Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1186: Surrounded by

"Who are you?" Zhang Feng wanted to know who the other party was.

Are they Solomon's people or those who come to buy information?

But if it's those people, don't you have to smash with yourself? Since they already know their identities, they should also know their strengths, even if they die, they know they won't get any benefits.

Their purpose is intelligence, not themselves!

The scar man said: "You don't need to know who I am, because even telling you is useless. The dead don't need to know this, haha!"

"If you have the kind, please report it!" Zhang Feng was furious. He didn't want to be surrounded and didn't know who the other party was.

And the other party is still these rookies, Zhang Feng cares about their behind the scenes!

Zhang Feng yelled hard at his feet, and stepped on the faces of the people under his feet, causing him to scream, "Ah..."

The person on the right hand was about to move, and Zhang Feng used force again, causing his throat to burp. If he wanted to struggle, Zhang Feng's hand blessed his strength and he dared not move.

Scar Man walked over and said coldly: "I heard that you are very good, but I want to learn it!"

A man next to the scarred man leaned forward and said softly: "Boss, Mr. Wang said that he doesn't need to be entangled with him, just kill! Take his head for money!"

The scared man nodded and said to raise his hands. Those who were surrounding him raised their hands to aim at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng put the man in his hand in front of him to block it. There were Ferraris behind him. The front and back were protected, but there were left and right. But don’t worry. When they fired, Zhang Feng fell down and used two The man blocked and pulled out a gun to shoot.

Zhang Feng's mind appeared in front of these, and Zhang Feng flashed past. This is called an emergency plan!

Just as the scar man's arm was about to come down, there was a sudden hum, and then the scar man's arm fell like a chopped tree branch, bloody.

Then there was the scream of Scar Man.

The blood soared on his face, he knelt down and screamed on the ground, protecting his broken arm.

His men were dumbfounded at once, what's the matter?

But at this moment, Zhang Feng moved, took out his gun to move and fire, and screams sounded one by one.


Others have already reflected that the man in front of Zhang Feng has been smashed into a sieve and can no longer die.

Some people who have not been hit by Zhang Feng, they have all been headshots!

The battle ended soon. Apart from Zhang Feng, there are only the scarred man left. He looked at Zhang Feng in horror. He stood up and wanted to escape, but just a few steps out, he stood in front of him with a big man in his hand. The man who snipes Barrett, the muzzle is facing his eyebrows, and the black muzzle opposite, he is terrified, and he understands, he is the one who knocked out his hand!

The boss was right. This Zhang Feng was not simple. He brought so many people to him and killed him all at once.

"Don't, don't kill me!" Scared man knelt down and begged for mercy.

He knew that Zhang Feng didn't kill it, which meant that he was still useful to him. Then he didn't have to die. Without a hand, wouldn't he have another hand? As long as it is still alive.

Zhang Feng came up, looked at him and said, "Take him away with the wound!"

Fan Yongxi and Xu Wenhao tied one of his hands together, and simply handled his arm to prevent it from bleeding again, and then took them away.

Ignoring these corpses, I think they will deal with them soon.

Zhang Feng returned to the Notre Dame Hospital and immediately interrogated the scarred man.

Scar Man is a local, named Ulysses, a local gangster with dozens of young people under his hands.

He is just a person who takes money to do things, and the person who hired him is a person named'Mr. Wang'.

Zhang Feng showed him a picture on his phone and asked him, "Have you seen him?"

Ulysses said: "I saw it once, and he gave me a lot of money at once!"

He felt a shock in his heart, he even knew this, and asked himself what he was doing?

"Remember his appearance?" Zhang Feng asked again.

"Remember, he is an Asian face, less than one meter tall!" Ulysses said in horror.

This is a dark place, I was blindfolded when I came just now.

Zhang Feng snorted coldly: "Huh, not honest!" Then he punched him, and said in a deep voice, "His name is Mr. Wang?"

Ulysses looked frightened again, thinking in his heart, how would he know? Have you mastered it?

But since you have mastered it, why do you still ask yourself?

"If you don't say anything, kill it!" Zhang Feng said coldly in English in front of Ulysses facing Fan Yongxi.


This is clearly meant for him.

Just when Zhang Feng was about to go out, Ulysses shouted: "I said, I said..."

Zhang Feng sneered and sat down, then began to ask questions.

In fact, he couldn't ask anything. His task was to monitor Zhao Yihan's every move and then report the news to Wang Xingqi. He just took money to do things as simple as that.

Finally Zhang Feng asked: "Do you want to survive?"

Ulysses nodded like smashing garlic: "Think, think!"

"Okay, then listen to me!"

"Yes, you can do what you say, just don't kill me!" Ulysses said.

Zhang Feng can see from the seriousness that he is really afraid of death, which is enough.

"Take him to rest, don't die!" Zhang Feng said to Ulysses.


In fact, Zhang Feng was very disappointed. I thought that the people who monitored Zhao Yihan were sent by Solomon, but Wang Xingqi did not expect it.

Why does Wang Xingqi monitor Zhao Yihan? This made Zhang Feng puzzled. He also asked Ulysses just now, but he didn't know.

Zhang Feng was sure that Ulysses really didn't know.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng felt that there was only one reason. Wang Xingqi knew that Zhao Yihan was the daughter of Zhao Dasheng, so Zhao Dasheng might give her some important things.

If he had thought of this, then why didn't he ask Zhao Yihan directly?

Or simply tie her up!

He didn't do that, but just stared at Zhao Yihan.

Since he didn't know what he wanted to do, Zhang Feng didn't have to think about this at all, he should think about Solomon!

Where did he go? Or is it no longer in Roman City?

Zhang Feng called Tang Dawei and asked him what fixed assets Solomon had, such as a villa.

Tang Dawei said: "I didn't find it. For a long time, he spent most of his time in the locked door bar, except for the hotel, which is not fixed."

"Brother Feng, Solomon has disappeared!" Tang Dawei continued.

Zhang Feng said: "No, he just hid it!"

"Brother Feng, did they secretly trade intelligence?"

"No, aren't you all staring at Andre, Socia and Wang Xingqi? They didn't do anything. Solomon went to a safe place to heal!" Zhang Feng said.

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