Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1374: The bridge was blown up

Mayweather said: "I suspect that the container on that vehicle contains a lot of gold! Last time they only sent two armored vehicles, and there were no machine guns!"

The silence on the phone was obviously thinking, and Mayweather went on to say, "Brother, I think so. Since we can’t attack Golden Wolf Company, we have the final say outside of Golden Wolf Company. They are Driving on our site, we can easily take the goods they shipped. This is for us!"

"Okay, just do that. We have had enough this year. If we don't get some more, we will die!"

"Yes, brother!"

"I will send two hundred people to support you, you have to hold them back!"


Mayweather put down the phone, excited, this vote is going to be a big deal, and the eldest brother sent him two hundred people to support, and he will surely win them in one fell swoop.

"Now go to Lutna Village!" Mayweather said to the driver.


The subordinates became excited too, and the car drove even harder.

Mayweather used his cell phone again to call his men: "Did the bridge blow up?"

"Captain Mayweather, we have blown up the bridge, will Wanda's Alfonso ask us to settle the account?" his men worried.

Mayweather said angrily: "Idiot, are you going to the Wanda City Hall and tell Alfonso that we bombed the bridge?"

"No no, no, Captain Mayweather, we understand, we won't let Alfonso know that we did it!"

"That's good, you immediately go to Lutna Village from the other side of the road!" Mayweather said.



The cart seemed to have caught something, a scream.

"What's going on!?" Mayweather said angrily, frightened.

"Head, I hit a lion!"

The man said he was about to turn around.

"Let's see if it's dead, if it's dead, bring it up, and when we finish the ticket, we will pull it back and eat it, haha!" Mayweather laughed.

"Yes, head!" The subordinates were happy and told the three of them to go down.

Carry the dying lion more than 100 catties into the car, and drove away.


On the muddy road in the hills northeast of the Mayweather convoy, the front car of the large convoy was driving.

Hua Yao is already sitting in the driver's seat and driving.

The road here is very bad, although it is a bit muddy, but fortunately there is no rain, otherwise it will be more difficult to walk. It is just difficult to walk, not that it is impossible to walk. All cars are modified. The muddy road can go as long as it is a road, and the speed is a little slower.

"Captain, you will reach the North River ten kilometers ahead!" A brother who is familiar with the terrain here said in a headset.

"Well, the bridge can pass the bridge?" Hua Yao asked me.

"Yes, but you have to pass one by one!"

"Okay, just do it!" Hua Yao said: "A pickup truck hurried to the front."


A pickup truck quickly jumped up from behind.

A few minutes later, the brothers in front reported: "Captain, it's not good, the bridge was bombed!"

"What?" Hua Yao asked again.

Hu Xinting behind was awakened!

"Captain, the bridge was blown up!"

Now Hua Yao heard it clearly, and Hu Xinting at the back also heard it, she was inexplicably excited.

finally coming?

If something unexpected happens, Hu Xinting has already thought about it, and she does not regret it.

Hua Yao shouted: "Stop, stop!"

"Are you sure the bridge didn't collapse but was blown up?" Hua Yao asked again.

The brother said: "I saw explosives under the bridge!"

"You guys withdraw right now!" Hua Yao said anxiously: "All the cars turn slowly and return to Golden Wolf!"

"Do not!"

Hu Xinting from behind said coldly.

"Xin Ting, this is very obvious, we may have been trapped now!" Hua Yao said anxiously.

"I don't care about it, this batch of goods must be delivered to the port, this is the task!"

Hu Xinting was still in that tone, not for discussion.

"Okay, I'll go to the port, I'll send someone to send you back!"

Hua Yao didn't know if there was any danger on the road, anyway, it was always more dangerous than before.

"No!" Hu Xinting said again: "I will deliver it myself!"

"You..." Hua Yao was angry, why is this woman so difficult to do?

Is it really a task?

The so-called task is the task sent from above!

"Is this the order from above?" Hua Yao asked.

Hu Xinting was silent and didn't make a statement. Seeing her like this, Hua Yao understood, it seemed that it was an order.

Since it is a task, it must be completed. It stands to reason that even if it is a task, that is the first thing the general manager knows. I don't know what the general manager looks like during the day today.

"Take the road of Lutna Village!" Hua Yaoxia decided.


All people answered.

"The road ahead will be very dangerous, if anyone is afraid, they can get off the car now!" Hua Yao said.

No one should.

Hua Yao said again: "Three minutes later, I will ask again, think about it!"

Still no one responded, and the convoy turned to a fast fork in the road.

After three minutes passed, Hua Yao said, "Do you think about it?"

No one should!

After more than ten seconds of silence, Hua Yao said: "Since you don't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence. It is my honor to be able to fight with you. I will say so much!"

Everyone knew who bombed the bridge, and the Death Scythe mercenary group that had been eyeing around the Golden Wolf, except for them, no one can compete with the Golden Wolf.

Apart from them, who would dare to blow up the bridge?

All are in good agreement.

After that, Hua Yao reported the situation to the Golden Wolf headquarters. The general manager Zhuo Yongxin, who had just fallen asleep, would jump up all at once, and the thing he worried most still happened.

"Hua Yao, you return immediately, return immediately!" The general manager could only shout like this.

It's too late to come back now.

"General Manager, we must deliver the goods to the port!" Hua Yao said.

"If we postpone the delivery for a few days, there is no problem. Come back soon!"

"This is a task, general manager, we'll be fine!" Hua Yao said and hung up the phone.

The general manager was so angry that he dropped the phone to the ground.

He knew that this must be Hu Xinting's insistence.

Zhuo Yongxin was angry and immediately cursed: "The two elder brothers and girls are causing me trouble. What can I do?"

I thought of going to support and **** them, but if we send people there, the Golden Wolf will definitely be empty. When the Death Scythe mercenary group will attack, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yongxin can only turn to Alfonso for help now.

He immediately called Alfonso. The phone rang for a long time before Alfonso's secretary answered the call.

"Miss Wendy, I'm looking for Mayor Alfonso!" Zhuo Yongxin said.

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