Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1337: Transport the body back!

"The old man is me!" Zhang Feng said.

The old beggar said anxiously: "Xiaofeng, how are you now?"

"It's just a little hurt!" Zhang Feng was very relieved. The old beggar still cared about himself, so anxious, instead of asking Wang Xiaodong.

The old beggar said: "So careless, he almost succeeded, how do you usually teach you!"

"Old man, I worry you. I was cheated by him. The corpse was not him, but now he is dead!" Zhang Feng said, "I solved him by myself. The corpse is not cold yet!"

"Since you are dead, die!" the old beggar said helplessly.

Zhang Feng heard the meaning in the old beggar's tone and said, "Old man, if you are embarrassed by the Wang family's affairs, when I return home, I will personally go to the Wang family to meet this Wang Jingming for a while!"

"What will happen? Isn't there enough things to provoke?" The old beggar said angrily. There was a little bargaining chip with Wang Jingming, but Wang Xiaodong meant that this bargaining chip was gone.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to talk back, so he listened, and the old beggar continued: "Come back, don't be there anymore!"

"What are you going to do? How boring, I still have a lot to do now!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng is a matter of natural Africa, as well as Yan Wang and others.

"There will be a tricky thing in the near future. Now that the above hasn't decided, you come back first!" the old beggar said solemnly.

Zhang Feng became interested for a while: "What is it?"

"You'll talk about it when you come back!" said the old beggar: "It's not sure yet!"

The old beggar didn't want to say that Zhang Feng didn't ask any more questions. Since he asked himself to go back, let's go back. The matter at the moment has been resolved.

"Also, to bring back Wang Xiaodong's body, this is Wang Jingming's request!" said the old beggar.

Zhang Feng said: "Okay, but there is something!"

"Say it!" said the old beggar.

"This time I return to China, I want to take Siljava and Caldera back!" Zhang Feng said, "You will get an identity!"

"It's not easy. Just ask me!" The old beggar said, "It's better for you to ask Zhai Qiang about this. He knows a lot. In this way, you ask him to organize a tour group to visit us, and you Just mix in!"

"I see!" Zhang Feng responded.

The old beggar hung up.

Zhang Feng said to them: "Excavate the body and transport it back to China!"

The two had no objection, and they had heard the old beggar's words just now.

When I returned to the villa a short time later, I put the body away and put it in the freezer. Zhang Feng went to the hospital.

The hospital is the best in the city. When Zhang Feng arrived, he saw the dancing boy standing outside the ward.

"How, how?" Zhang Feng couldn't wait to ask!

The choreographer said: "Alice has been out of danger, and she will probably wake up until she understands. No, no, the doctor said she can't die!"

Hearing what the dancer said, Zhang Feng felt relieved. He was very worried about Alice. If he could never wake up, Zhang Feng would feel very guilty and uneasy.

"That's good, thank you for your hard work!" Zhang Feng said sincerely.

"Small!" The dancer said, "Where is your side? Is it resolved? You are injured!"

The dancer saw Zhang Feng's chest with a white bandage and wounds there.

"I'm fine, the killer has been resolved, and the killer will be transported back to the Wang family Wang Jingming!" Zhang Feng said.

The choreographer said: "Transporting such a person, passing through so many security checks, transporting!?"

"Yes, no matter what method is used, it must be shipped back!"

"Okay, leave it to me!" said the dancer.

He will also go home by then!

"Do you want to treat the wound?" the dancer asked.

"No, no need!" Zhang Feng said quickly.

This is what the gunshot doctor will see at first glance, maybe they will call the police, which will attract many customers.

There are also scars and tattoos on his body.

"Are you sure?" the dancer asked again.

"You're so long-winded!"

The dancer spread his hands and said: "It's up to you, you are here waiting for her!"

"it is good!"

The choreographer has a lot of things to do, first of all, this work of transporting corpses.

After the dancer left, Zhang Feng sat quietly on the chair in the corridor, thinking about the scene where Alice blocked the bullet yesterday. How did Alice know that there was a bullet coming.

And the reaction speed is so fast, Zhang Feng is ashamed.

After she woke up, Zhang Feng wanted to ask her carefully about this question and how she did it at that time.

Waiting, Zhang Feng has never felt that waiting is an unpleasant thing. On the contrary, waiting is a pleasant thing because he can wait.

There are too many misfortunes in this world, too real and cruel, and it is already a very difficult thing to survive, let alone to get impressive and outstanding.

It's not easy.

At this moment, a doctor came, and Zhang Feng hurried up to ask about Alice's condition.

The doctor asked: "Who are you the patient?"

Zhang Feng said without thinking, "I am her boyfriend!"

The doctor looked at Zhang Feng nervously and said, "She is all right now, she needs to take care of her, and she can't get excited!"

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!" Zhang Feng truly thanked him, it was he who saved Alice.

"Don't thank me, you can go in!" The doctor said and left.

People take guns almost every day in this city, so it is most normal to have gunshot wounds in the hospital.

Zhang Feng gently opened the door and went in. Inside was a large hospital bed. The left and right sides of the bed were medical machines, and the people on the bed were full of tubes.

Alice was lying there, her face covered with an oxygen mask, her face pale, her eyes closed, Zhang Feng felt distressed.

Pulling a chair and sitting down, Zhang Feng just looked at her and stayed here quietly.

Fan Yongxi was right. If it weren't for her to stop him, he would probably have died.

Although the bullet penetrated the body, after the bullet passed Alice's body, it weakened a lot before reaching Zhang Feng's body, so there was no big hole in Zhang Feng's body, and the muscles and bones were torn.

And what about Alice's? The entire lung was almost broken, and it was rescued after a day and night of rescue.

Zhang Feng had to admit that her courage was really great.

It's all right now, please treat her better in the future.

I thought that two hours ago, in the jungle, Zhang Feng still doesn't know why Wang Xiaodong was fooled. I really don't know if there are two people there? Why is he coming out?

I didn't expect it to end so quickly. It might be the case. His marksmanship is top in the world, but his IQ is average.

Yes, IQ is average.

At that time, Zhang Feng also came up with the next plan, but unfortunately it was not available.

There is another question, how do you fix it when you return to China? this is a big problem.

Wait until Alice wakes up before going back.

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