anything.

Zhang Feng checked all the corners in the ward again and found nothing.

That’s why Zhang Feng said: “You see, if the enemy wants to attack you, it’s very easy. You can still choose to leave now. This matter has nothing to do with you. Maybe you will die. See what I mean. ?"

The old beggar is right, she can’t let her have an accident, otherwise it will be more troublesome!

"I, I'm not afraid!" Xu Qiuping said nervously.

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