Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1360: Things have changed

"I know!" Zhang Feng said: "However, paper cannot contain fire. Those who want to know will know soon. The blood wolf mercenary group was stationed there before, just for gold. They found it, but they did it very secretly. Mike discovered it. Otherwise, even if we occupy the Wolf's Den, we won't find the gold mine buried so quickly."

"Let's talk about it then, we have a contract, we only have a relationship with the Wanda government, and have nothing to do with other people. If anyone dares to come in, we are not afraid!"

Chen Wanru speaks very hard, where is this what a woman said!

Oh no, she doesn't look like an ordinary woman, Zhang Feng is ashamed of many things.

Her life experience is more miserable than Zhang Feng's. At least Zhang Feng was free when she was a child, even though she was on the street.

Say this hard, it is because there is a powerful motherland behind.

Zhang Feng does not care whether the gold is leaked, but is concerned about the safety of the staff.

He had to accomplish three things in this matter. One was to reorganize the Huangquan team; the other was the return of the Huangquan mercenary group; and the third was to ensure the safety of Hu Xinting and the others.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Now the Wang family's affairs are coming to an end.

"Where is the news about Yan Wang and others?" Zhang Feng was very concerned about this, and now finally asked.

Chen Wanru said: "They are all in Kyoto!"

"What? They are all in Kyoto?" Zhang Feng was surprised. If Yan Wang was in Kyoto, he still believed that if they were all there, Zhang Feng felt that it was not that simple.

Chen Wanru said: "They only arrived in Kyoto last night!"

"Oh!" Zhang Feng responded, arriving last night, and the gold was put into storage in the morning.

Gold has a relationship with them.

"Just yesterday afternoon, Yan Wang's father was interviewed. Although I don't know what the result will be, he is still relatively optimistic. It is also because things may not be too late at that time. I will ask them to return to Kyoto first and set off as soon as possible! If something happens to the Golden Wolf."

Chen Wanru's considerations and practices are very thorough, and the case is optimistic, which is a good thing.

This lifeless case was only moved by gold.

There will always be a result.

"I'll meet them!" Zhang Feng couldn't wait.

Chen Wanru said: "No, now is a very good time. I called them back only in secret. No one knows. We can't let anyone know. We have premeditated the whole thing!"

"Alright, anyway, I'm not in a rush!" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru said: "As far as I expected, the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps will start soon, not more than a week!"

"Another week!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but complain.

It's the eighth day since I returned to Kyoto, and I was a little bored at home all day.

Zhang Feng can’t be an otaku, he can’t be idle, he’ll feel empty after he stays at home for a long time, because his son doesn’t play with him much anymore. If he doesn’t stick to him, he sticks to his mother, and Zhang Feng himself is free. I went to the yard for training and attracted the guards who were not on duty.

"Don't worry, it will be soon!" Chen Wanru said: "Okay, I'll leave first, there are still things in the club."

Chen Wanru said that she was leaving but she seemed to have thought of something, and said: "The An Shahai who helped you carry the scapegoat has been arrested. There happened to be a fire in a place these days. There was an unnamed corpse. Someone took Wang Xiaodong’s corpse with him. Changed!"

"Oh, then I want to thank him!" Zhang Feng sneered, thinking of the scene in the club that day, if it hadn't been for meeting him, it wouldn't be so easy to explain to the Wang family.

"Hehe, I want to thank him. For this, their family's plan to enter Kyoto is all in the soup, and it has been watched by the relevant departments. Checking who they bribed, it is estimated that many people will be found, depending on his father. Now." Chen Wanru also smiled.

"This is called a chain reaction, a benign reaction after curing the wicked!" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru said: "If you want to meet, then go see, it's okay! Oh, yes, he will be released on parole tomorrow because his mother spent a lot of resources on it!"

"Hehe, it's very interesting. It is estimated that they have this energy during their several years of activities in Kyoto." Zhang Feng laughed.

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

Zhang Feng watched her leave. After a while, the old beggar called and said, "Xiaofeng, go to the farewell dinner hosted by Wang Jingming for his son tonight!"

Surprisingly, why would Wang Jingming entertain himself?

"Old man, they just invited you!?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yes, it's really just asking me, but you are going!" said the old beggar: "In fact, how can he not know that you did it, everyone is smart, and you must do what you should do, don't shy away! "

"It's long-winded, just go!"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone, and Mr. Gu Su over there complained angrily: "It's getting less and less serious!"

Then he called Wang Jingming again and said: "Jingming, I will take Zhang Feng there tonight!"

The other party was silent for a while before saying: "Alright!"

The tone was very peaceful, it seemed to be a very ordinary sentence, but the old beggar heard something, his face changed slightly, this person was really hard to deal with.

This so-called farewell dinner seemed to outsiders to be just a general dinner, without any name, but Mr. Gu Su thought of it.

The evening banquet was not held in the Wang's compound, but in a very ordinary hotel, that is, seven or eight people. Zhang Feng and Mr. Gu Su only found out that all the seven or eight people were Wang's family and there were no outsiders.

The two of them are outsiders, and Mr. Gusu did not expect that they are both from the royal family.

Wang Jingming was very enthusiastic. He walked over to shake hands with Mr. Gu Su, and shook hands with Zhang Feng, and said, "You are Zhang Feng, right?"

"Yes, Uncle Wang!" Zhang Feng called uncle affectionately, since he was here for the banquet, he would have a guest attitude.

"Good!" Wang Jingming said again and again, as if Zhang Feng's arrival made him very happy: "Come on, you sit here!"

Zhang Feng was not welcome, and sat down: "Thank you Uncle Wang!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Wang Jingming smiled, "Mr. Gusu, please take your seat!"

"No, no, I'm a guest, just sit here!" Mr. Gu Su randomly found a place to sit, and did not sit with Zhang Feng.

Wang Jingming didn't force it. He sat back to his position, raised his hands and clapped his hands and said, "It's time to serve food!"

As a result, the waiter brought up the dishes, these dishes are very common, the most expensive and common seafood.

Zhang Feng doesn’t care what level the dishes are. He looks at the other Wangs present here, the atmosphere is a bit weird and dull. Everyone except Wang Jingming, their expressions are all right, it seems that Zhang Feng owes them millions. same.

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