Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1359: The first batch of gold

Old Zhuo looked at this square safe with a height of nearly two meters, and his hands trembled.

"Old Zhuo, hurry up, I can't wait." The old man said again.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Lao Zhuo said, "Old fellow, do you know what this means?"

Lao Zhuo continued: "There are two tons of gold in it, it is the first batch, and there will be second and third batches in the future, a steady stream!"

"Isn't it going to be a steady stream? Even if the amount of gold in the wolf's lair is large, it will be done!"

"At least in our lifetime!"

"Don't be too happy too early, this is your niece Xinting and they risked their lives in exchange for it!"

"Yes, it was their lives in exchange for it!" Old Zhuo felt: "And that Zhang Feng, he is the number one hero, such a huge treasure, even signed for 300 years, it is equivalent to giving us away! "

"Yes, he is the number one hero, but I heard that he made a lot of noise in Wanda before and formed a mercenary group!"

"It's called the Huangquan Mercenary Corps!"

"Yes, this is a mercenary group with justice, just like Gusu back then!"

"This is a good thing!"

"We can just say it here, right?"

"Yes!" Lao Zhuo said, "I think Zhang Feng is still talking about his Huangquan team, right?"

"I heard about this. He has been back to Kyoto for many days, and he doesn't know what to do, but I found that the old man Gusu has a lot of contact with Wang Jingming of the Wang family!"

"Zhang Feng wants to form the Huangquan team again. Alas, what a good soldier. It can be said that the troops spent a lot of money to train them, just because of that year!"

"Is there no result yet?"

"The result? What can be the result? Some people are holding on to this. Lao Long has devoted his life to the country and the people. Is he still asking his son to do the things I am sorry for the country and the people? Come out!"

"But it was said that his son was executed outside, but he came back, and during this period a lot of secrets were leaked, how do you say?"

"I think someone framed him and used it to cover him, or it was a scapegoat!"

"There is a possibility, we can't help much with this!"

"Yes!" Lao Zhuo said, "I believe in Lao Long and his son, because they have no motive at all!"

"How can I help? You can't fold yourself in, the water inside is deep!"

"It's not that I help, and I don't have this energy, but she!" Lao Zhuo said, pointing to the big safe.

The man laughed and said, "Hehe, old fox! Do you want to open it or give me the password, I'll come!"

"Come on, haha!" Lao Zhuo pressed the code of the safe.

Kara... Kara, the door of the safe opened, and it was filled with a large piece of golden gold, which was put in the safe in one piece. To be precise, the safe was just golden things. It’s just skin.


The two of them took a breath of heat and were there in a daze. After a long time, they said, "Old Zhuo, I think this can help, but then, we hope they have something wrong?"

"It’s not like that. Naturally, I don’t want the Hu family girl and the Hua family boy to have an accident! Don’t be confused, what is it? Even if their gold mining information is not exposed, this rare earth will cause a lot of trouble. People are jealous, there are many mercenaries there!"

"Yeah! I hope they will be fine!"

"Yes, as soon as there is a change over there, who do you think is the most suitable?"

"It goes without saying that it is naturally the Huangquan mercenary group!"




Mr. Gusu, who was busy reading the documents, answered a phone call, and suddenly became excited.

"How many are sure?" Mr. Gusu asked.

"Probably two tons!"

"So many, haha, now the top ones are not calm!"

"Yes, Master, and the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps has already moved."

"Okay, I hope they can hold on first!"

"Master, don't worry, even if the Death Scythe mercenary group uses their full strength, they will not be able to break through for a while. Besides, there are Wanda government troops. Moreover, if the rebels attack Wanda City, it will not cause anything. The big news, the government army still has extra troops to support the Golden Wolf! As long as Zhang Feng can get there within a day, he can grasp the overall situation."

"Okay, you prepare Xiaofeng, and prepare the old department staying in Wanda. Once Xiaofeng waits for someone to arrive, he can immediately go into battle."

"I will tell him!"

After Mr. Gusu hung up, he went out immediately, and he also had to make some preparations to dredge some necessary joints.

The key is the Hades, and there is the upper side, you must first go to the upper side.

Guo'an is in charge of his affairs.


Everyone who should have known the news of the first batch of gold came back, and they were all excited that gold mines could be produced there, and the amount was huge. No matter what it was, no one would dare to bear this responsibility.

The above immediately gave instructions that the personal and property safety of overseas legal resources and staff must be guaranteed, and one more thing is to do a good job of confidentiality.

Gold has been inspected by experts and is of high purity and can be stored immediately.

At present, the country's gold reserves are not enough, and gold is urgently needed, so the above is very important.

No one dares to drop the chain at this time.

Chen Wanru found Zhang Feng and said about the situation, Zhang Feng became excited: "Okay, I will make those people move right away!"

Speaking of Zhang Feng, he took out his cell phone and called the dancing boy. The cell phone rang for a long time before the dancing boy answered: "Madman!"

"The dancer, we are about to move. Our gold mine has gold, and the first batch of gold has been put in the warehouse. The above is very important. I think my Huangquan team will soon be reactivated!" Zhang Feng said excitedly.

And the dancer was also excited: "I have been waiting for such a day."

"You let the people in our secret station get ready now!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay!" The dancer said excitedly: "What about us?"

"No hurry, wait for my news!" Zhang Feng said: "In this world, you still have to train."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng said to Chen Wanru, "Is there any movement on it?"

"With the highest instructions, we must ensure the personal and property safety of overseas resources and staff, and at the same time, we must do a good job of confidentiality. The confidentiality work is rare earths. The minerals produced in Wolf's Cave are rare earths, not gold!"

Chen Wanru’s remarks made Zhang Feng quite convinced. If the news of gold production is known to the whole world, the whole world will be jealous. Those who think they are big countries will jump out and claim justice, but they actually want to take it for themselves. I'm used to it.

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