Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1185: Catch the little fish

"I remember it!" Xu Qiuping responded.

She has a very correct attitude. This is a good thing, and Zhang Feng is relieved.

Now the two of them are not in danger, as long as they are still in the dark, they are safe.

But who are these two people just now?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng said to them to pay attention to safety and so on and went down to the parking lot.

When Zhang Feng arrived here, he found that the Ferrari had gone.

Zhang Feng took out his cell phone to call Tang Dawei, and the phone rang twice. Zhang Feng immediately said, "Dawei, you can check a car for me. I left the Alexandria hospital ten minutes ago with a black Ferrari number It's tj8***!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, I'll check it right away!" Tang Dawei immediately hung up and got busy.

Zhang Feng did not wait here, but drove out. There is only one eight lanes of traffic around the hospital.

However, there are many small roads around the hospital, and Zhang Feng still takes the big road because there are more probabilities here.

More than ten minutes later, Tang Dawei called and said that he had found it, and had someone install a tracker on the car's site.

Zhang Feng was surprised, so fast and terrifying.

I don't know how Tang Dawei did it. This is the effect he has been here for a few months.

"Is it safe? Has it been discovered?" Zhang Feng asked, not in a hurry to go up now, because there is already a position, and they will know wherever they go.

Tang Dawei said: "They won't know, this time it's an accident, their car happened to pass by my person!"

"Well, good, you send me the location now!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

After a while, Zhang Feng was in position. They headed out of the city. According to their route, they stopped at the place where they left the city, and then continued to leave the city.

What happened when I stopped midway?

Zhang Feng drove up fast, and arrived at that location more than 20 minutes later. It is a car repair shop. It is a little shabby and large in size. Both sides of the shop are full of broken cars, full of rusty atmosphere, and a few robust ones. The man repaired and welded the car here, and the fire was everywhere.

A car passed by without attracting their attention, and Zhang Feng did not stop here. When passing by, all his attention was on these men.

They are not like car repairers, this is Zhang Feng's intuition!

But their gestures for car repairs are very professional and dexterous, or they can do other things besides car repairs.

After passing the car repair shop, Zhang Feng received the position sent by Tang Dawei. Ferrari stopped at an abandoned factory north of the city. It has been more than ten minutes and still has not left. It seems that their nest is here. Over there.

Zhang Feng notified Fan Yongxi and Xu Wenhao to come here, and it is estimated that there will be a fierce battle there.

Even if there is no fierce battle, you can't be kind and deal with these two people.

Multiple people will have an extra guarantee, this is the case for Zhang Feng, because they are absolutely obedient to themselves.

When approaching the abandoned factory, Zhang Feng hid the car in the haystack and approached the factory from the other side.

At this time, Xu Wenhao and the others were halfway there. Zhang Feng let them lurking close to the factory, where Zhang Feng was waiting for them.

Since they are called, they cannot act alone.

I saw the Ferrari in a large factory building. The two stood there smoking and chatting. The distance was a little far away. Zhang Feng couldn't hear what they were saying, and they spoke very fast.

But you can see what they seem to be waiting for, is it their boss?

Who is the boss?

Zhang Feng is well hidden here, even if someone passes by, he can't be found.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Wenhao and the others came. They did not come to Zhang Feng. Instead, they found a place to hide. But Fan Yongxi sent a message to Zhang Feng, saying that it was a weed that was 200 meters away from the factory. Seven or eight cars were found parked there. It will not take more than an hour to see if the wheel marks have just arrived.

Zhang Feng felt a little bit in his heart. Seven or eight cars, if they were to carry people, a car would include at least four drivers, and a four-seater car without a bus or van.

Even so, there are more than 20 people in seven or eight cars.

This factory is very large, thousands of square meters, and overgrown with weeds, with more than 20 people hiding in it, which is too easy.

It's not that simple anymore.

More and more interesting! Ha ha! I don't know which party is it?

"You are on standby there and report the situation outside at any time!" Zhang Feng sent them a message.

After sending the message, Zhang Feng quietly touched in. He wanted to capture these two people, forcing them to ask who their boss was and who was behind the scenes.

Zhang Feng's mobile phone is turned on silent, otherwise the enemies at close range will be found, thus losing the opportunity, if there is information.

At this moment, Zhang Feng had reached behind the broken wall only five meters away from Ferrari, and Zhang Feng could capture them with just one stride.

In order to prevent the twenty-odd people who might exist, Zhang Feng also deliberately stayed here for two minutes. After nothing was unusual, Zhang Feng flashed out of the wall and walked behind Ferrari.

The footsteps approached lightly and quickly, and then jumped up high, and a violent tiger threw them down like a mountain.

"Ah, yeah..." the two yelled, and they were pressed by Zhang Feng's arms to the ground, unable to move.

When they were about to struggle, Zhang Feng grabbed their necks with both hands, and then shouted: "Get up!"

I speak English.

They stood up and did not dare to move, because Zhang Feng pinched their necks. They believed that Zhang Feng's hand could crush their throat, so they did not dare to move.

But one called for help: "Help me...Help me..."

Zhang Feng's back was leaning against the car. Even if there was a bullet coming from behind, he couldn't hit him. If the bullet came in front of him, Zhang Feng could use them to block the bullet.


A loud laugh came from a wall over there, and Zhang Feng followed the sound. Looking right, five or six people walked out. There were also on the left, front and back.

There are probably more than twenty people, and everyone has a guy in his hand.

Zhang Feng is surrounded!

The laughing man looked like a local, with a full-faced beard, a sturdy body, and a five or six centimeter deep scar on his forehead, and he looked hideous.

"You are Zhang Feng, right? Haha..." The Scar Man laughed, speaking in English.

Now Zhang Feng knew it perfectly. The two men in his hand drove the Ferrari and stopped at the halfway car repair shop to report that they had come.

In other words, the fact that Tang Dawei installed a tracker on his car was known by others, but he came to the plan to calculate!

Zhang Feng didn't think about this too much. He stepped on a person on the ground and looked at the phone when he was free. A few minutes ago, Fan Yongxi sent a message saying that someone was approaching to make Zhang Feng be careful. Unfortunately, Zhang Feng did not Look at the phone.

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