Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1195: Policewoman, please eat?

With Zhang Feng's instructions, they will be able to do things easily and carefully!

After arranging their tasks, Zhang Feng went to the garden to greet Coners.

There is a ruined house at the end of the small park behind the hospital. It is estimated to be fifty to sixty square meters. The surrounding area is full of trees and vines. Flowers bloom during the day.

In fact, the small park is no longer a park, but a small forest, covered with big trees more than ten meters high. This hut is hard to find in the small forest, and according to Conles, he only works at night Only when the fire is lighted for cooking, because if a fire is lighted during the day, there will be smoke and be discovered.

Close the door at night, and under the cover of the small forest, even if someone is standing nearby, there is no fire.

There are no trails here. Conles has lived here for ten years, and will follow a fixed route and will not go out of the trail.

However, Zhang Feng didn't want that much, he passed with a flashlight, and it was already very safe here.

Just less than 20 meters away from the small broken house, Zhang Feng stopped, and he said softly: "Mr. Conles, it's me, Zhang!"

"Stand there and don’t move, or I’ll blow your head!" Conles’ voice, under the light of Zhang Feng’s flashlight, Zhang Feng saw Conles squatting in the haystack with a long barrel. It's hard to find out if you don't pay attention.

The concealment technique is very general, at least for Zhang Feng, but it is already very good for others. In this dark night, ordinary people come in and walk to the small haystack as long as Conles makes no sound. Find.

"I won't move, Mr. Conles, I want to talk to you!" Zhang Feng said.

Kang Si stood up and walked out, Zhang Feng was surprised to find that Kang Si was still wearing auspicious clothes!

Holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand.

Although this shotgun is not powerful, it can sieve prey at close range.

Conles walked to Zhang Feng, took off Zhang Feng's gun, and the combat dagger, and then said: "Hold your head in your hands and go ahead!"

Zhang Feng did it. Facing an old man like Kang Si, it's best to be obedient.

Walking into the ruined house, Kang Si put down the shotgun, put Zhang Feng's gun and dagger on the table, and said, "Zhang, just say what you have, and it is not suitable to stay here for long!"

"Mr. Kors, three days later, there will be an auction in the hospital conference hall, and Solomon will come!" Zhang Feng said.

Conles did not speak immediately, but stood up and took the shotgun in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "I will give him a taste of what this bullet is like!"

"Mr. Conles, leave this to me, I will let him do it!" Zhang Feng said.

"No, Zhang, I must kill him personally. For ten years, I have dreamed of seeing my doctors and nurses every night. They were locked up in that ward and burned..."

Kang Si was very excited and painful, Zhang Feng could feel it.

It is as if their comrades in arms were calculated to die in front of them, and they desperately rescued themselves, they survived, they turned into ashes, their enemies were still living well, and they had been unable to redress for them for many years. .

How should it feel like this? Zhang Feng can appreciate it.

However, he had promised Solomon to let him die well before, so it seems that Kangles will take the shot and give him a shot.

Presumably Conls has put his own life out of the question!

"Kangles, this time is extraordinary. I will not kill Solomon, but also the bad guys. Yes, the bad guys, you understand!"

Conles got excited, and trembling with a shotgun in his hand, said, "Bad guys, yes, bad guys. We must kill them all. Since God doesn't take care of them, I will take care of them!"

In Kang Si's mind, Zhang Feng is the policeman, and the people he brought are all good people.

Conles had this vision.

"Kangs, we must have a careful plan to do this, you should not join in, stay in your house, or it will disrupt my deployment!" Zhang Feng said.

This is the purpose of Zhang Feng’s coming here. Originally, he wanted Conles to hide elsewhere, so that he would be safer and would not affect himself. Zhang Feng was worried that he would rush desperately when he saw Solomon. Come up.

"No, Zhang, I must kill this beast myself, I will follow your arrangements!" Kangles was surprisingly calm, but Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed.

That's all, he has put his own life out of the question, what else to be afraid of!

If he appears at that time, Zhang Feng can also control it.

Zhang Feng came out of Coners’ ruined house. He received a strange local call as soon as he walked outside. Zhang Feng answered, because there are only two locals who know his number besides his own. Personally, one is Solomon, and the other is Alice.

Solomon wouldn't call him so soon, it would be Alice.

"Who?" Zhang Feng asked knowingly.

A crappy Chinese came from the phone: "Mr. Zhang, this is Alice, the one who saw you in the hospital!"

"Something?" Zhang Feng said calmly.

Alice said, "Can I see you?"

"Sorry, I'm not free now!" Zhang Feng immediately refused.

Zhang Feng did not want to have any contact with the police, especially there is a scum among the police who shared Baihui with Solomon. This woman must be on Solomon's side, even if it is Alice who is full of justice , She directed to cause trouble to herself without any help in her own affairs.

"Wait, Mr. Zhang, I know where Solomon is!" Alice said.

"Oh, is it? Then you can go and catch him!" Zhang Feng said.

Alice said: "He has a lot of subordinates and bodyguards, and my boss does not allow me to do that because I have no evidence. Now I have found that Solomon's bar has a lot of irregular things, such as the sale of prohibited items!"

Zhang Feng wanted to laugh a little. Did this policewoman only find that? Such a trivial matter.

"Then you find the evidence, and then ask your boss to send someone to arrest Solomon!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Alice must have gone to ask Bob for instructions, and she was rejected naturally.

Doesn't she even know the relationship between her boss and Solomon? What kind of police is she?

"Can you come with me? I invite you to dinner!" Alice said.

Zhang Feng laughed blankly in his heart. Does this policewoman use beauty on herself? Do you want to go?

"Sorry, I'm very busy, that's your police business, it has nothing to do with me!" Zhang Feng said and hung up the phone.

Now Zhang Feng regrets giving her her mobile phone number. At that time, he wanted to find Solomon through her, and now he has reached an agreement with Solomon.

She is no longer needed.

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