Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1196: Does it still hurt?

But Zhang Feng's cell phone rang again. She was the one who called, and Zhang Feng said: "You are endless, don't call again!"

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I thank you for what happened that day, otherwise I will have a big deal. I will invite you to dinner, okay!" Alice said again: "Look, if you do it in our Roman City What is it? If it is inconvenient, you can find me. Isn't this a technique that you Chinese people use smoothly?"

Zhang Feng thought for a while, and she said that she was right. You can use her to listen to the police's news, because there is no news from Zhang Feng in the police.

Now that they are working on other people's territory, it is not enough if the information is not well informed, and Tang Da has not been able to break the intelligence network into their official government.

"Well, right now, where are you?" Zhang Feng responded.

"It's late now, how about tomorrow?"

Listening to Alice's words, Zhang Feng was a little skeptical, there is a problem!

But Zhang Feng was really not afraid, even if there was a problem, she wouldn't be able to solve any major problems.

"Sorry, I understand that I'm not free!" Zhang Feng said, he was about to hang up.

"Wait, Mr. Zhang, then now, now!" Alice said quickly: "It's in the Aibesi shop on Sun Street in Roman City!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone in response, and soon came to the place she was talking about, the Aibesi shop.

However, Zhang Feng did not approach immediately, but first observed it in the corner for a while.

About ten minutes later, Alice appeared. She was dressed in casual clothes, a skirt and a T-shirt, with a beautiful ponytail behind her head.

It's very young and beautiful.

However, Zhang Feng noticed the next car in the future. Two men met her and sat back in the car. Zhang Feng knew the two men were policemen, with pistols around their waists and wearing bulletproof vests.

And after Alice entered, she sat by the window. The large French windows of the window allowed you to see the inside and the outside from the inside.

Immediately after Zhang Feng's cell phone rang, Zhang Feng took out his cell phone to answer, and she heard her voice: "Mr. Zhang, I have already arrived here, where have you been?"

"Well, I'll be there!" Zhang Feng said and hung up the phone.

Zhang Feng did not go over immediately, but waited here, waiting for the time on the road.

At this time, Alice in the store was very nervous, because she was suspicious of the man's identity, saying it was Interpol? Not necessarily. If it were the Interpol, how could he blatantly kill and rob people in shops in Chinatown?

Before he went to the hospital to find Solomon, he must have had an antagonism with Solomon, he was not an Interpol at all.

Many people died in the Wenqi jewelry store, but what made Alice wondered was that none of the jewelry in the jewelry store was missing.

What made her even more strange was that the owner of the jewellery shop did not pursue it or let the police intervene.

Originally, the Roman City police didn't care about this, because the victim didn't care, he didn't need help, and he was a foreigner and the police were happy.

It's just that Alice is a dead brain, she must catch the murderer, because this case happened in her jurisdiction, so she came with her boss behind her back.

When she saw that the murderer was someone she had met, her anger exploded. It turned out that he was so fierce, no wonder he would beat herself, so hard!

If the police cannot be mobilized, Alice used her beauty to lure two colleagues to come and catch the murderer.

Soon he will be here!

But after waiting for a long time, he still didn't come. Alice glanced at the phone. Fifteen minutes had passed, she got up and went to the bathroom.

After coming back, she was surprised to see that man sitting here.

How did he know he was sitting here?

"Mr. Zhang, you are here!" Alice forcedly resisted the urge not to go up and beat him, with a smile on her face.

"I also just came here. Just now I asked the wasting waiter where a beautiful policewoman was sitting. The waiter told me you were sitting here, and I was sitting down!"

The two spoke in English.

Alice sat down with a dull pain in her ass, reminding her that the man in front of her was the murderer and must be caught.

"Does your **** still hurt?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You..." Alice almost didn't get angry, he still had the face to mention this, which is really hateful, too arrogant!

But in order to catch him, Alice held back and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore. I did something wrong that day. Don't care about it, Mr. Zhang!"

"Hehe, that's the best, I thought you hated me!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"No, no!"

At this moment, the waiter came over and asked them to order, Zhang Feng asked her to order first, and Zhang Feng ordered something to eat.

The two of them were eating and chatting. They didn't talk about the case. Alice talked about some interesting things that happened in the local area and asked about Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng naturally dealt with it skillfully.

"Feng, are you Interpol very powerful, catching bad guys all over the world?" Alice said.

On the bright side, Alice has confirmed that Zhang Feng is the Interpol.

"Not all, we will go wherever the superior asks us to go?" Zhang Feng said.

"Then come, does Roman City have a mission?"

After all, Alice came to this question.


"What's the task?"

"We have confidentiality regulations!"

Zhang Feng said solemnly, and Alice couldn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Zhang Feng cleaned up the things in front of him and said, "Okay, I'm full, I'll leave first!"

Zhang Feng was about to stand up.

Alice stood up anxiously and said, "Let's go shopping!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng should raise his eyes to look at her, his eyes are full of color, and he is smiling evilly.

Alice felt disgusted in her heart. This man was so disgusting that he had that kind of thought about himself, huh, he would feel better for a while!

Thinking of this, Alice hurried to checkout, and then came over and took Zhang Feng's arm. Zhang Feng was taken aback, knowing that she was coming with beauty!

"This?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

Alice said, "Feng, is there any problem?"

Zhang Feng pointed to the arm held by her and said, "Is this appropriate?"

"What's wrong? I don't have a boyfriend yet, do you have a girlfriend?" Alice asked.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend, I have a wife!" Zhang Feng said honestly.

Alice was a little surprised. He actually got married. Someone like him is already married. Don't you worry about harming your family?

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