Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1350: Dead body arrives

Less than 30 meters away from the cars in Anshahai, there was a big **** car parked among the many cars.

Caldera was sitting in it. In the past few days, he has been very idle, just sitting in the car. If Chen Wanru's sister-in-law told him not to move those individuals, Caldera would have put them on the ground.

These people are really greedy and looking for death.

According to intelligence, they had weapons and bombs. Chen Wanru’s sister-in-law said that they could not stay, but before they were removed and sent to the police, they had to do something for them.

And the intelligence has learned of their plan, bombing the car, and stealing the jewelry.

Ling Ling...

Caldera's cell phone rang, and he picked it up to answer: "Sister-in-law!"

"Caldera, the driverless car is ready, to be specific, you and Sylgava agree to come as originally planned, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Chen Wanru’s voice came from the phone, and Caldera replied, “Don’t worry, my sister-in-law, we can handle these little Luoluo, we will surely let them blow Wang Xiaodong to pieces!”

"No, I don't want to break my body, I want them to recognize that this is Wang Xiaodong from the Wang family, and I also want to make sure that he was killed by the bombing and not killed by Zhang Feng, understand?

Chen Wanru has said this sentence twice, and there should be no surprises about this, otherwise, she will be busy.

"Yes, sister-in-law!" Caldera had a very good attitude, and would not think Chen Wanru's words were wordy.

After hanging up, Caldera called Silgarva. Silgarva was waiting at the port, and he was sitting in the driverless car. Caldera will be in the passenger seat. After the explosion, he will use the driverless device. Demolished, and Caldera will suffer a little skin

The bitterness of flesh.

He has thick skin and thick skin. This explosion is nothing but cover his face.

Moreover, this car was modified overnight by the 01 equipment department, and it could not blow up Caldera sitting in front of it.

Silgarva was already ready, he was responsible for picking up Wang Xiaodong from the ship.

After waiting for a few hours, Silgarva received the message that the ship had entered the port and Caldera went to pick it up immediately. He was driving a large container trailer.

After I went there, I exchanged simple documents and so on. Several company employees pretending to be brothers got on the car together.

When they arrived at the warehouse outside the port, they opened the container. There was a lot of frozen seafood inside, and the innermost one was a large refrigerator. There was a person lying in it, his whole body was frozen, and there was a slender stroke on his neck. mark.

Lift the body out and put it in a heating machine, which is used for thawing.

It thaws in less than ten minutes, but it cannot be left for too long and must be shipped back to Kyoto immediately.

Loaded the body into the car and drove out of the warehouse.

But just as they were about to drive away, Chen Wanru called and said that the Wang family had also come and wanted to pick Wang Xiaodong back to Kyoto together.

"Silgarva, they will definitely see the corpse when they come. You can show them some scenes. What I want is a living person!" Chen Wanru's words were very contradictory.

But from Silgarva's point of view, there is no contradiction at all. The so-called living person means that Wang Xiaodong looks alive when the Wang family sees Wang Xiaodong.

"I know how to do it!" Silgava said, hung up the phone and started moving immediately.

He went to the nearby hospital and clinic as quickly as possible to get some medical things, such as slings and the like, and made one of his subordinates put on a white coat and coat to pretend to be loud. When everything was ready, the Wang family came.

Two people in their thirties came here.

Silgarva negotiated with them: "Mr. Wang is still asleep, please don't disturb! We should rush back to the Kyoto Hospital to treat Mr. Wang immediately!"

One of the people who came was named Wang Xiaozhi, Wang Xiaodong’s cousin, a relative who had to be farther away. He said, "This gentleman, we are here to pick Xiaodong home. Please let us go and see him in the car!"

"Well, you must not disturb!" Silgava opened the car door.

This is a bus with all the seats removed. There is a medical bed with a person lying on it. There is a medicine bottle hanging on the head of the bed. There is a sound of a mask wearing a mask. They walked up without speaking.

When Wang Xiaozhi saw his cousin, he was in a complicated mood. He hadn't seen him for many years. At that time, Wang Xiaozhi saw this kid not pleasing to his eyes.

The wound on Wang Xiaodong's neck has been treated urgently. There is a piece of skin on it, the skin of the same skin color, nothing can be seen, his body is covered with a thick quilt, the weather is a bit cold in autumn, and there is no flaw.

Wang Xiaozhi also deliberately reached into the quilt and touched Wang Xiaodong's hand. It was hot!

Now, he was relieved, a smile appeared on his face.

He waved his hand and led people out of the car.

"Mr. Silgava, thank you very much for sending my cousin back, and now I want to take my cousin back!" Wang Xiaozhi said.

"Sorry sir, the order I received was to safely send Mr. Wang Xiaodong back to Kyoto, and I did not receive an order to hand over to you halfway!" Siljawa said coldly.

"This..." Wang Xiaozhi couldn't tell. He came here only temporarily at home, and he didn't just go there in advance.

Siljava said again: "If Mr. Wang wastes time here again, Mr. Wang Xiaodong will not get better treatment. Can Mr. Wang bear this responsibility?"

Wang Xiaozhi's face turned dark, how could he bear it, and quickly said: "Then we should go back quickly, can I follow behind?"


The two of them went to the back. Silgarva was driving the car in front, but the doctor on the bus got down and got into the car in front, and Caldera sat in the driver's seat.

The situation has changed and driverless driving is no longer available.

But don't worry, facing this kind of explosion is too simple for Caldera, at best it will suffer a little flesh.

He drove smoothly.

There is a bomb at the bottom of the car. According to the explosive range of this bomb, the rear part of the car can be blown up.

And the doctor just wrapped Wang Xiaodong's face with a special cloth after he got down. After the explosion, his face won't be blown up.

"Cousin, why did the doctor come down?"

Behind Wang Xiaozhi's black big car.

Wang Xiaozhi said: "It's nothing, let's drive!"


Wang Xiaozhi called back: "Uncle, Xiaodong is still alive, but he was seriously injured!"

"Good, good!"

A peaceful voice came from the phone and hung up.


An Shahai, who watched all this not far away, was very excited. He saw someone in the car just now, but how could there be a doctor? The subordinates explained: "Shao An, they must be black, and if they are injured, please call a doctor!"

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