Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1367: Under the Yongjiang Bridge Cave

Yongjiang Bridge is located in the outermost ring of Kyoto. It was built in the 1980s. It is now closed to traffic and can only be used by people and bicycles. It is relatively desolate.

Hades chose to meet Zhang Feng at this place, and Zhang Feng knew in his heart that something big happened!

Zhang Feng arrived here as fast as he could. He saw a person smoking under the bridge hole. The cigarette **** went out and disappeared frequently. It was obvious that the man was smoking a cigarette.

"Hammer!" Zhang Feng stepped up and shouted in a deep voice.

The light was dim and the man stood up. Zhang Feng couldn't see his face clearly, but the contours of his face could tell that this was the king of Yan, the captain of the Huangquan team, and Zhang Feng had always respected the king.

At the beginning, it was him that Zhang Feng could survive in Huangquan.

Hades did not speak, took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhang Feng.

The two of them were sitting on the stone in the bridge hole. There were many mosquitoes around, but the mosquitoes ran away after lighting the cigarette.

He did not speak, the atmosphere was a little dull, he did not speak, nor did Zhang Feng speak.

He finally spoke after he finished smoking a cigarette and lit one again: "Yesterday, I asked my father to go over, the old man is old, I don't want him to go into the coffin with regret!"

"What can I help?" Zhang Feng took a sharp smoke, slowly coming out of his lips, then attracting it from his nose, and finally squirting it out of his mouth.

"Find evidence!" Yan Wang said, "There are witnesses."

"Any eyebrows?"

Yan Wang said remotely, "It happened twenty years ago! I don't know where to find it."

"Find the entry point, does Uncle have no clue? I think he should know!" Zhang Feng asked.

"From his return to the present, my conversation with him will not exceed five sentences!"

"What about your mother?"

"As soon as I asked about this, she immediately changed the subject!"

He looked helpless and helpless. Zhang Feng had never seen him like this. Who was he? In the words of the industry, it is the king of special forces, not to mention being placed in the army, it is also among the best in the world.

He can die for the country without hesitation.

But it is such a good soldier who has been tortured by boring things like this, whose fault?

Yes, Zhang Feng thinks this is boring.

For Long Lao, Yan Wang's grandfather, Zhang Feng met once. The first impression that the old man gave to Zhang Feng was that he was a strong bone. How could he allow his son to do things that are detrimental to national interests?

It was the old man who formed the strongest combat squad in the army. No one was the strongest, and it was the lofty place in the hearts of all soldiers.

Zhang Feng didn't believe it. In his opinion, there must be a big secret in this, Yan Wang's father kept silent.

"The old man must know what happened back then!" Zhang Feng asked again.

"I asked, but he just said that he had wronged me, and it made me so tired, so I didn't dare to ask anymore!"

Hell’s voice was low and there was too much helplessness and helplessness in his tone. Zhang Feng felt that it was unnecessary to come here and could not help.

But he called Zhang Feng to come, and he still didn't say what to call Zhang Feng to do.

"Give me a cigarette!" Zhang Feng said.

Yan Wang gave him another one, and the two continued to smoke. Zhang Feng could imagine what kind of life Yan Wang has been in for the past six months.

Fortunately, these adversities did not obliterate his will, and Zhang Feng could feel that his spirit was still there.

Zhang Feng can imagine that even if it is the worst result, he can support the past, but his ability will be useless. The country spends so much resources to train such a soldier, if there is no place to display it. , It is likely to become a hidden danger.

It is not ruled out that there may be backwaters, so this will be a disaster, and then there will be a scene of birds hiding their bows, rabbits and dogs cooking.

If this scene is reached and Zhang Fengming takes the shot himself, he will be the villain, which is better than being in the hands of others.

These days, Zhang Feng has thought of this.

Now that he sees that the king is still the same king, Zhang Feng is relieved, but he is a little depressed and helpless, otherwise he would not call Zhang Feng out.

"My dad hasn't come back yet, and I don't know how it turned out!" Yan Wang said.

"Then wait!"

"But if it drags on for a long time, it will ruin your business!"

The king of Hades knew what Zhang Feng was waiting for, reorganized the Huangquan team, and then headed to Africa. The gold mine will always happen. Sooner or later, the death sickle mercenary group is hundreds of miles away from the gold mine. Once they can reach the gold mine, they will not give up, so this battle is inevitable.

Although King Yan was deeply involved in family matters, he knew everything about Zhang Feng.

"No, as long as you solve your family's affairs, I have no problem here!"

Yes, the affairs of Yan Wang's house are related to the success or failure of the Huangquan team, and even directly affect the event that may happen in the Wanda Golden Wolf Gold Mine in Africa.

Zhang Feng believed that the above must be aware of this, otherwise he would not summon Hades's father at this time.

As for Mr. Long, as Yan Wang said, he is old, even if he wants to know something, he will come directly to Long's house.

So far, the situation is not terrible. He is still free. He has not been monitored, only restricted from leaving the country.

"Are you not worried about Hu Xinting?" Yan Wang asked.

The Huangquan team knew about the affairs between Hu Xinting and Zhang Feng, and felt sorry for them, but it was not without a chance.

Zhang Feng said: "Worry, why not worry! But now it can only be so."

Worry every day, it's just that Zhang Feng made an appearance that he didn't care and worry at all.

"I think the Hu family and the Hua family will be even more worried. They are both leaders of the two families, so there can be no accident!" Yan Wang said.

"That's right, these two activities are the ones that summoned your father from above are also under their activities." Zhang Feng said.

He nodded and did not speak any more, and the atmosphere fell silent again.

A few minutes later, Yan Wang said: "I want to do something to find evidence!"

"You said, I will do it!" Zhang Feng said.

This is why Yan Wang called Zhang Feng to come.

"Don't let others know, if something happens, I will carry it!" Hell Wang said.

Ha ha!

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "My shoulders can still carry things."

He was silent again. He didn't need too much words. He could call Zhang Feng for such important things, which shows that the two are life and death comrades and trust them most.

As for not letting others know, I don't want to hurt them, and it is not suitable for many people to do this.

"I know, I won't talk about the extra, I'm in a mess now, what can you do?" Yan Wang said.

Zhang Feng said: "I want to visit the old man!"

Hades thought for a while and said, "Wait for my news!"

Saying that Hades stood up and turned around and left without any hesitation.

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