Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1313: Guard against

Hearing what she said, Zhang Feng's heart felt tight and sad.

"Well, thanks for your hard work!" Zhang Feng said, "Everything is going well here in Mexico City. Cromwell soon became a regular one, and the company started by Zhai Qiang started to function normally!"

"That's good, you have to be careful with this Wang Xiaodong yourself!" Chen Wanru said.

"I know, that's it for now, go to sleep!" Zhang Feng said, "Oh, yes, don't tell anyone about Wang Xiaodong, you just need to know it!"

"Don't you tell the master?"


"But everyone knows that a killer is going to deal with you, how do you say this?"

"Just say you don't know who this killer is!"



After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng fell into deep thought. He called Chen Wanru just now to know how strong Wang Xiaodong was. Chen Wanru didn't know. Zhang Feng was a little helpless and had to wait for him to come.

However, a few hours later, Zhang Feng received a call from Chen Wanru, telling Zhang Feng an important piece of information, the information he had just obtained.

Wang Xiaodong is a member of the Dark Alliance, nicknamed Demon Gun, and is one of the top three killers in the Dark Alliance. With this information, it’s enough. I got it there, the Dark Alliance, one of the four small mercenaries in Africa. Haha, this is the Assassin Alliance. It absorbs assassins from all over the world. It is a regular visitor on the Assassin Network. Their main business is. Just dark

Killing is also done with big orders, so even though it is a killer alliance, it is also included in the list of mercenaries, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

"Thanks for your hard work, so it's too late, and get information!" Zhang Feng said.

"It's okay, I can't sleep, don't worry, no one else knows at this time, and it won't make it difficult for you to do with Wang Xiaojuan!" Chen Wanru said, "However, the master may have noticed it because I moved the one below. Intelligence point!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone as he said, Chen Wanru always makes people reassuring and understanding.

The old beggar knows if he knows it, he won't talk about it everywhere, just don't let Wang Xiaojuan know.

If Wang Xiaojuan broke his promise, Zhang Feng would rather not have this information.

The Dark Alliance had never been in contact with it when they were in Africa. Their power was in South Africa, and Zhang Feng’s Huangquan mercenaries were in Wanda.

Although they are far apart and there is no conflict of interest, Zhang Feng was ready to fight these mercenary groups when he was in Wanda City.

It was only later that Zhang Feng returned to China and went to Area 52. After being seriously injured, he learned that the Huangquan Mercenary Corps was surrounded by four small mercenary regiments and could not disband and retain the backbone.

"What happened?"

At this moment, the dancer came, and he asked Zhang Feng curiously when he saw Zhang Feng answering the phone frequently.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Hehe, that killer will come soon!"

"Oh?" The dancer was curious, waiting for Zhang Feng's next words. But Zhang Feng didn’t intend to say this, he just said: “From now on, you don’t want to go outside. It’s inside the villa area, preferably in your room, even though double-layer bulletproof glass has been installed outside. But don't give

He seized the opportunity! "

"Don't worry, we can do this, as long as he shoots, we can locate him immediately!" The dancer laughed, "I hope he shoots!"

The choreographer was relieved to learn that the killer was coming soon, and he looked confident that Zhang Feng was waiting for the killer to come.

"No, no matter who the first gun he fired is aimed at, it won't work, none of you can have an accident!" Zhang Feng said.

"Well, I told them not to go anywhere these days, and that's the only way to go!" The dancer became a little unhappy, and his heart was blocked again, because everyone was so embarrassed that a killer could not make it like this.

But it is not so, and it makes people helpless, it is really uncomfortable.

Zhang Feng said: "Others let him mix into the workers in the training ground. Except for a few contractor managers who can approach the villa, all people who don't know can't approach the villa. It must be foolproof!"

"This is easy to handle, I've seen all those contractors!" The dancer said, "I'm just worried about Zhai Qiang. He is in the company. It would not be good if the assassin spotted him!"

After that, Zhang Feng realized that if Wang Xiaodong attacked Zhai Qiang in the city center, he could hide it completely after he succeeded. With his skill, he could completely escape Chen Wanru's intelligence network.

In order to protect Zhai Qiang's safety, Zhang Feng also specially arranged Silgarva to be his bodyguard. Now it seems that there is a certain risk, not because of distrust of Silgarva's ability, but risk.

No matter how strong Silgarva is, there is always a time when he is slack, and a bullet can solve him.

Wang Xiaodong is called the Demon's Spear, and his marksmanship must be very powerful.

"Yes, yes, call Zhai Qiang back and work in the villa!" Zhang Feng said and immediately took out the phone to call Zhai Qiang: "I will call him now."

The phone was connected quickly, and Zhang Feng couldn't wait to say: "Qianzi, you will be back now!"

"What's the matter? Talking about a big business!" Zhai Qiang said.

Zhang Feng said: "It's about your life safety!"

Zhai Qiang was silent for two seconds before he said, "I'll be back right away!" He hung up the phone. The so-called big business is indeed a big business, which is about a billion-dollar business, but for Zhai Qiang, these It’s just a number. What he cares most about is his own life. Only when he is alive can he have a chance. Otherwise,

No talk about him.

Besides, now that he has a large sum of money to squander, what he is afraid of, the entire market is his, and he is not afraid.

He has long known the business of Mexico City and he has no strong entrepreneurs.

Regarding this point, Zhai Qiang is very confident, but this matter is also relatively urgent, because it will be difficult for foreign capital to come in after a year or a half.

But compared to his own fate, these are nothing.

Zhai Qiang quickly returned to the villa, Zhang Feng said the killer thing, Zhai Qiang also felt that this was right, so he immediately told the company's people that all operations can be done through video conferences or phone calls without any delay. Corporate Affairs.

The next step is to wait for Wang Xiaodong, the demon's gun, to come. In the villa, Zhang Feng was exercising except for sleeping and rest time. His exercise was very difficult. First of all, he had an ice bath, with ice at minus ten or twenty degrees. A stay would last two to three hours. It’s very easy because

When I was in Area 52, lying in that kind of nutrient solution was more terrifying than this ice water. This is ice water that can't be done by a dancer, and if he can do it, he won't be able to stand it after a few minutes, but you have to take it slowly.

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