Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1364: The abnormal Chen Wanru

But Caldera didn't know what she meant, so he ignored it.

On the deck side, Zhang Feng asked: "What's wrong with you?"

\"What else can I do?\" Chen Wanru said angrily, as if resenting Zhang Feng, or complaining about not getting something from Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng thought she wanted to go somewhere else, so he said: \"Didn't you give it to you last night?\"

\"Give me what?\" Chen Wanru asked.

\"That's it!\" Zhang Feng meant something.

Looking at Zhang Feng's appearance, Chen Wanru finally knew what he meant, her face suddenly changed: "You think too much, I was full last night!"

In Zhang Feng's eyes, her red face was even more charming, and she seemed to be teasing Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng reached out to her skirt, and Chen Wanru knocked his hand off with a slap.

\"What do you think about you, so bad, did you learn from a foreign ocean horse? You were not like this before! \" Chen Wanru said in a spirited voice.

Mentioned this, Zhang Feng was persuaded, and immediately changed the subject: \"I am not concerned about you!\"

"What can I do, don't you know that women have so many days every month?" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng understood it. It turned out to be this, but he thought of a question and said: "No safety measures were taken yesterday!"

\"What? Can't you have a baby with me?\" Chen Wanru looked at Zhang Feng.

This problem is serious. Zhang Feng said without any doubt: \"Yes, yes, you must be able to, as long as you can give birth, you can give birth to a company of soldiers!\"

\"You. Am I a pig? Can you give birth to so many?\" Chen Wanru's expression is better: \"Are you letting your son go on the battlefield with you?\"

\"Can’t it work?\" Zhang Feng asked her back: \"Why don’t men take Wu Hook and charge Guanshan Fifty States! In the future, the motherland needs them!\"

\"You?\" Chen Wanru was speechless to him. This tone was in the war years. How could there be such: \"No, even if you have a child in the future, he won't let him be like you. Yes, it’s a peaceful age!\"

\"Such words, if you say it, you won't believe it?\" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru did not speak. How could she not understand this question. Although it seems that it is a peaceful age, many countries in the world still want to start wars to achieve their wishes, peeping into the motherland, provoking everywhere, and some inappropriate words. , And more trade wars, this is a war without gunpowder.

Some countries and regions in the world have become a game place between big countries, and it is their own nationals who suffer.

peaceful years? That's just appearance.

There will be no peace in human nature.

\"That doesn't work, it's my child!\" Chen Wanru said.

\"If everyone thinks like you, who else is going to fight? To charge and defend the country?\" Zhang Feng said to her solemnly.

\"Then I don't care, otherwise it won't give birth!\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng was speechless, and he understood a truth deeply. Don't reason with women, just like you can't reason with children.

\"Okay!\" Zhang Feng said helplessly, today is her special moment, let her order.

Caldera has become a cannon fodder. It is estimated that he will be the cleaner here before going to Africa.

\"Also, you can't teach Zhang Haoran like that, he will become like you in the future and won't end well!\" Chen Wanru's language is sharp.

\"So I can't end well?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Only Chen Wanru would say such a thing, Yun Qian and Zhuo Chaoyun would not say such a thing.

\"Where do I know, you don't know how much Yun Qian is worried about you. When you are in danger, Yun Qian will wash her face in tears. Do you still want your son like this?" Chen Wanru questioned him.

This is a serious question.

Zhang Feng said: \"There is always someone to do, and there is always sacrifice. This is my destiny, the destiny brought by my father, and I will also bring to my son this destiny, you choose to follow me Together, there will be such a fate!\"

\"If I don't make it, there will be more sacrifices. If I don't make it, some people will make it. I will bear this suffering!\"

\"What I can do now is to make you safer and make my son stronger when he grows up in the future. No one can help him. Even if he becomes the target of public criticism, he has the ability to defeat the enemy; he is destined to be unable to Live the life of an ordinary person, so this is his survival skill!\"

Zhang Feng looked at Chen Wanru when he finished speaking, and Chen Wanru looked at him idiotically. It turned out that he was thinking for a long time. He had already thought about things in more than ten or twenty years, and was already planning for them.

\"Sorry, I blamed you!\" Chen Wanru's tone calmed down.

Zhang Feng took her hand and looked into her eyes and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't allow anyone to hurt you at all before I fall down!"

Chen Wanru was deeply touched again in her heart, where could such a man look for?

\'Before I fall\' is such a sentence, Chen Wanru believes that Zhang Feng can do it.

With such a man treating each other, which woman does not give all for it.

\"Do you know what I have an idea now?\" Chen Wanru asked him.

Zhang Feng said: "Aren't you asking me to buy your mat?"

\"Don't interrupt!\" Chen Wanru gave him a blank look, so confused, and whispered: \"I want to stuff you into my body!\"

Huh...cough cough...

Zhang Feng just drank the wine in his mouth and was choked. He looked around and found that it was so beautiful. Silgava was drinking with a beautiful girl over there.

No one has heard it yet.

\"Why? Don't you dare?\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng said: "Aren't you here!"

\"Isn't there another place? Don't you like it very much?\" Chen Wanru looked at him.

Zhang Feng did not dare to look at her.

\"Uh, uh, I still have things to leave first!" Zhang Feng stood up and left.

\"Don't go, come back!\" Chen Wanru wanted to stop him.

Dan was Zhang Feng who took care of her, and walked away quickly. Silgava looked over and found it strange, and then looked at Miss Chen's appearance and stopped looking.

\"Quack...\" Chen Wan is smiling like a flower.

Zhang Feng is really scared, this is a big trap, she is not normal today.

However, Zhang Feng returned when he walked to the door. He saw a group of people coming in outside, led by a man in colorful clothes, a T-shirt, a red color, pants green, and shoes. Heighten shoes inside.

He has brown hair on his head, full of bangs covering half of his eyes, makeup on his face, very white, bright lips, wearing a women’s necklace under his neck, and a small delicate watch on his wrist. Holding a women's bag in it.

It was a bit strange to walk. From Zhang Feng's eyes, it was not a shoe problem, but a **** problem. Zhang Feng suddenly remembered. He stayed in the detention center for two days.

That's the same thing.

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