Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1311: Chose justice

The man who killed the old man? Is he looking for Zhang Feng's revenge?

In Wang Xiaojuan's view, the two of them can be said to be evenly matched, and Wang Xiaojuan does not know who is more powerful.

"Are you going to find Zhang Feng for revenge?" Wang Xiaojuan asked.

"That's right!" Wang Xiaodong said firmly: "Not long ago, I just got the news that the old man was absent, and I was actually assassinated, and this person is still alive! I saw him on the killer network! He must die! "

Wang Xiaodong is always so confident.

Back then, if the old man Wang Gan played the Golden Cicada Escape the Shell, he would have died, so in Wang's family, he had only two people in his heart, one is the old man, and the second is Wang Xiaojuan.

As for his parents, he has long forgotten.

He has no feelings for his father, no good impression, and his mother loves him, but doting is the most culprit that caused him to go to prison and be shot.

The old man was secretly calculated, and he couldn't ignore it, he had to kill the enemy.

Wang Xiaodong is a person who dares to do and behave.

Back then, he was exchanged from prison and then smuggled abroad. At a young age, he didn’t know anything. When he arrived in Africa, he did everything to survive. With his fierce strength, he quickly hit his own. Heaven and Earth, he has a nickname called the Demon's Spear, which means that his marksmanship is like a demon that brings disaster to people.

Wang Xiaojuan doesn’t know this. Although Wang Xiaojuan looks very powerful, she is a leader among the many younger generations of the Wang family. She has achieved excellent results in the army she was in before, and has experienced several missions outside, but she has not experienced blood and death. The test cannot be a real fighter.

The gap between her and Wang Xiaodong is too great.

"Xiaodong, we still don't repay this grudge!" Wang Xiaojuan said this very skillfully, not with ‘you’ but ‘we’.

Wang Xiaodong raised his head and stared at Wang Xiaojuan with eyes that were like ten thousand arrows, and said, "Cousin, I heard that right? You told me not to take revenge. Do you want to let the murderer of the old man be free? No old man, you guys. What can be achieved? What would the Wang family look like without the old man? Without the old man, the cousin, you can stand here and stand in the front line of the country? Without the old man, the Wang family is nothing, just a farmhouse in a mountain village, the cousin , Without the old man, you are just a village girl... The old man was killed, so you said you don’t want revenge anymore?"

At the end, Wang Xiaodong almost roared, and his saliva sprayed on Wang Xiaojuan's face.

"The old man also did something wrong, he forced others to despair!" Wang Xiaojuan said.

She was not speaking for Zhang Feng, but she recognized the facts.

"Shut up, cousin, you are not qualified to talk about the old man!"

Wang Xiaodong suddenly became furious, like a crazy demon with a hideous face.

"No matter what the old man does, he is right. No one is qualified to say him, do you understand?" Wang Xiaodong said again.

Wang Xiaojuan didn't speak any more, she could feel that if Wang Xiaodong was angered again, Wang Xiaodong would really kill herself. Such a person could do anything.

"Cousin, are you still the Wang family? You are all indifferent, haha, ridiculous, ridiculous, since you all want to be a scumbag, be good, good, then I will do this bad guy!" Wang Xiaodong said viciously.

Wang Xiaojuan still didn't say anything. It's useless to say anything now, so it's better not to say it.

"Well, cousin, you are so good at it!" Wang Xiaodong said, he was about to leave.

"and many more!"

"What else does my cousin ask for!?"

"Why are you looking for me?"

Wang Xiaodong said: "Because you are the only person I want to see in the Wang family, only cousin, you and I make me feel that I am still the Wang family, so I am here!"

"Oh!" Wang Xiaojuan replied in a low voice, "Zhang Feng, this person is very powerful, you should be careful!"

Wang Xiaodong looked sad and sneered after a pause: "Hehe, I did not come wrong, hehe, my life was originally earned, and there is always a time to explain it!"

Wang Xiaojuan was silent again, not knowing how to answer him, his temperament is free and easy, in fact, his heart is not that bad, and he has never done anything unreasonable to others behind his back, even if he was weak and weak shoulders. , She just admitted what she had done, Wang Xiaojuan later learned that the man was dead, and his weak shoulders carried everything.

Be a man!

He left, disappearing into the bullet-smashed vine, as if he appeared just now, silent.

Wang Xiaojuan stood in place for a long time. At this moment, she was fighting in her mind. On one side was her cousin, the cousin who was struggling.

One side is justice!

Yes, it is justice. Although Zhang Feng is usually not marginal, he does not attack her at ordinary times, and hits her everywhere, but she sees the light of justice in Zhang Feng.

The world is urgent for such light, and it is more urgent to hope that this light can illuminate more places.

And his cousin? There is no good or evil in him, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he wants to do it, he will do it, even if he is fighting his own life, regardless of good or evil.

Wang Xiaojuan's thought is just, and he can do justice to destroy relatives.

After standing here struggling for more than an hour, she took out her mobile phone and called Zhang Feng directly.

Zhang Feng answered the phone soon, and he immediately said, "Xiaojuan, are you still asleep? It's midnight in your place!"

"Well, there is something!" Wang Xiaojuan felt an inexplicable warmth in her heart. Is Zhang Feng caring about herself?

"Okay, say it!" Zhang Feng said.

Wang Xiaojuan plucked up the courage and said, "The killer who took your dark flower, I know who it is?"

"Who?" Zhang Feng asked in a deep voice, seemingly very urgent.

Wang Xiaojuan said: "But I have one condition!"

"You said, if I can do it, I will do it!" Zhang Feng's words are very careful, even if you don't know who the killer is, it doesn't matter much. If Wang Xiaojuan puts forward any excessive conditions, it will be a big trouble.

Wang Xiaojuan said: "You can't let people in the country know that it is him, including Mr. Gu Su!"

"I promise you!" Zhang Feng said without even thinking about it.

"Huh..." Wang Xiaojuan took a deep breath and said, "She's Wang Xiaodong, my cousin. He came to tell me about this an hour ago!"

"Did he treat you guys?"


"Okay, I promise you that I won't let people in the country know that there are old beggars!" Zhang Feng said.

"Thank you!"

"It should be me thank you!"

Wang Xiaojuan hung up the phone, and stood for a while before going back and letting go of all his subordinates.

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