Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1358: Shipped back

The general manager stood up and said: "Okay, that's all for today's meeting, let's go busy!"


Everyone stood up and walked out. General Manager Zhuo Yongxin looked at Hu Xinting and Hua Yao with some thoughts in his heart. He exhaled a long breath. These two people can't make any mistakes with them, and they can't have problems.

Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the above!


Hu Xinting walked outside, a wave of heat hit her face, causing her body to shrink. The air conditioner was on in the conference room just now.

"Xinting, okay?" Hua Yao came up from behind.

The two of them grew up together and were regarded as childhood sweethearts, but for so many years, the two of them did not have any pre-crossing, and they treated each other as brothers and sisters.

"Fortunately!" Hu Xinting said as she walked into the hot sun, she did not wear an umbrella or a sun hat.

Every woman has a heart for beauty, let alone a beauty like Hu Xinting, but she doesn't care at all.

It can be said that she doesn't care about her appearance at all.

She does not live on her own beauty, but on her hands, hard work and courage.

Hua Yao has been here for five days, and he has completely adapted to the life here. For him, this place is much better than the God of War training camp.

The difference is that this place is surrounded by the enemy, Hua Yao does not believe that the Wanda government has no doubt about this place!

There must be a line of sight among the more than one hundred Wanda government troops.

Therefore, Hua Yao always arranges them in the periphery and gives them a little more money. They are very willing.

They didn’t have money for business trips, but they gave it, and they still gave it according to the standard. To them, it’s an astronomical figure. Most people will not betray it, but it may be that some people give it more. Will betray here and take money from both sides.

After a while, Zhuo Chaoguang led a large truck to transport rare earths out. This must be shipped to the port and then shipped back to the country.

It's just ordinary rare earths, nothing unusual, no one will pay attention, because there is a truck of soil going out here every day.

The Wanda government has nothing to do with this mineral deposit, because the contract has been signed, no matter what is produced there, it has nothing to do with him.

Alfonso, the mayor of Wanda, knew that he had been deceived. Zhang Feng did not use it as a resident, but developed it, and still has the right to use it for three hundred years.

In three hundred years, they could transport everything in such a place, including soil, back to their country.

Although he was unwilling, Alfonso could only swallow his breath now.

Had it not been for the Huangquan Mercenary Corps, his army would have been unable to stop the rebels, so I would also like to thank him.

There is no loss for him personally, but it is a huge loss for the entire country.

How could he manage so much in the war years? Save yourself first.

Their people came to talk to Alfonso more than half a year ago and asked him to send more than a hundred people for security, and he also sent a lot of money.

Alfonso immediately agreed, and he personally selected the more powerful soldiers in the army. It can be said that he is very cooperative with this.

And most of the money in the club went into his pocket.

You have a sense of security if you have money. So many troops need money to support them, so it’s not enough if you don’t have money.

Although the current clubhouse is not as brilliant as Zhang Feng was at that time, there are still many wealthy people who can still make money there.

Don't worry about this.

I just don’t know where the Huangquan Mercenary Corps is not going, and it disappears all at once. Will it be killed?

impossible! They will not leave, because there are still mineral deposits here, that is his territory.

As for not seeing them for so long, Alfonso did not care too much.

"Mayor, Golden Wolf Company has another car loaded with rare earths!"

Now the secretary walked in and said.

"Well, I see, is there anything else?" Alfonso asked.

This is the daily homework of the secretary who must report the situation of Golden Wolf Company.

"The Death Scythe mercenary group seems to have changed."

This is something that Mayor Alfonso is paying more attention to recently.

"Oh? What a change?"

"They sent a small team to cruise around Golden Wolf Company." The secretary said.

Ha ha!

Alfonso sneered: "Hehe, they still want to rob? Are they looking for death? The Golden Wolf Company is not a mercenary group. It is a big eastern country that can compete with Uncle Ham, huh!"

"Mayor, what if the Death Scythe mercenary group goes up to grab it? Do we send troops to respond to them?" the secretary asked again.

Alfonso thought for a while and said: "If they ask for help, we will make a request. I think in a crisis, they will agree to whatever the condition is."

"Or the wise mayor!" The secretary flattered.

Alfonso felt good, and the secretary's words were very useful to him, and it began to float.

"What about the Resistance? What's happening?" Alfonso asked.

The secretary said: "They are still doing sabotage in the city center. There were two explosions the day before yesterday. A total of ten people died, all civilians! There were four explosions yesterday! No explosions have been found today!"

"Very well, to deal with the rebels, we must resolutely attack them, and we must never let them go back alive." Alfonso said viciously.

"Yes, the mayor!"

"You go out!"


The secretary withdrew, and Alfonso couldn't sit still after a while. Sitting and the like were really boring, so he got up and went to the club.

This is the place he must visit every day, this is his place, and he can do whatever he wants.

It is also what he is proud of.

In the clubhouse, he has two beauties from the East, wearing very distinctive clothes, walking in small steps.

The figure is not big, but the energy is great, and even a **** man like Alfonso feels that it can't be solved.

This made Alfonso understand the power of the East.

Alfonso spends half of the day here, usually only in the morning shift, starting in the afternoon and ending at eight or nine o'clock the next morning.


Two days later, in Kyoto.

A cart with dozens of wheels drove from Shimotsu Port to a steel factory more than 100 kilometers away from Kyoto.

Arrived after more than an hour, there is Zhuo's corporate factory, there are already people waiting there.

The cart entered the large unloading room. All the unrelated personnel were invited to leave, closed the door, and found a large iron box from the rare earth in the container.

It was hoisted up by a crane, put on a truck, and drove out of the unloading room.

The truck arrived at a secret stronghold in Kyoto an hour later, and someone was waiting there early.

Facing such a big iron box, several people laughed.

"Old Zhuo, open it up!" a man in his fifties said to another man of the same age.

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