Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1361: Wang's Dinner

One of the two women was sitting next to Wang Jingming, fifty-year-old white and tender, well-maintained, and looked only forty years old.

This is Wang Jingming's wife and Wang Xiaodong's mother.

There are other people, Zhang Feng, who doesn't know and don't want to know each other. Presumably, before the arrival of Zhang Feng and the two, Wang Jingming had already said to them that this meal should not be destroyed.

So they look very peaceful and honest.

Zhang Feng didn't care about this. Before coming here, the old beggar had told him that he had a better attitude. Zhang Feng also felt that this was the case. After all, he killed his son. No matter what kind of grievances, he died.

And it's time for people's dinner. People may say something ugly. Zhang Feng is already prepared. The best way is not to speak, or to speak as little as possible.

"Come, everyone, let's eat!" Wang Jingming said.

With him, everyone started to move their chopsticks, and Zhang Feng also moved. The dishes here are delicious. They look ordinary and the ingredients are not expensive. The chef must be very good.

Sitting next to Zhang Feng was someone about his age, sitting there motionless, holding chopsticks in his hand and not picking up vegetables, his face was sullen.

"Zhang Feng, let me introduce it to you, hehe, while eating!" Wang Jingming said with a smile: "Let's clink glasses first, come, welcome Mr. Gu Su and Zhang Feng!"

Wang Jingming first stood up and raised his glass.

The others also stood up, simply meant to invigorate the atmosphere, and after drinking, Wang Jingming said: "Zhang Feng, walking on your left is Xiaodong’s third brother, Wang Xiaoji, in fact, it’s Da Xiaodong. It’s only a month; the one on the right is Xiaodong’s Seventh Uncle, you can also call him Seventh Uncle..."

Wang Jingming introduced all of them one by one. Every person introduced brought Wang Xiaodong, who was Wang Xiaodong's. Zhang Feng just nodded one by one to show, but did not speak.

"Haha, sit down and eat!" Wang Jingming looked a little embarrassed, but did not look angry.

Zhang Feng sat down and continued eating. He didn't raise his head. He was eating there alone, as if he was reborn to death, or he was too hungry and wanted to stuff everything in his stomach.

After a while, the two dishes in front of Zhang Feng were all empty. The old beggar over there shook his head helplessly. He understood that this was what Zhang Feng could do, and I hope the Wang family can calm down.

But things are always not as expected. That Wang Xiaoji couldn't help it anymore and shouted to Zhang Feng: "Don't be too arrogant!"

In his opinion, Zhang Feng's behavior was very arrogant, because he didn't put the Wang family in his eyes, and injured his cousin, which indirectly led to his death.

Zhang Feng ignored him and continued to eat his own.

Wang Xiaoji was angry. This person was really arrogant. When he got to this table, he still didn't put the Wang family in his eyes! How can you keep him from getting angry.

After two minutes, Wang Xiaoji couldn't bear it and said angrily: "Zhang Feng, believe it or not, I can't let you get out of this door!?"

Zhang Feng raised his eyes and looked at Wang Jingming, who was sitting across from him. He didn't seem to hear or see anything, and ate by himself.

This is acquiescing to Wang Xiaoji's behavior, and Zhang Feng is angry.

But when Wang Xiaoji was impulsive to hit someone, Wang Jingming said, "Xiaoji, eat!"

"Uncle, he, he..."

Wang Jingming raised his eyes and looked at him, he finally stopped doing it.

He should be grateful that he didn't do anything, and he could sit still.

Zhang Feng continued to eat.

A few minutes later, the aunt of Wang Xiaodong who was on the other side murmured: "It's a very uncultivated child. The parents are really useless. How can you teach it!"

Zhang Feng put down his chopsticks, looked at the opposite woman with sharp and murderous eyes and said, "What did you say?"

"What are you talking about? Huh, I said that your parents taught you such an uneducated person. They must have no food when they were young!" the woman said.

The words were very mean, Zhang Feng said in a deep voice: "Apologize, and then you go away!"

"Haha..." The woman laughed: "Ah... it hurts, it hurts..."

She laughed and said that she couldn't laugh anymore, because there was a long chopstick in her mouth, and the tip of the chopstick was inserted into the woman's mouth. The chopsticks swayed and blood flowed out, everyone was shocked.

"Apologize!" Zhang Feng continued.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts..." the woman yelled.


Zhang Feng shouted again.

"Ah..." How could a woman hear what Zhang Feng said, her hands covering her face, her expression was not blood flowing from her fingers, and her mouth was illegible.

Zhang Feng was holding a chopstick in his hand. Only Mr. Gu Su saw Zhang Feng's move just now, and it was soon.

The scene was in chaos, but Wang Jingming sat calmly watching the scene.


Someone said: "What are you doing? Dare to hurt my cousin and seek death!"

A strong man pointed at Zhang Feng and cursed.

"I hate someone pointing at me the most. Those who point at me have already gone to Paradise!" Zhang Feng said coldly, which was a warning.

But the man ignored Zhang Feng's words and pointed and said, "You..."

As soon as the word "you" came out, he screamed: "Ah..."

While holding the injured hand with one hand, his finger was pierced by the tip of a tooth, and most of the tip of the tooth sank in between the fingers, cleverly avoiding the bone.

A finger punctured is the most painful, not to mention that.

The pain made him almost fainted, and he couldn't sit still. People nearby helped him.

"You, you, I want to call the police..." another person said.

"All right!"

This will make Wang Jingming speak, his aura is very strong and majestic: "Take them to the hospital!"

No one dared to say anything. Two people stood up and they went down. The waiters who came in were all shocked, so they hurried over to help.

"Wait!" Zhang Feng stood up and said coldly to the aunt, "Apologize!"

"You, you, don't be arrogant!" The other person couldn't stand it anymore and cursed at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: "I don't want to hurt people anymore!"

"Fuping, apologize!" Wang Jingming said coldly.

Wang Fuping is Wang Xiaodong’s aunt now. When Zhang Feng broke her mouth with chopsticks, she said with difficulty: "Yes, I'm sorry!"

"Get out!" Zhang Feng didn't ask too much.

A group of people went out, the scene was very quiet, and the atmosphere was even more weird. From the beginning to the end, the old beggar did not speak, so he drank wine and slowly took food while watching.

He was always on Zhang Feng's side, and if Wang Jingming acted favorably on Zhang Feng, he would speak.

"Uncle Wang, I'm sorry, I'm leaving now!" Zhang Feng stood up and left.

Wang Jingming's face softened, "It's okay, sit down and eat, don't blame you!"

"Don't you blame me about Xiaodong's affairs?" Zhang Feng took the opportunity to say it.

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