Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1363: Clean up

After Zhang Feng came out of the hotel, he went to the Red Star Club. The Wang family's affairs came to an end first, and it was a perfect solution.

This is a big hidden danger, it depends on Wang Jingming, and now it is within our ability to do this.

Can't kill them all.

If Wang Jingming stumbles at that time, Zhang Feng will not be afraid, he will do whatever he wants.

Anyway, just don't suffer.


Zhang Feng looked up and saw Caldera and Silgarva approaching.

"Sit down!" Zhang Feng said, "How is the injury?"

Calderka sat down, such a big steel chair, barely able to support his more than two hundred catties of meat: "It's all skin injuries, it's already better!"

Zhang Feng looked at Siljava and said, "This is a good thing, how is it, how are you living here?"

"Good or good, just idle, nothing to do!" Silgava said.

Caldera also said: "What did they say, um, yes, the eggs are moldy."

"Haha!" Zhang Feng smiled. They have lived here for these years, working part-time club bodyguards. Caldera stopped there. Who would dare to make trouble?

Zhang Feng said: "Something will be done soon, you have a good rest these days!"

Caldera was excited when he heard it: "Really? Great, this is simply not a place for people to stay!"

For his words, Zhang Feng expressed speechlessness, and said brokenly: "Splash, you are cheap!"

"Haha!" Caldera smiled, like a cow peeing.

Not a place for people? There are not many places in Kyoto that are more places for people than here. He stayed for a few days but said that this place is not for people.

Only in this way can he say such a thing.

"Where are you going to fight this time?" Silgava asked in a deep voice.

He knew that when he came back with Zhang Feng this time, he had done a small thing without looking at it. In fact, there was a lot of interference, and something big must have happened.

Now it is finally coming.

"Wanda!" Zhang Feng said.


Caldera's fist hit the sixteen centimeter-thick tempered glass table, and it shattered, making a clicking sound, and the whole table was broken.

This attracted the attention of many people. Their jaws fell to the ground, and the surprised expression seemed to be the most incredible thing in this century.

The waiter came over and was surprised to see this, but if they broke it, then it's okay, but it still needs to be reported.

After a while, Chen Wanru came over in person and said to Caldera: "What are you doing?"

"Miss Chen, I'm just being careless, I'm not careful, please forgive Miss Chen!" Caldera said awkwardly.

In front of the outside, Caldera and Silgarva both addressed Chen Wanru as Miss Chen, so as not to listen to them and influence them badly.

Chen Wanru's face was stern: "Accident? Huh, I don't know if you were accidental or deliberate, you have to compensate anyway!"


Caldera was dumbfounded and did not understand the first half of what she said, but he understood that he had to compensate.

"I, I have no money!" Caldera said frankly.

He really has no money, because all the money Zhang Feng gave him was given to his sister, and his salary was stuck in his sister's hands.

So, he has no one at all now, let alone compensation.

"Huh, no money? If everyone comes to me and pats the table and says there is no money, would that be avoided?" Chen Wanru said angrily, like a tigress.

This is not Chen Wanru's style, Zhang Feng didn't understand it, and just watched it.

Caldera felt that Sister Chen was a little abnormal, so he asked quietly: "Miss Chen, what should I do?"

"What to do? Humph, you will be in charge of the hygiene here in the future!" Chen Wanru said.


Cleaning up?

Caldera never thought that he would do this.

"Why? Not willing?" Chen Wanru sternly.

"Yes, yes!"

Caldera kept talking, what else could he say?

"Then hurry up and clean the bathroom!" Chen Wanru said.

"Huh? Bathroom?" Caldera thought he had heard it wrong.

"What? There is a problem?"

Caldera did not respond to her.

Facing Caldera in a daze, Chen Wanru said angrily: "What are you going to do, why don't you go? The cleaning is not clean, so don't eat!"

Caldera was stunned again, what does this look like, teach the children?

But Caldera felt uncomfortable and it was useless, he stood up obediently to go to work.

"Wait!" Chen Wanru stopped him.

Caldera squeezed a smile and said, "Miss Chen, please give me an order!"

He couldn't help it, because she had the final say in eating, drinking, and sleeping here, and there was no money on her body. If you let Brother Feng speak because of this, it would be too shameless!

"Clean the bathroom!"

Caldera never imagined that he would be cleaned the bathroom. Was that his tower man doing the work?

"What? Any comments?" Chen Wanru's tone was still so cold.

Caldera said quickly: "No, no."

\"Hurry up, then.\" Chen Wanru shouted.

Where did Caldera talk, what happened to Miss Chen today? So strange.

But in any case, Caldera has no possibility of rebutting, cleaning is a must.

He went to the bathroom and saw that Auntie Cleaning was busy there. Caldera went up and said: "Auntie, you go, I'll clean here.

The aunt looked up at him, thinking that she was joking and ignored him and continued to be busy.

Caldera only learned a bit of Mandarin at this level under Zhang Feng's intensive requirements. He felt that this was the most difficult thing in the world to learn.

Caldera went to an interpreter to explain it, and the staff also told the aunt, which was given by the eldest lady.

Auntie believed it now, thinking that this person must have upset the eldest lady, he is a distinguished guest of the eldest lady, where he lives and eats.

I explained something to him and left. The staff just said that the salary will still be included in the aunt. Simply put, this big guy is here to help.

Caldera went in and cleaned it, but as soon as he entered, there was a scream. Several beautiful women ran out. Caldera forgot to read the sign. It turned out that it was a women's bathroom.

The staff hurriedly came over and told him that it was the eldest lady who said that if he is wrong again, he cannot eat today.

\"Yes!\" Caldera quickly said to apologize to the women, because they filed a complaint just now, and the security almost came over.

Only when I got here did I know that a man like a gorilla was cleaning.

These women all smiled, so powerful, especially one of the middle-aged ladies winked at Caldera.

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