Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1329: Bad things

"Brother Feng, I understand!"

Fan Yongxi's confidence is a little lacking, but Zhang Feng doesn't care about him, since he should do it with all his strength.

"Okay, you go!"

Fan Yongxi took the equipment and went to his room. He must clean up these treasures and take good care of them.

Standing by the side and keeping silent, Alice looked at Zhang Feng's eyes full of love. In Alice's view, Zhang Feng represented justice!

Alice believed in her own eyes. She saw that everything Zhang Feng did was on the good side and was just. For example, when dealing with this killer, in order not to hurt his innocence, she first asked the workers to go before exploding.

He also taught his men to be kind.

The more so, the more Alice liked Zhang Feng, and if there were not many people here now, Alice would pounce on it.

Zhang Feng didn't bother to look at her current expression. This threat had been resolved, and it was meaningless to stay in Roman City, so he wanted to return to Africa.

At first I thought that this place must be found back, but what is going on in Wanda, Africa now, Zhang Feng didn't know yet, and he couldn't just pull the team over.

Rebuild the Huangquan Mercenary Group.

Yes, Huangquan Team!

We must bring Hades and the others back. Since they are useless in the country, let's make use of them.

But this is difficult.

Zhang Feng's heart is blocked when he thinks of this, how to solve this stalk?

After much deliberation, Zhang Feng still called the old beggar to ask.

Zhang Feng also didn't want to think that it was late at night in China, and the phone rang for a long time before the old beggar connected.

"Boy, let people not sleep?"

The old beggar's annoyed voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Uh, uh, old man, in broad daylight, you still slept, did you fool around with which woman last night!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but come.

Only Zhang Feng would dare to say such things to Mr. Gusu.

The old beggar said: "Don't talk to me about this, what can I say!"

"Old man, how about Yan Wang and them?" Zhang Feng asked.

The old beggar was silent for a while and said, "Don't think about them!"

It's not good, Zhang Feng's heart trembled: "Why? Did they commit a crime?"

"Originally, if Wang Xiaodong did not die, someone from the Wang family might stand up and clarify for them, but now that Wang Xiaodong is dead, the Wang family will not only not help, but also spill dirty water!"

The words of the old beggar made Zhang Feng's heart even more congested, where and where?

"Old man, I don't understand!" Zhang Feng said.

"Let Wanru tell you, I want to sleep!"

The old beggar hung up the phone as he said, Zhang Feng was speechless.

I saw the time on my mobile phone and realized that it was late at night in China, and I smiled helplessly. I can only wait for the evening, which is the morning in China.

When it was time to go to the ice bath, Alice didn't dare to follow Zhang Feng anymore, she couldn't stand the cold.

Lying in the cold ice, Zhang Feng's turbulent heart slowly calmed down. The old beggar revealed a great message, that is, the matter of the King of Yan is related to the Wang family.

The Wang family is the Wang family again.

Zhang Feng is speechless, why are so many things related to the Wang family?

Well, even if it is related to the Wang family again this time, Wang Gandu is already dead, can they still jump?

Also, what does this have to do with Wang Xiaodong? Isn't he the abandoned son of the Wang family? Now he jumped out, and the Wang family wanted Zhang Feng not to kill him.

But he wants to kill Zhang Feng. Could it be that he wants Zhang Feng to stand there and kill him? What kind of logic is this in the Wang family?

And the old beggar even said not to kill him!

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng became annoyed.

After Zhang Feng’s file information was leaked, the Huangquan team, which had been bombed to death in an abandoned factory outside Kyoto, was alive again. Jin Chan’s plan to escape from the shell failed. They were taken special care of again. They were caught, but they were restricted from leaving the country and went back to each family to find each mother.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Feng has not had the face to see them.

And since then, I haven't contacted much. I came here in a flash for a few months, only to learn about their current situation from Chen Wanru, the same as when the organization was cancelled.

Knowing that at present, Zhang Feng is also at a loss.

If you want to return to Wanda, Africa, you can't do without them.

Of course, they are not obligatory, but they are only required to go back where they should be.

Huangquan team must rebuild Huangquan team.

The next day, Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru to first talk about the killer Wang Xiaodong, saying that Wang Xiaodong was killed.

Chen Wanru was relieved now, they were forced to return home by this assassin.

"Then you have trouble again, the Wang family is now dealing with your Huangquan team in every possible way!" Chen Wanru said.


Zhang Feng’s fist hit the table in front of him, and the thick solid wood table broke down immediately, shocking the people around. Alice came out and saw Zhang Feng like this, and didn’t know what to do. There must be something very angry. .

"Let me tell you again, last night, Chai Chong and a young lady were arrested in the hotel; Li Jian was arrested for drinking and fighting at the food stall." Chen Wanru said.


With another punch, the table was completely broken, and the scum pierced Zhang Feng's palm with blood flowing. Alice over there was frightened and screamed and hurried over to deal with the wound.

"You bleed, bleed..." Alice burst into tears.

A dozen guys stood there without talking. They knew that something big had happened, and there were quite a few things. They just solved a killer, and now such a big thing happened again. From Zhang Feng’s appearance, things are even worse than the killer. It's serious.

"Zhang Feng, please calm down first. The Wang family is right to do this. Li Jian and the others should be woken up. Before you let them feign death, the Wang family didn't catch this tail!" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng doesn't care about this, he just wants Yan Wang and the others to be well, the Wang family is obviously in trouble now.

"What does that have to do with Wang Xiaodong?" Zhang Feng asked.

This is the key, as the old beggar said yesterday.

"Do you know who Wang Xiaodong's father is?" Chen Wanru asked him.

Zhang Feng really doesn't know this, and he has never paid attention to it: "Who is it?"

"Wang Jingming!"

"It's him!"


Zhang Feng knows. He knows Wang Jingming. He has almost received all the energy of Wang Gan. Now he is the leader of the Wang family. After Wang Gan died, the Wang family did not split up. It is because this Wang Jingming served in the court. Important position.

He is different from Wang Gan who reveals his edge and does all the bad things secretly, but he is dedicated to his duties and serves the official side and benefits the other side. He is an upright official.

It was also a clean stream of the Wang family. Before Wang Qian was alive, he was favored by Wang Gan. After Wang Gan died, he naturally took control of the Wang family and inherited all the resources of the Wang family, which can be said to be even more powerful.

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