Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1312: Righteousness


Wang Xiaojuan exhaled for a long time, and she said to herself in her heart, I hope she is right to do so.

The feeling of righteous extermination is really bad, too uncomfortable!

She calmed their emotions, and only gave an explanation, saying that it was her cousin, which was just a joke, and also asked everyone not to say it, this is confidential.

Among the seven or eight people, there are two women who are just recruited, with excellent technical and physical abilities and clean identities.

Everyone is loyal to Wang Xiaojuan.

They were all cultivated by Wang Xiaojuan. It can be said that they are her confidants. Although they belong to 01, they are under Wang Xiaojuan's orders.

This is also something that Wang Xiaojuan has a sense of accomplishment, and can give her a little comfort.

Wang Xiaojuan is ambitious, otherwise she will not surrender her status to this place. She wants to cultivate her own power, and it is impossible to stay in 01 for the rest of her life. All things must be restricted.

She wants to let her dream go, but now the Wang family is weak, she still has to rely on 01 to grow herself. As for the so-called righteous extermination of relatives is true, because she believes that evil does not suppress the righteousness. As for her grandfather Wang Gan, the Wang family is powerful, and Wang Xiaojuan can only see clearly when she grows up. Those achievements of the Wang family are obtained through many bad ways.

An idiom can be summed up: unscrupulous!

Yes, most of those are obtained through unscrupulous means, and there are legal loopholes.

Recently, a member of the family became ill and used shameful means to steal other medical resources, which directly caused a family disaster and indirectly caused the leakage of state secrets.

There are too many similar things, too many, simply countless. Therefore, in Wang Xiaojuan's heart, grandpa represents the evil side, and Wang Xiaodong naturally also, because grandpa would protect the murderer, what else can't be done? Many times she feels sick for it, but she can’t

How is it, very helpless!

Do you want to report them all? Wang Xiaojuan does not have this leisure time!

Now Wang Xiaojuan's choice is in line with her heart. She wants to make some changes and start with herself.

Moreover, Wang Xiaojuan also understood that even if she did not tell Zhang Feng about Wang Xiaodong's affairs, and let Zhang Feng take precautions, Wang Xiaodong would not be able to succeed. Instead of doing this, it would be better to follow her original intention.

In fact, Wang Xiaojuan was right, and Zhang Feng was thinking deeply at this time. Just now I received a call from Wang Xiaojuan and did not surprise Zhang Feng. After he killed Wang Gan, Zhang Feng never thought that the Wang family would give up, and they would definitely take revenge. As long as there was no action for so long, Zhang Feng didn’t know. and also

This is one of the important reasons why Zhang Feng did not keep Wang Xiaojuan by his side, because this is a time bomb that will explode at any time by his side or in front of his family.

Or stab yourself in the back.

Although she said that Wang Gan is Wang Gan, Wang Family is Wang Family, and she is her, Zhang Feng cannot believe it all.

What was the purpose of betraying her cousin this time?

Zhang Feng didn't think much about it, but instead called Chen Wanru. "Wake you up?" Zhang Feng apologized first. In fact, he didn't want to do this, because he wanted to quickly resolve everything he knew about the killer, so he could only ask Chen Wanru, presumably the killer was getting closer and closer now. Zhang Feng had to worry


It is the quickest to get to know this person through Chen Wanru's intelligence network.

"I just got up to drink water, then went to the bathroom, and I was about to go to bed, you say!" Chen Wanru's drowsy, lazy voice made Zhang Feng's heart itchy, and I can imagine how Chen Wan is now. .

Wearing Zhang Feng's favorite pajamas, the figure appears.

Zhang Feng said: "The killer knows who it is!"

"Who is it?" Chen Wanru suddenly became interested.

It also surprised Chen Wan. Obtaining information was Zhang Feng's weakness. He couldn't get this, but he got it.

"The Wang family is called Wang Xiaodong, you should know this person!" Zhang Feng did not say that Wang Xiaojuan told him this.

Chen Wanru grew up in Kyoto, and those things in Kyoto are naturally clear. Chen Wanru was silent for a while before she said: "I remember this guy. He was a stab and killed people. I thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, Wang Gan could do this. , Deceived everyone, then

He has been silent for many years. At this time, he jumped out and said that the Wang family used it to deal with you! "

"Not to mention anything else, I just want to know, how strong is this person?" Zhang Feng asked. "I really don't know this, but I know that he was a desperado when he was a child. He was not afraid of the sky and the earth. Now that he has received your hidden flower, he should have obtained your information on the black market. He knows how strong you are. Can take this job,

It shows that there is a certain victory! "Chen Wanru finally said: "This person is not easy!" Particularly difficult! "

The point is the last sentence of Chen Wanru.

"But!" Chen Wan stopped as he wanted to speak.

"Speak straight!"

Chen Wanru said: "Why would Wang Xiaojuan tell you this news?"

After Chen Wanru said this, Zhang Feng realized the problem. Yes, why did she betray her cousin? "Moreover, the entire upper class in Kyoto knew that in addition to fearing Wang Gan, the thorny head of the Wang family's descendants was the closest to Wang Xiaojuan's cousin. Apart from Wang Gan, only Wang Xiaojuan could teach him. Think about it!" Chen Wanru

Then said.

Zhang Feng said: "Could it be that Wang Xiaojuan's conspiracy failed?" "This is not the case. I still know Wang Xiaojuan very well. She is different from those in the Wang family. She is righteous, positive, and also has a kindness. If she wanted to avenge her grandfather, she would have done it to you long ago!" Chen

Wanru analyzed.

Zhang Feng didn't understand: "Why did she do this?"

"Hehe, I think it is your personal charm!" Chen Wanru smiled: "Your charm convinced her to do such a thing, or she knows that Wang Xiaodong is not your opponent, first tell you, let you subordinate Show mercy!"

Show mercy? She might think so. It can be seen from here that this Wang Xiaodong is average, at least in front of Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, wait for him to come!" Zhang Feng said, very domineering.

"It's better to be careful!" Chen Wanru said.

"Don't worry, how could I let him succeed!" Zhang Feng said, "How is it at home?"

It meant asking Yun Qian and the child what happened. Chen Wanru said: "Haohao didn't kiss his grandfather, and he called for you all day long, and only went to bed when he was tired!"

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