Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1390: Tragic accident

Chapter 1390: Tragic Accident

He is an adventurist. Since he is here, he can't control that much. In the dark, he directs everyone forward with gestures.

Crawling forward in the grass, he saw three fires, estimated to be forty or fifty people.

Only two people sat there in one of the fires.

At this moment, a man stood up and spoke, Masao Langji could understand.

"Danzi, Danzi, can you hear? How can you answer?"

As he said, he walked over here, and at the same time many people stood up and took up weapons. Masao Rōji knew that if he did not attack at this time, he would no longer have a chance.

So with a wave of their hands, a group of people burst out of the grass, and at the same time flew out darts. Several golden wolf brothers fell in front of them.

Da da……

The gunfire sounded, and the sparks of the bonfire flew around in chaos.

"Lang Erjun, ah..."

There were people falling down constantly, and there were people on both sides. Hua Yao protected Hu Xinting and left immediately. Hu Xinting sent Zhang Feng a voice at the first moment: Attacked, Black Dragon, Zhengxiong Langer...

Just now, she heard that voice. Hu Xinting understands the Japanese language and knows the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps because they are facing the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps. Hu Xinting has noticed it a long time ago. She is a person working in Guoan, this The identity is very secret.


Hua Yao was hit by a dart behind him, and there was a pain in his throat, and he said, "Xinting, go!"

Hu Xinting didn't panic, put the phone in her chest pocket, took out the gun to shoot, and immediately killed the two people who rushed up, effectively supporting Hua Yao.

"Go!" Hu Xinting pulled Huayao away. The other party was crowded, and it was a surprise attack. There were few brothers left. Hu Xinting knew that even if she stayed, she would only kill a few people, but they would still be killed. Or a captive.

Those who are killed will not be captured.

Just a few steps, the hidden weapon darts flying around hit Hu Xinting's chest, causing a pain in his chest. Hua Yao said, "How are you?"

"I'm okay, the phone is blocked!" Hu Xinting said, ignoring the phone, and hurriedly walked into the grass.

Hua Yao kept up.

Behind it became hell, and there were very few Japanese Japanese in black.

The Golden Wolf Security made all the sacrifices except for the two of them running away, which was originally one for two.

Very tragic.

"Don't chase it!"

Zhengxiong Langji regretted it, he regretted attacking, because he suffered most of his casualties, only 20 or 30 people were left, and a half were injured, there was no fighting power, and he didn't get anything.

It can be said that the gain is not worth the loss! He was not sure if he wanted to catch up with those two people, because this group of people had terrifying fighting power, and even when the number of enemies was huge and the enemy was attacked, the fighting power of those two people who ran away was even more terrifying.

So he did not chase, he still needs to retain some strength to grab gold.

"Sweeping the battlefield and burying our people secretly, we can't leave any of our things!" Masao Langji said.

After cleaning up, they continued to head towards the valley.

And what awaits them is a lot of booby traps.


Hua Yao and Hu Xinting, who ran more than ten kilometers in a short time, stopped to rest.

Hu Xinting was about to take out her mobile phone, but found that she didn't know when it was lost.

"How are you?" Hua Yao asked her.

"I'm fine!" Hu Xinting was calm and composed. In fact, she didn't mention how self-blaming she was. She said to Hua Yao, "I will show you your wound!"

Hua Yao's body was a little floating, he was forced to support it, and two darts were punched behind him.

He sat down with his back to Hu Xinting.

Hu Xinting removed the torch from the M4 and used a knife to cut his clothes on his back. Hu Xinting gasped.

I saw two palm-sized triangular-edge spikes on Hua Yao's back. The spikes were deeply submerged in the flesh, and the wound was black.

The spikes are poisonous, and they are not very poisonous, but if it takes another half an hour, Hua Yao will be difficult to handle.

"You..." Hu Xinting didn't know what to say.

Hua Yao said: "It's okay, just a little hurt!"

He didn't know he was poisoned yet.

"Hua Yao, the spikes are poisonous, you have to heal them immediately, otherwise it's dangerous!" Hu Xinting began to feel guilty. These Japanese wives were coming, not in the plan, and I really didn't expect them to come here and do it.


There are so many people who died, all because of her.

"I can't die!" Hua Yao said, "I know my body!"

Hua Yao just felt that his body was very tired and exhausted, and he had no strength at all. From there, he was holding on, and now he stopped to rest, he was the end of the force.

Speak forcefully.

"I'm sorry!" Hu Xinting said.

A smile appeared on Hua Yao's face: "Hehe, after so many years, this is the first time you have said these three words."

"I'm not good, I'm too selfish!" Hu Xinting felt too selfish.

"It’s okay, it’s okay, if it were me, I would do that too, and you are not just for yourself, you are for the sake of the overall situation, I know! With our move, all the rats have jumped out, and we have already lost To the least, it’s just that the widow who just didn’t know where to jump out, I, I can’t protect my brother,"

Hua Yao said that there was no strength behind, because Hu Xinting pulled out two darts at the same time, blood flowed like a column!

In less than a minute, Hua Yao didn't even have the strength to sit, and was about to fall. Hu Xinting hurriedly held him and said, "Hua Yao, I will take you out of here!"

Speaking of Hu Xinting's delicate body, she carried Hua Yao's body, which was 1.5 meters tall and nearly 170 kilograms, on her back.

But he just let him back up.

"Xin Ting, you, you, you put me down, I'll go, Zhang Feng needs you, get out of here...I, I can't do it!" Hua Yao intermittently wanted to struggle down, but didn't have the strength.

Hu Xinting said: "From childhood to adulthood, you have been protecting me, even if I go to the Southwestern Province, you will also protect me, help me drive away the goshawk, let me protect you once... Hua Yao, I and you Talking, I can’t fall asleep. In fact, I have a girlfriend who likes you very much, do you know..."

"Hua Yao, Hua Yao..." Hu Xinting called.

"Um..." Hua Yao whispered a word, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"Let me tell you, my girlfriend..."

Hu Xinting kept talking, talking, walked for half an hour, it was dawn, and she was tired, and her feet were trembling. Fortunately, her physical fitness is good, not that kind of sick girl, otherwise she can’t go. So long.

She looked up at the sun and felt that the sky was spinning, and finally fell down...

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