Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1373: Temporary diversion

Chapter 1373

Before Hua Yao spoke, Hu Xinting said, Hua Yao said: "In that case, I will go with you."

"Whatever you want!" Hu Xinting no longer insisted.

This is also Hua Yao's task, and Hu Xinting can't take care of that much.

Sacrifice Huayao? no no! She won't!

But if you want to do this, you can't look forward and backward. She believes in Hua Yao.

What else can general manager Zhuo Yongxin do? He really can't suppress Hu Xinting, this girl is better than anyone else, as long as it is her decision, no one will listen.

In this way, Hu Xinting changed into workers' clothes and went out with the car.

For this reason, Hua Yao almost brought the elite guards in the Golden Wolf, a total of fifty, seven armored vehicles, and two pickup trucks.

There are four container semi-trailers escorted, with a total of eight large containers.

The container is filled with rare earths. Of course, the car in the front is not all rare earths. It is heavier, so the car cannot be driven too fast.

The distance from Golden Wolf to the port is nearly 400 kilometers. It takes a day and night to drive at this speed, and the road conditions are not good.

Originally, according to Hua Yao’s arrangement, Hu Xinting could not sit in the front armoured car, but Hu Xinting insisted on doing so. Hua Yao was helpless and sat in the same car with her. She sat in the back seat. Hua Yao sat in the passenger seat.

Hu Xinting was asked to wear a bulletproof vest. She didn't want to wear it just now, but Zhang Feng appeared in her mind, so she wore it. This time, she knew she had done a little too much, so she listened to it once.

There are also combat helmets.

Don't think that you can be safe when sitting in an armored vehicle with bulletproof and explosion-proof functions. If you hit a high-explosive landmine, the armored vehicle will blow up. At this time, you need a helmet.

Moreover, this helmet can be bulletproof to a large extent, even if it is a powerful sniper bullet, it can increase the chance of ricocheting.

Hu Xinting put on this helmet, and the women's overalls she wore felt a bit strange.

"How is the situation?" Hua Yao said to Mai.

A voice came from one ear: "Captain, the current situation is normal and there is no suspicious person."

Hua Yao said: "Pay attention to both sides, as well as the roof!"


Zhuo Chaoguang did not follow but stayed at the headquarters.

Hua Yao breathed a sigh of relief, he was most worried about something going wrong.

Otherwise, the unfavorable attendance will have a great impact on his future, this is not the point, the point is Hu Xinting's safety.

Until now, Hua Yao didn't know what Hu Xinting wanted to do? Can you get her and don't even worry about escorting her to come by yourself?

What can she do? With her little pistol? Hua Yao shook his head helplessly.

This is just what Hua Yao thought in her heart. Since childhood, what Hu Xinting did, except for her family to intervene a little, can't intervene, let alone Hua Yao.

"Xinting, take a break, not so fast!" Hua Yao said.

"Okay!" Hu Xinting leaned there and closed her eyes, not sure if she was asleep.

Hua Yao said to the driving brother: "Drive steady, don't worry!"

"Yes, Captain!"

In each car, there are two drivers who take turns driving day and night. They do not rely on stations to refuel. All cars are modified. They can travel seven or eight hundred kilometers on full gas, enough for one round trip. There is also one car. Pre-equipped with gasoline.

A few hours later entered the night, from the sky above, the convoy bends forward like a fire dragon.

More than 90% of the land in Africa are plains, endless, with few trees, and almost no tall trees are low.

If there are enemies, it is easier to spot.

But it is night!

"Captain, I will pass through Lutna Village in another fifty miles!"

This voice came from Hua Yao's headphones.

"We don't pass through the village of Lutna, change our route!" Hua Yao decided temporarily.

"Captain, this way we will increase the distance by nearly a hundred kilometers!"

"It's ok!"


The village of Lutna is very unsafe, there will be danger if you pass there, there is a possibility that someone will stop the car!

Just the last time I was escorted there, I was blocked by more than a dozen people holding guns, and it took more than a thousand dollars to let him go.

The money is not a lot, but for the first time, they will ask for more next time, and even more people will come.

And they will speak loudly. Money is only the second thing. If they make any non-discriminatory demands, Hua Yao will not allow it. One of the reasons is that Hu Xinting is in the car.

These people see Huaxia people as if they see a walking bank vault.

Hua Yao didn't feel sorry for the money, nor did he say that he couldn't do them, just because of Hu Xinting.

If you do it, it will be very difficult to clean up, and you will have to hang around on this boundary in the future.

There are two roads leading to the port, but the other one has to go around a hill, more than a hundred kilometers more.

Time is not a problem, as long as it is safe.

As for the gasoline for the return journey, it can be added when it arrives at the port, which is very cheap.

The road conditions were even worse, mostly muddy. This one hundred miles is equivalent to two hundred miles.

But as long as it is safe, Hua Yao dare not venture.

"Everyone, drive carefully!" Hua Yao said.


"Yes, Captain!"

Hua Yao leaned back and squinted. Two hours later, it was his turn to drive. "Wait a minute, when you change shifts, you call me!"



At this time, three cars were moving fast on the road more than ten kilometers behind the convoy. They did not have driving lights. They were not afraid even if they were out of the lane. With the high chassis of the car and the modified powerful engine, they could travel at high speed on the plain. go ahead.

"Head Mayweather, they didn't pass through the village of Lutna!"

The head of Mayweather in the car was reported by his men stationed in the village of Rutna.

As early as after the shipment from Golden Wolf last time, after passing there, the head of Mayweather knew of the fact that the idle man in the village had collected the toll, and arranged ten people there.

At the same time, people were also arranged on another road.

Now it finally worked.

"Where are they going?" Mayweather asked.


Mayweather thought for a while and said, "Blow up that bridge!"


"I'll explode right away, and after the explosion, go to the village of Lutna!" Head Mayweather said: "Call the headquarters to send someone!"

"Head Mayweather, do you want to report to Head Joseph?"

"For me, you do it now!"


After hanging up, Mayweather called his brother and told him what he was doing now.

"Brother, one of the four big trucks is unusual. The living creatures are heavier than the other three, and their security has been improved a lot. There are seven armored vehicles at the front and rear! Two pickup trucks are loaded with Heavy machine gun."

"What's unusual?"

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