Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1430: Accidental death

Both of them have experienced life and death many times, not the kind that just talk about it.

After the dancer went out, Zhang Feng called the old beggar. The old beggar's cell phone rang for a long time before answering.

"Xiaofeng, how is your place?" The old beggar said in a concerned tone.

"Still alive, old man, Gold is already on his way back to China, Hua Yao is no longer in danger of life. Although the mission of our Huangquan team has twists and turns, it is not dangerous. What is the reaction above? Should we return to the team?" Zhang Feng asked.

After so much effort, if it still fails, it is really disappointing.

"It will definitely be relaxed. Don't worry. Long Lao's things are not that simple. Then, when you come back, I will tell you another person. If it doesn't work, go find this person!" Mr. Gu Su said.

Zhang Feng also knew that this matter was not that simple, and since it was loose, this trip would not come in vain.

"Old man, if Huangquan team returns, where will it go?"

It is too early for Zhang Feng to ask this, but Zhang Feng still asks.

"I don't know yet. According to my judgment, it should be directly under the special department, and you exist in the form of combat personnel. This is the most likely!" Mr. Gusu said: "You don't need to worry, and let Hades not to worry. So many resources have been cultivated for you, and they will not be wasted in vain. You are the sword of the country, understand?"

"Hey, old man, just listen to what you said, it's almost the same!" Zhang Feng was happy.

He was worried that the country would abandon them. In that case, they would be really useless. Zhang Feng himself was okay, running around the world, wherever he went, they were different, they had a family.

They need the glory given by the country, they can win both fame and fortune, and glorify the house.

"Don't be happy too early, don't let those people know what you are doing in Africa, otherwise no one can save you!"

The words of the old beggar surprised Zhang Feng. If someone grabbed his tail, it would be troublesome.

The old beggar obviously knew it by saying that. Zhang Feng didn't tell Chen Wanru or the old beggar about this. It seemed that he couldn't escape his eyes and ears.

"Old man, there is nothing I can do. It is the Death Scythe mercenary group looking for death. They have been around Golden Wolf Company for more than a year. The personal safety of Golden Wolf Company employees is not guaranteed. If we don't solve them as soon as possible, we will sacrifice more! "

"This is what you said. Some people don't think that way. They don't distinguish between good and evil and become righteous people. Forget it, kill and kill. You guys are doing pretty well. I'm talking about ass, wipe it clean. !"

Mr. Gusu's words are very popular.

"That is necessary!" Zhang Feng said, "Old man, who is the person you are talking about?"

"I'll talk at that time!" Mr. Gusu said: "You wait for my news, I will let you come back again!"

Mr. Gusu hung up the phone as he spoke. Zhang Feng smiled. Before, he was worried that the death sickle mercenary group was a big problem. He didn't expect that the old beggar would solve it in one sentence, so don't worry.



There are seven or eight people sitting in a house in a place in another country thousands of kilometers away from Wanda. The middle-aged man sitting in the middle is Mr. Yoshino.

He scolded this anger.

"Yoshino-kun, Sombra died in a glorious battle. We must repay this enmity!" someone said fiercely.

Yoshino didn't speak anymore, he was in charge of this matter, and he was thinking in his heart how to talk to the chairman of this matter.

"Yes, he died in a glorious battle. He is our hero. We need such a fighter!" Yoshino said.

"But he has no bones, it's too miserable!"

"Baga, Qi Xiajun, how dare you say that, his death is glorious!"


"You guys go out!"

Several people stood up, bowed, and said in unison: "Hi!"

Yoshino pondered. The result was unexpected. Their warships were dispatched. Yoshino thought they would not move. But what do you think, they not only moved, but also fired guns to send the pirates to the bottom of the sea.

Sombra, who was with the pirates, was also dead. Yesterday they salvaged the body in that sea area. There was nothing except the boat on the bottom of the sea.

He underestimated their warships, their army!

It seems that we must be cautious in the future, not to underestimate the enemy.


At this moment the door opened, and a woman in national costume came in, stepped forward and knelt down and said: "Yoshino-kun, your flight ticket is ready, and fly to East Island at eleven o'clock tonight!"

"Very well, let's prepare dinner, lighter!"



Mr. Gusu just came out of the Hua family, and it is already the beginning of Hua Deng.

A black special seat drove slowly, and Mr. Gusu waved his hand and said, "You go back first!"

The car drove away, and Mr. Gusu walked slowly. He was thinking about things, not the Hua family. There is nothing in the Hua family now. Hua Yao's body is stable and he will be back soon.

What Mr. Gusu thinks is that the old man in Dongdao has not been in contact for many years. I don’t know what is going on now, do I want to take a look?

Thinking of this, Mr. Gusu took out his cell phone and dialed a call that he hadn't made in more than ten years.

"Are you still alive?" Mr. Gusu said.

"Sir, I'm still here!"

A hoarse voice came from the phone.

"I mean General Wan!" Mr. Gusu said.

"Sir, please don't question my credibility, since I am still alive, then General Wan is alive!"

"Well, it may not be peaceful recently, you have to be careful, I don't care about your life or death, I only want General Wan!" Mr. Gusu said.

"I have found out, it's a Japanese, and I have solved it!"

"They still refuse to give up. In this way, I will send someone to assist you!"

"I don't like doing this with others, and I can't get along with them, which affects the defense mission, the goal is too big!"


"Also, if anything happens recently, you must tell me as soon as possible!"

"Okay! What do you want, sir?"

"That's all!" Mr. Gu Su suddenly thought of something and said: "Your hometown, your grandpa passed away last year!"

There was a long silence on the phone, and Mr. Gusu continued: "When he died, I was there. Before he died, I told him about you. He left with a smile!"

"Sir, thank you!"

"Don't thank me! You are free after this is done!"

"No, as long as I don't die, and as long as I have a little use, please let me stay by Mr.'s side!"

"talk later!"

Mr. Gusu hung up as he spoke.

"Huh..." Mr. Gusu exhaled a long breath.

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