Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1351: explosion

An Shahai agrees with this statement very much. Anyway, the jewelry is on the cart, because the big guy got on the cart with two white portable safes. The box contained jewelry.

There was also the black Big Ben that followed. An Shahai knew this car and couldn't get it for two million.

That man must be the boss.

What if it is the boss?

Thinking of this, An Shahai's opponent said: "How about the bomb?"

"Sao An, everything is normal!"

"Very well, after doing this ticket, I will give you 500,000 yuan each in cash!" An Shahai said excitedly.

"Xie An Shao!"

An Shahai lay there contentedly and said to the beauties nearby: "Come, come again!"

He is waiting here, waiting for his subordinates to bring him the jewels. With jewels, he has the strength to challenge his dad, huh! Excited.

It is hundreds of kilometers from Shimotsu to Kyoto, and there is a road that crosses several mountains before the Shangsho Highway.

It was here that Anshahai ambushed heavy soldiers. There were a dozen people waiting. As soon as the bus passed by here, the remote control would be pressed, the bus would explode, and then they would rush to get the two suitcases.

After finishing this, each person received 500,000 yuan. There is nothing simpler than this. The money is really good!

The bomb was smuggled from abroad. An Shao bought it at a high price and can be controlled remotely. The explosive power of something big in the palm of his hand is amazing.

After waiting for half an hour, they finally saw the bus, but there was a black dash behind, they didn't care, as long as they didn't come to bad things, or they would be destroyed by the way.

There is An Shao on it, so don't be afraid of anything.

"Hurry up!" a bald man shouted.

They hid behind the stones on the side of the road, sticking out their heads.

He pressed the remote control, and in the next second there was an explosion from the bus down the mountain, and the car was buried in the fire.

The road below was in chaos, the big Mercedes behind stopped, and the big car in front.

"Go, go..."

A dozen men rushed down, like soldiers charging, all of them holding guys in their hands.

All of a sudden, I reached the side of the burning bus. Ten people controlled the people in the front and rear two cars. They didn't dare to move. They lay on the ground obediently, while Wang Xiaozhi, who was running back, shouted: younger brother!"


He was knocked on the head by the galvanized steel pipe in the hands of a mob, and blood suddenly appeared, the sky was spinning, and he fell.

Silgarva didn't move there either. He glanced at Caldera, who was pretending to be unconscious in the driver's seat of the burning bus, and Silgarva sneered.

Caldera's head is full of blood, so is his face, the clothes on his body are torn, and there are many wounds. This is a high price.

The rioters braved the fire and got into the bus. When they got down, they took two white suitcases and drove away.

From the beginning to the end, Silgarva squatted on the ground with his hands in his hands and did not move. After the group of people left, he first pulled Caldera out to rescue him. Of course, he soon came back to life. Silgava went to see Wang Xiaodong again. The carriage was bombed beyond recognition and the hospital bed was destroyed. Blow up, man in bed

It was bombed beyond recognition, the quilt was riddled with holes, and it was still burning.

The cloth covering Wang Xiaodong was also rotten and burning. Silgava hurriedly went to take the cloth, but half of his face was burned, and his hair was not burned.

However, the skin on his neck was also burned. This wound was obvious. Silgava quickly put it on with a burning cloth. The wound was quickly burned, and it was black.

This kind of scene can be faced by Silgarva's cold heart, and if he changes to an ordinary person, he will also be thrown up.


The fuel tank of the car exploded. Without any hesitation, Silgava wrapped Wang Xiaodong's body in a cloth that had not been burned.

After Siljava came out, all the engines of the bus exploded and the whole car was shattered.

At this time, Wang Xiaozhi had already woken up with the help of his men. The passing vehicle was parked in the distance. Someone came forward if they needed help. Someone called the police.

Silgava put down Wang Xiaodong's body, Wang Xiaozhi hurried over to look at his cousin, his face was barely distinguishable, and he died of sadness: "Cousin..."

"Mr. Wang, I'm very sorry!" Silgava said in a deep voice, also very sad to blame.

No matter how mischievous Wang Xiaodong was when he was a child, he is still the royal family. Now he is dead like this, how can he not be sad.

In addition, he came out to meet him this time, and now he has messed up the matter, and his uncle will not forgive him!

"You, you, what did you do, didn't you mean to send my cousin back safely? Why did this happen!?" Wang Xiaozhi cursed at Silgava.

Silgarva was not angry: "I don't know it will be like this. My brother is also injured. Who are those people and are they Mr. Wang's enemies?"

Wang Xiaozhi saw that the big man was seriously injured.

My heart eased down, and I can't blame others for this. Maybe it's really the enemy of my cousin, this stingy head makes trouble everywhere.

He immediately called Wang Jingming: "Uncle, uncle..."

He couldn't tell after yelling twice. He didn't know how to say it.

"What happened? Why are you so noisy over there?" Wang Jingming asked.

"Uncle, uncle, Xiaodong, Xiaodong..."

"What's up with him?"

"He was blown to death. He is a gang of gangsters! He may be Xiaodong's enemy!" Wang Xiaozhi cried.

Such a big person still cried, indicating that he was very scared.

This thing is too big.


The phone was silent, Wang Xiaozhi thought it was the phone that was online except for the problem.

"Xiaozhi, you met Xiaodong before you came back, is he really alive?" Wang Jingming asked.

"I'm still alive, lying there with a medicine bottle hanging, my body is hot, I still have a pulse, there is a doctor here!" Wang Xiaozhi said.

"Okay, please listen to me. Don't say too much about this. You can't say that the deceased is Wang Xiaodong. You are just passing there! Understand?" Wang Jingming said.

"Yes, I understand!" Wang Xiaozhi said repeatedly, he was very scared.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiaozhi reconfirmed the death of his cousin, and finally confirmed that he was too dead to die. He suffered extensive burns and the body was still warm, but he had no vital signs.

The police came quickly, and many police came, because it was close to Shimonoseki, and the police could arrive in ten minutes. After learning about the situation, several police officers were shocked. They almost called for support, saying that a dozen gangsters had weapons and blew up a car. At present, one person was killed and two were injured.

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