Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1366: I lose, I lose!

When An Shahai said this, his body was trembling, looking at the people around him, he felt like a clown.

But now he has no choice.

I shouldn't have come here, it's just looking for death.

Before coming again, An Shahai actually felt very good about himself because he escaped again.

At that time, he seemed to be calculated. When he brought the two white boxes to his mother and opened them, there was a medicine tube inside, the kind of tube used for hanging needles, and there were many needles. , It’s packed full and heavy!

Both his mother and son were dumbfounded.

But before they could report it, the police came and caught them all at once, saying that they killed someone to steal this thing.

Those subordinates in An Shahai who had a record of the case were also taken in one pot, which was simply a relief.

An Shahai didn't know what was going on until he entered the cell in the detention center.

His mother was released after being interrogated for a long time, and then she began to rescue her son and worked hard, and his father was also investigated. His mother spent all the resources and finally took him out for medical treatment. He was indeed injured.

There is still some money, he has a big money.

"Really? Whatever you want?" Chen Wanru asked.

An Shahai nodded, very scared, worried that she would make excessive demands, such as the person who was dragged out just now.

He was like this, Chen Wanru wanted to laugh, and it was really sad to be a man.

I didn't bother to deal with him, so he said, "What you broke is very expensive! You just pay for it!"

"Yes, yes, I will pay, I will pay!" An Shahai said repeatedly, this is the best result.

The lobby manager came over and started counting.

But just after the manager finished the calculation, two police comrades came and saw the people on the ground saying: "Who is fighting here, who is it?"

Chen Wanru's face is a bit wrong, how come? No alarm!

"This comrade, they are making trouble with me, but he beat these people. We can't persuade them. They broke so many things of me. These things are so expensive!" Chen Wanru pointed to Anshahai and sat on the ground. With a few people.

It means that these people were beaten by An Shahai.

But the police officer looked at something wrong. This weak man was so crying that he could beat him with a face?

Just now, the police said that someone was forced to eat something. After arriving here, there was nothing. There was a big guy mopping the floor with a mop. There was nothing unusual. When I walked in, I saw someone fighting. .

"That's it!" one of the police comrades asked everyone: "Have you seen all of them?"

"Yes, yes, I have seen them all fighting..."

"I saw it too!"

"Don't look at him as a sissy man, but he's crueler than anyone else. He wants to remove his arm, look at that man..." A man pointed at the man on the ground whose hand was broken by Caldera.

The police comrade walked over to see that he was indeed seriously injured. He quickly called for support and called an ambulance at the same time.

"Miss Chen, do you have any request, do you want him to compensate?"

Ask Chen Wanru.

Chen Wanru said: "Of course, otherwise I will lose a lot and put him in jail!"

The last sentence is the point!

"We will deal with it!" The police comrade said, "Are you solving the compensation issue in private!?"

It is best if it can be resolved privately, if not, the police will come again.

At this moment, the manager showed an order to An Shahai. He looked at the order, his eyes widened, and there was a long string of numbers. They were simply cunning!

"An Shahai, what's the problem? Comrade police are waiting?" Chen Wanru asked.

Before An Shahai spoke, the police comrade asked: "Are you An Shahai?"

"It's me!" An Shahai replied, wondering, he didn't know them.

Maybe it was because they knew the criminal's name in their system, but the appearance failed to match the number all at once.

The police suddenly changed their faces and shouted to An Shahai: "Good boy, you are not sick at all, and you came out to commit the crime again. Give the money to others and follow me back to the bureau!"

An Shahai murmured secretly, and quickly took out his bank card to pay. This card was his mother who gave him the last little money from the family, and also asked him to save some use for the first time. His mother almost sold all the jewelry, bags and cosmetics. Of the money.

Now it's almost all to them.

An Shahai's heart is hurting, this time is going to be over, and I have to go in again! To be by those people again...

Thinking of this, An Shahai's **** felt a sharp pain.

After the transfer was successful, An Shahai was taken away, along with the injured people.

As for how to deal with those few people, Zhang Feng didn't bother to take care of it. Suddenly he felt a little sympathetic to this An Shao.

Their family may be able to take root in Kyoto, but with such a prodigal, all the resources of his father's struggle for a lifetime were defeated at once.

This also shows that how much money parents make is not as good as educating their children. This is the first task, followed by making money.

Some people say how to raise children without making money? In fact, this is a heart of comparison. Educating children is not about money and high-class resources, but about heart. A single mother who picks up **** can send two children to world-renowned schools, which can explain the problem.

Zhang Feng is also the father of people. He thought of this question, but his children did not take the usual path after all.

Chen Wanru said to the lobby manager: "Deduct the money from the smashed things, and the rest will be shared equally by all employees!"

"Yes, Miss!" The manager smiled, and he understood that Missy's wink just now was ten times the damage!

In fact, Chen Wan did that to make An Shahai carry this scapegoat forever, without any consequences.

The Wang family would not dig him out, and Chen Wan was so sure of this.

The club returned to normal. Everyone went to have fun on their own, while Zhang Feng continued to drink with Silgarva there. Caldera was not so good, walking around with brooms and trash baskets.

No one dared to throw trash anymore. Caldera just walked away. When he got here, he took a glass of wine and drank and left. It was funny.

Caldera did not complain that Silgarva could eat and drink here without labor, and there was no imbalance in his heart.

This kind of mentality is very good, so that he does not have any psychological burden, and can do a lot of things. He is considered to be the boss, but he can actually be careful.

Otherwise, if he only had brute force, Zhang Feng would not want him either.

He is Zhang Feng's powerful general. When fighting, he is holding a Gatling gun with sixteen tubes.

That kind of explosion of three thousand bullets per minute destroys everything.

Ling Ling...

Zhang Feng's cell phone rang, he took it out and took a look, his face sank, he answered, and said in a deep voice: "Crazy man, I am King Yan, I am waiting for you under the Yongjiang Bridge..."

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