Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1431: Key person

Back then, the iron-blooded mercenary regiments spread all over the world, it was a generation of myths, but outsiders didn't know why they disappeared all at once. This is a mystery.

There are only a few people in this world who know that, as the head of the regiment, Mr. Gu Su naturally knows, and he has no complaints or dissatisfaction with this.

After he came back, he set up 01. 01 is a very special department that gathers elites from all walks of life across the country to serve the country and the people. It is also a good home.

Mr. Gusu has no children, no women, and only two apprentices. Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru are not alone.

Regarding the two of them as their own and carefully nurturing them, they have now been able to act independently, and Zhang Feng's combat effectiveness is even more terrifying. Mr. Gu Su believes that Zhang Feng's physique is the strongest in the world.

And Chen Wanru's method is also good, intelligence agencies all over the world, compared with the US intelligence agencies more low-key.

Most people in this world know about the United States’ love game, but there are not a few people in Chen Wanru’s Red Star Club.

In the eyes of outsiders, that hand is just an ordinary club, and inside it is indeed only an ordinary club, but the owner of the club is not just the owner of the club.

She has an intelligence network all over the world, which can be said to be pervasive, ranging from business owners and government officials to small traffickers and pawns.

But these are all connected by money, which requires a large sum of money, and there are many sources of these money.

The income of the club itself is not worth mentioning at all, mainly from 01.

Mr. Gusu’s methods were not covered, the large sums of funds were solved by himself, instead of the national treasury.

The person he mentioned when he called just now, General Wan, is the resource he saved when he smashed the world of mercenaries, and now he is going to use it.

He had a lot of resources back then, but he has used almost the same over the years.

The future depends on young people.

Mr. Gusu returned to the 01 li, where he had a small room, not big, only fifty or sixty square meters, enough for him to live alone.

He has always been alone. Even Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru did not live with him when they were young. They solved the food and clothing problem by themselves, and he only taught them survival skills, and when they were older, they taught other skills. .

For example, Zhang Feng grew up on the streets, and Chen Wan was in an orphanage.

Mr. Gusu went back to his room, simply took a shower, and lay on his simple camp bed. Those things suddenly flooded into his mind, most of which was the affairs of the Huangquan team. He was working hard to make it happen. .

It's half done now, just look at the meaning above, can you review it?

If a retrial is required, witness evidence is needed. Long Aotian is dead, and he didn't leave much evidence. It seems that he still needs to look for the person back then, General Wan is one.

He was only invited to come forward when he had no alternative, because too much was constrained and his whole body was affected.

If it reaches that point, there is no way.

In the afternoon of the next day, Mr. Gusu received a call from Dongdao, which was from the person who secretly guarded General Wan.

"Sir, the Japanese are here!"

Mr. Gusu was shocked: "It seems that they still haven't let General Wan go. You bring General Wan back!"

"Yes, sir!"

"You are hurt?"

"No, sir!"

"That's good, the person who contacts me, I don't allow any mistakes!"


After hanging up, Mr. Gusu murmured: "It seems to be ahead of schedule."

Then she called Chen Wanru to her side and said, "Check if someone from the Black Dragon Mercenary Group has gone to East Island!"

Mr. Gusu’s question is a bit redundant, as I said when I called.

It's just that Mr. Gusu wants to figure out whether this group is from the Black Dragon Mercenary Group.

If it is, it is much simpler, if not it will be troublesome.

"Master, where are they going to do?" Chen Wanru asked.

"General Wan, General Wan has what they have on hand, and it is also what we need!" Gu Su said.

Chen Wanru was shocked, because Chen Wanru knew that this was a big matter without asking. Master Wan had previously heard that General Wanru was of the same generation as Long Lao.

I sent someone there two days ago to help protect him. Is there a new situation now?

"Master, I'll check it right away!" Chen Wanru stepped aside and called. This is not easy, and Chen Wanru should pay attention to it.

Five minutes later, Chen Wanru walked to Mr. Gusu and said, "Master, it is from the Black Dragon. This person is called Yoshino!"

"Yoshino, huh, a little character!"

"Master, this person is the one who planned the Anhai cargo ship incident!"

"It seems that he is a radical! It's not easy to deal with!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Go and arrange to send someone to the East Island to pick up Xujiashan. I will wait for you at the Kyoto Airport. I want to ensure the safety of General Wan!"



At night, Mr. Gusu was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. He woke up once the cell phone rang. For many years, he slept lightly every night.

As soon as I answered the phone, I heard Xu Jiashan's voice: "Sir, I, I, Wan, Wan..."

Then there is no more his voice, some are just scattered sounds, oh yes, there are gunshots!

Da da……

Mr. Gusu's heart suddenly became cold and underestimated, and he called Chen Wanru for three seconds in a daze.

It took a long time for Chen Wanru to answer the phone: "Master, there is a problem over there. Yoshino sent many people. Xu Jiashan has already sacrificed. Moreover, General Wan is in their hands, and our people are chasing!"

"If you follow Yoshino, don't lose it!" Mr. Gusu showed unusual calmness: "Keep in touch with our people!"

"Yes, Master!"

Chen Wanru did not go to the East Island, but was commanded by Kyoto. Mr. Gusu immediately called Zhang Feng.

He immediately said something like this: "Xiaofeng, you and Yan Wang Mashan go to the East Island, someone will contact you!"

"Old man, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng was in the corridor of Wanda Hospital at this time.

After receiving the call from the old beggar, Zhang Feng stood up, his expression serious.

"It's General Wan. He has an accident. He is an old comrade-in-arms of Yan Wang's grandfather, and is the key to whether your Huangquan team can rebuild!"

Mr. Gusu threw out a few heavy messages at once.

"Old man, I'm going now!"

Zhang Feng didn't hesitate, the matter was serious.


Half an hour later, Zhang Feng and several people were already sitting in the plane. As it was an emergency, it was a charter flight, so the charter flight fee would naturally not be low.

But Zhang Feng doesn't care about money.

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