Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1336: trap

At this moment a mouse was bitten by Zhang Feng, leaving only the skin and internal organs.

Although the fishy smell was heavy, it supplemented the body's energy and Zhang Feng felt much better.

"Ambush!" Zhang Feng said softly: "Pretend!"

Silgarva over there was surprised, how much he spoke, and a little voice could spread far at night.

Silgarva didn't speak, and used surrounding resources to disguise himself with Zhang Feng's intention.

The leaves, soil, rattan, and then the faint moonlight can do it, and the movements are gentle, like small animals at night coming out for food.

On Zhang Feng's side, he dug the soil with a saber and dug a half-meter deep pit. Finally, he dug into the damp soil. After waiting for more than half an hour, water leaked out of it. Zhang Feng was overjoyed and cut the pit After making a mud, I took off my clothes and left only a pair of trousers, and then wiped a thick layer of mud on my body, all over my body, like a clay figure.

Of course, the clothes straps tied to the wounds on the chest and back were not taken off.

In this way, the bugs attracted by the smell of blood would not do anything to Zhang Feng.

However, what Zhang Feng did was not to prevent mosquitoes, but to be of great use.

A pair of trousers and a top can make a fuss.

Collect the leaves on the ground and stuff them into the clothes, stuff them full, and tie them with some vines.

In this way, it took Zhang Feng more than half an hour to make a puppet, about the same size as him.

There is no face. As for the hair, it's simple. That's the mountain rat that was skinned and killed by Zhang Feng.

After doing this, Zhang Feng filled the pit with leaves, and finally restored it to its original state, that is, restored to the state it had never been destroyed.

This is very difficult, and it is still under such light.

Zhang Feng dragged the doll away, under a big tree twenty meters away from here, and tied the doll there, exposing most of his back. He just saw this from the direction of Wang Xiaodong.

After placing the doll, Zhang Feng hid in the grass. He held a small vine in his hand and buried it in the ground. It was used to move the doll, and the vine was buried underground.

Zhang Feng's method of placing the vines is very clever. He does not expose the ground by pulling, but passes the vines under the roots, and the bottom is empty.

He rested for three or four hours. Before the sun came out in the early morning, the birds and beasts in the mountains began to hum on a large scale. It was very lively. Taking advantage of this sound, Zhang Feng began to deploy.

"Yongxi, look at my position, don't move, he is nearby!"

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

"Silgarva, come to the west, touch it slowly, and stop him from running away!"

"it is good!"

After speaking, Silgarva started to move, because this time was the best time, there were many birds and beasts walking around in the forest.

Zhang Feng hid in the grass, waiting for the sky to dawn.

An hour later the bright sun rose, illuminating the earth, and everything seemed to start again.

The vine in Zhang Feng's hand moved a little, and it moved every now and then, not very much.


Finally, there was a dull gunshot, and the back of the doll was penetrated.

At this time, Zhang Feng pulled another rope, the doll fell down, and then pulled the first rope, the doll was shaking.

After shaking for seven or eight times, he stopped moving, followed by another shot, and his body trembled again for a few times and completely stopped moving.

Zhang Feng's goal has been achieved. Just now I thought he would not be fooled. After the second shot, he knew that he had been fooled.

Now just wait here quietly.

At this moment, Fan Yongxi's voice came from Zhang Feng's headset: "Come out, Brother Feng, do you want to shoot!"

"No!" Zhang Feng whispered: "Don't make any noise! ​​Siljava, stay still!"

Fortunately, there are a lot of birds and beasts in the morning, otherwise there will be movement in words.


Waiting for Wang Xiaodong to come over to confirm the death of the target.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, there was a sound around Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng knew that he was careless.

Don’t you know there are other people around here?

Or maybe he doesn't even know?

Zhang Feng is a little puzzled, do you look at him highly?

The next moment Zhang Feng saw him come out, leaning over his body, covered in leaves, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, and the barrel was painted green.

He walked under the big tree and suddenly stopped when he was about to approach the doll, because there was a person standing behind him, a person who appeared like a ghost.

"Wang Xiaodong!" The muddy man behind him whispered.

There is a victor in the tone.

"Zhang Feng!" Wang Xiaodong said calmly, knowing he was going to die.

Zhang Feng said: "Why are you killing me?"

"Why kill my grandpa!?" Wang Xiaodong asked back.

Zhang Feng did not respond to him, because it was useless to respond, but Wang Xiaodong said: "I am not your opponent after all, let's do it!"

Wang Xiaodong said that at this time, he suddenly turned around, and Zhang Feng also moved at this time. The poker card in his right hand flew out and nailed it to the back of Wang Xiaodong's hand. He yelled in pain, not counting, Zhang Feng flew again When one came out, the sniper rifle fell to the ground on the back of his other hand.

Wang Xiaodong's hands were full of blood. He raised his foot and picked up the sniper rifle. Zhang Feng quickly flashed behind him, placing the saber in his hand under his neck.

"Your father Wang Jingming told me not to kill you. He didn't kill you, but you shot it first!"

Zhang Feng didn't wait for what Wang Xiaodong wanted to say, the knife in his hand struck his neck, blood came out, Wang Xiaodong's body fell to the ground, his body was twitching, his mouth was still saying something, Zhang Feng could vaguely hear Get: "Dad...Dad..."

Then there was no sound.

Zhang Feng said into the headset: "He is dead, come here!"

After waiting for a while, both of them appeared here. They saw the dead man on the ground, Zhang Feng in dry mud, and a puppet over there, and they understood instantly.

Zhang Feng is still amazing, let him deliver it to the door himself.

Fan Yongxi took the gun under Wang Xiaodong's body, looked at it carefully, and nodded and said: "Talent, talent, Brother Feng, it's fortunate that you can hide, if it weren't for Miss Alice..."

Halfway through, Fan Yongxi couldn't continue.

The implication is that if there is no Alice, Zhang Feng is probably dead.

Silgava admired it very much, and the way to kill Zhang Feng was simply admiration.

"How to deal with the corpse?" Fan Yongxi asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Buried on the spot!"

The two immediately buried Wang Xiaodong, and then Zhang Feng used Fan Yongxi's cell phone to call the old beggar.

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