Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1330: Long call

The Wang family only stagnated for a short time, and when Wang Jingming had accumulated power, the Wang family would rise again.

Chen Wanru said: "It can be said that Wang Jingming is a difficult character to deal with, he is even more difficult to deal with than Wang Gan!"

That's right, Wang Gan is very arrogant and sharp, doesn't know how to forbear, and thinks he takes credit for it.

But Wang Jingming was different. He knew how to forbearance. When Wang Gan was still alive, he was not only low-key, but also low-key when he was an official, so low-key that he ignored his son, and he was out of town, not at home all the time.

Zhang Feng didn't know how he controlled the Wang family who was about to be separated after Wang Gan died.

"He is in charge of his son now? How does he know his son is here?" Zhang Feng asked.

Chen Wanru said: "Master negotiated with Wang Jingming because of King Yan and their affairs, and talked about Wang Xiaodong, so that Master called you. Master already knew that Wang Xiaodong was going to deal with you."

"Is this an exchange?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You can also say yes!" Chen Wanru said: "Master believes in your abilities and believes that you can deal with Wang Xiaodong, so he didn't do anything, just as ignorant, and Wang Jingming also believed that you killed his son!"

This is indeed the case now, Zhang Feng killed Wang Xiaodong.

"One more thing, for many years, Wang Jingming has only one son, that is Wang Xiaodong!" Chen Wanru said: "For so many years, for his official career, he killed his relatives righteously and hid him, just as Wang Xiaodong died, never bothered. Some time ago Wang Xiaodong confronts you, Wang Jingming can't help it anymore."

"He knows that his son can't do you!"

Zhang Feng said: "Then now his son is dead, what is his reaction?"

"Haha!" Chen Wanru said with a smile: "I hope he will react. If the news that Wang Xiaodong was not dead was stabbed out, he will be finished! The whole Wang family will really be over!"

"He just assumed that his son was really dead!" Zhang Feng added.


It is conceivable how painful it is for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, and I can't say it, he can only endure it alone.

And Wang Jingming must be the same as nothing happened.

"Then let's poke out Wang Xiaodong's affairs?" Zhang Feng said evilly.

Ha ha!

Chen Wanru smiled, and Zhang Feng said, "What are you laughing at?"

"So naive idea!" Chen Wanru said contemptuously: "Every game, everyone must abide by the rules of the game, or they will be out of the game."

That said, Zhang Feng understood. Even if Wang Jingming was killed in this match, you would also break the rules and be out.

The end of the game was even worse than the fallen Wang family.

Besides, the roots of the Wang family are so deep, and the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. How can it be so easy to lose?

"Then Wang Jingming won't be against me?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You want to be beautiful!" Chen Wanru said angrily: "What will happen to you if you are changed?"

It means that if someone kills Zhang Feng's son, what reaction would Zhang Summit have.

"Is it necessary to say? Naturally, I want to fight him hard and never die!"

Zhang Feng said without even thinking about it.

"That's not it?" Chen Wanru asked him back.

"Well, I'll see what Wang Jingming can do!"

Zhang Feng reluctantly said that he was completely engaged with the Wang family at this time, first Wang Gan, now his grandson, and then him.

Will there be anything else in the future?

No matter if you don't think too much anymore, you can kill as much as you come.

"Don't worry, Wang Jingming is not as ruthless as his father. There is always a bottom line. This time, the king of Hades is also willing to fall, and they can't blame anyone!" Chen Wanru said.

Speaking of this, talking about Zhang Feng's concern: "How are his father and Long Lao now?"

"Still under quarantine review, there is no progress so far. They just suspended their duties without restricting their freedom. They are idle at home and occasionally meet some people!" Chen Wanru said.

After saying that, Zhang Feng was relieved, thinking he was arrested and tortured.

Think about it, how to say they are also important members of the country, always have to be personal.

"I mean Huangquan Team!" Zhang Feng said this again.

He kept talking about this, Chen Wanru said: "Don't think about it for now, don't worry, I will always pay attention to them, and I won't let them have problems. The two of them have been released on bail in the morning and they are all right!"

"Now it can only do this!" Zhang Feng said.

"Well, now that the killer has been eliminated, there is no danger for the time being. Are you still staying in Mexi City?" Chen Wanru said.

This is a relatively relaxed topic, Zhang Feng said: "I haven't thought that I was going to return to China to find them again, but now it seems that I can't!"

"They have been restricted from leaving the country, and they have been monitored and cannot leave the eyes of Guoan!" Chen Wanru said.

The topic is heavy again.

"Security Bureau?" A beautiful and pure face appeared in Zhang Feng's mind.

That was the school flower that I met at the school gate, Hu Xinting.

It was her who really made Zhang Feng's dry heart moisturized by the spring rain, but now Hu Xinting is no longer the Hu Xinting he used to be.

"Yes, they are in charge of this matter, and only they can manage it!" Chen Wanru said, "Oh, yes, the day before yesterday, Hu Xinting came to the clubhouse, and she asked about you!"

"How to say?"

Zhang Feng's heart beats suddenly.

"She asked how you are now, let yourself be careful!" Chen Wanru said.

"Only this?"

"Yes, do you want more?"

"No, I have no relationship with her!"

Zhang Feng didn't evade this. Chen Wan knew about Zhang Feng and Hu Xinting. There was nothing to evade, just say whatever it was.

However, Zhang Feng's tone was a little bit frustrated and disappointed, this kind of person would have lost love, how could Chen Wanru, who is careful and smart, couldn't hear it.

"No, Zhang Feng, you and her are endless, you two need to hone and temper!"

Chen Wanru's words are so profound that Zhang Feng couldn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"I know, you still like each other, and I will support you!" Chen Wanru said generously.

This surprised Zhang Feng. Are women not natural enemies? Chen Wanru is so generous? Outspoken support!

Besides, there is Yun Qian.

Hearing Zhang Feng didn’t say anything, Chen Wanru continued: “Hu Xinting is not a good girl. She looks good and her family background is the best in Kyoto. ?"

Zhang Feng was silent again. He didn't expect Chen Wanru to say something like that. It was an accident.

But Zhang Feng had a little bit of joy in his heart, Chen Wanru was right, Zhang Feng still had her in his heart.

It's just that Zhang Feng will never force it!

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