Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1389: Siskin behind

Due to the movement of Alfonso's army, and the large-scale movement of the Death Scythe mercenary group, it became a butterfly effect, which made the military forces in northern Africa pay attention.

The Black Dragon Mercenary Corps, which had been paying attention to the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps, also smelled blood.

Their headquarters is not in Wanda, but in a secret base in a neighboring country. However, their small forces collect intelligence and commit crimes everywhere in Wanda. The crimes are small and no one will pay attention to them. .

But this time they noticed and reported the information to the headquarters.

"Are you sure?"

Somewhere in a simple and clean room where almost many things are made of bamboo, a middle-aged man knelt in front of a short tea table. He was wearing a gray long dress with a serious look, and he was kneeling beside him. A beautiful woman, also wearing a long dress, with a low neckline, and a delicate chrysanthemum tattooed on her left rib.

The middle-aged man is now holding a cell phone and communicating with others.

The voice of the mobile phone was turned on very loudly, and the woman nearby did not shy away from it. A voice came from the handset of the mobile phone: "Yes, the president, there was a fierce battle in a valley between Wanda City and Lutna Village, and the Death Scythe was dead. Hundreds!"

"Who is on the other side?" the president asked.

"It's Golden Wolf Company!"

The chairman was silent for a while and said: "You send someone to stare at them. They must have robbed the gold. We have to get the gold from their hands, so that Golden Wolf Company will not be counted on our heads, understand. ?"

"Also, the person we are at the Reaper's Scythe is under Mayweather, and will send you a message to confirm the location!"

All of them know who is behind the Golden Wolf Company. People outside know that Golden Wolf Company is a mining company. It is nominally assisting Wanda and providing Wanda with large loans, and Wanda uses resources to repay debts.

But only a few people know that the place is a gold mine.

The Reaper Scythe Mercenary Corps has been staring at it for a year, and it's only now that it's done. Obviously, it's an opportunity.

The chairman remembered a sentence from a neighboring country: the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

Yes, they are cardinals.

According to intelligence, Golden Wolf Company shipped a lot of gold this time. As long as it has this gold, it can buy more arms.

"Hi!" the subordinate said loudly and hung up.

The president had a calm expression, put down his phone and said to the woman nearby: "Bai Huizi!"

"Hi!" the woman lowered her head in response.

"Didn't that Joseph like you? Go and get the gold!" said the president.


Without any hesitation, the woman stood up and walked out in small steps, and finally a smile appeared on the president's face.

The last time the batch of arms was robbed, and I don’t know who it was. He kept this account all the time. Without this batch of arms, his people’s equipment would not be able to replace weapons and ammunition. It's better than death sickle.

This is also the reason why they have been low-key for more than a year, and they can't get high-key.


The man who just called the president was in a wooden house in a jungle, surrounded by five or six people.

Their equipment is a bit weird. They are bulging with a few guns, but they wear a long knife around their waist. They used to be called Toyo swords. The real name was Katana.

These people are all samurai, very high level, if they are outside, they are not qualified.

"Zhengxiong Rangji, take your people, we are heading south, and we have to take them down before Mayweather returns to their headquarters, before dawn!" the man said, "Your people move the fastest, go up first. Stay with them and wait for our arrival, please!"

The man said and bowed deeply to a man.

"Hi, Juxia!"

One of them was called Masao Rangji, he also bowed deeply and went out in response.

After Zhengxiong Langer went out, Juxiajun said to everyone: "Everyone, gather your people, let's go!"


A group of people disappeared here, heading for the forest.


Hua Yao rested there for more than three hours, and everyone's physical strength had basically recovered.

I still need to wait here, there will be bombs going off from time to time, the people of the Death Scythe mercenary group have not died yet, but it sounds like there are not many people left, so naturally there is no need to worry.

The task force did not arrive, but went back halfway through, because their time did not allow it, and only twelve hours was not enough, but they are here, even if there is not enough time, They also have to ensure the safety of the members of the Golden Wolf transport team. Now that they know that they have safely hid in the forest, there is no need to violate the time limit, otherwise it is difficult to explain diplomatically.

So they went back the same way.

The planes of Zhang Feng and others landed directly above Hua Yao's location, but they have not arrived yet.

As for the transportation team vehicles and the golden ones, don't care about it. Let's talk about ensuring the safety of personnel. A few people have been sacrificed. This is a big problem.

Hua Yao and the others were resting in a dense forest. It was not easy to be seen from a distance when the campfire was on.

However, I was still seen. A group of people were rushing here quickly. There were thirty or forty people running in the woods quietly, without disturbing any animals.

"Er Lang, I found a fire a thousand meters ahead!"

A group of people marching in the dark suddenly stopped.

"Could it be an ordinary black man?"

"Impossible, black people will not be in this place at this time!"

"How far is it from our valley?"

"An hour and a half away!"

"Slowly approach this flame!"


A group of people continued to shuttle through the woods, and they were silent like ghosts in the night.

It was a thousand meters away in less than a few minutes. They saw a figure standing under a tree in the grass, and he was looking around.

The distance is no more than ten meters!

"Er Lang, it's a secret whistle, it looks like a Chinese!"

This voice immediately caught the black shadow's attention and walked over.

Masao Rōji released the wild rabbit in his hand, and the wild rabbit ran away in a panic. The dark shadow stopped moving forward and returned to stand under the tree.

He quietly touched the back of the tree in front, and showed a dagger to solve the black shadow. Now he can be sure that the fire is the Golden Wolf man, because the clothes the black shadow man wears are the Golden Wolf security uniforms.

Masao Rōji brought more than a hundred people, each of whom was armed with sufficient weapons and equipment, and six of them were samurai, equipped with katana.

But he still doesn't know how many people are in Golden Wolf. If you act rashly, you will suffer, but if you don't act now, the hidden whistle that has been resolved will be discovered soon.

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