Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1433: Gunfight in the woods

Chapter 1433: Gunfight in the Forest

Many years ago, Xu Jiashan already knew his destiny, or ending.

So now he didn't feel any accident at all. The only regret was that General Wan did not escape.

Saying these words to Mr. Gu Su in one last breath was his last explanation.

Because he knew they couldn't protect General Wan.

Before he closed his eyes, he saw twenty or thirty people in black passing by his side, and now he didn't even have the strength to pull out the grenade.

That's how life ends.

Ten kilometers away, they were still caught up, and within a few seconds they surrounded the three 01 members who were escorting General Wan and General Wan.

The scene calmed down, and two 01 team members surrounded General Wan.

"Beard, protect General Wan!" one of them said in a deep voice.

The other immediately threw General Wan down, and the next moment there was an explosion. The shock wave of the explosion filled a radius of ten meters. All the people in black who surrounded were affected. The exploded shrapnel flew out, and the people in black turned into twists. Cried and fell down.


The players who fired the grenade were still crushed.

The back of another member who fell to General Wan was also injured. He got up with difficulty and said to General Wan under him: "General, General, how are you?"

"I'm fine, boy, you go, their goal is mine, you take this back to the mainland!" General Wan held the box in his hand.

"General, I will definitely **** you away, I, I can!" A lot of blood flowed from the players' mouths.

He did not dare to take the box, looked up and looked around. Everything within ten meters around him fell, including the trees. The power of the grenade was visible. Just now, he threw General Wan into a small pit. It was this small pit. He was killed, but he was also seriously injured. There were three shrapnels on his back. One breath moved the body, and the wound would be painful.

"Young man, listen to me, let's go! I'm old and won't live long!" General Wan didn't know that the team members had been injured.

"General, I can't move anymore, I, I am here to stop them, you go, go!" the team member said.

Because he felt that the man in black would come again.

"Are you injured?" General Wan asked.

"Yes, General, I can't **** you away. You have to go by yourself. I am here to stop them. This is a mobile phone. General, you protect!" The team members held a small military-grade mobile phone in their hands.

General Wan gritted his teeth and said, "You are good!"

He stood up and left. There was a smile on the faces of the team members. With the words of the general, he died without regret.

Seeing General Wan disappeared in the jungle, the team members took out all their equipment, put on night vision glasses, and lay there waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Sure enough, after waiting for less than two minutes, seven or eight people came again. They were extremely fast and strong, shining in the woods.


The team members fired, but he hesitated to shoot suddenly, and one was killed at once, and the others were hidden.

After a few seconds, they began to fight back. As the team members were in the small pit, their bullets and darts could not hit them. The team members fought back desperately, using all the weapons they could use, two pistols and one shot slightly.

Because his anti-pit was very violent, he completely ignored his own life and made the people in black mistakenly believe that their goal was in that small pit, so they did not bypass him.

Consumption with him here.

The team members wanted such an effect, fighting back desperately, making them mistakenly think that the general was still here.

However, they were so crowded that they soon outflanked them.

At this moment, the team stopped shooting, dropped their guns and stood up, raising their hands above their heads.

They also stopped attacking, leaning over one by one, it would be best to be able to surrender, after all, the purpose of their trip was not dead.

When they were within three meters, the players' feet moved.


After one of the men in black said a word, they leaned forward again, within two meters, and finally saw the smoke from the foot of the surrender.


They wanted to retreat, but the time had come, and several grenades exploded at the same time, and the flying shrapnel tore them apart.

Of course, the heroic 01 player was the first to die, but he was buried with so many people and made a lot of money.

The people in black who surrounded them all died, and all the people who came to this mission were dead, and there were no more people.

At this time, General Wan was already ten kilometers away.

After walking ten kilometers of mountain roads, and still in the dark, General Wan, who is already ninety-five years old, can move forward. He wants to find a safe place to hide and wait for them to come.

Fifteen kilometers away, he hid in a very secret cave and called.

He didn't know who owned the only number in the phone, but he knew it was a mainland number and dialed directly.

The one who answered the phone was a woman, a woman with a nice voice.

"Gan Xingming, how is your place, is General Wan safe?"

As soon as the phone was answered, the woman's anxious voice came. General Wan remembered that the young man was called Gan Xingming!

"I am Wan Xiaojun!" General Wan's real name was Wan Xiaojun. He was a general in his early years, so everyone called him General Wan, along with his name and rank.

"Yeah..." the woman exclaimed, and quickly reacted and said: "Hello General, I am Chen Wanru, I am Mr. Gusu's apprentice, are you safe now?"

With Chen Wanru's cleverness, it can be thought of them all sacrificed because the mobile phone was in General Wan's hand.

"I am safe now, can you locate this phone?"

General Wan has been in the mountains for so many years and has not been out of touch with the outside.

"Yes, yes, I have asked someone to locate it. You can turn off your phone. It will be safer. We will arrive within twelve hours. Please bear with me, General Wan!" Chen Wanru's tone was a little nervous, because Wan The general is a special task, even the master makes three points.

"it is good!"

General Wan hung up the phone as he said, and then turned it off.

He went outside the cave to find something usable, such as hay and edible water.

He pushed the hay in the corner and drank a little water to cover his body and even his face, so that there would be no text bites and it would keep him warm.

Do not make a fire in the cave, otherwise it will be discovered by the enemy.

General Wan just waited in the cave.


"Yoshino-kun, we lost our target. Forty-five people are dead!"

In a place ten kilometers away from the small village, there was a man guarding here. He was in charge of contacting them. Those groups of people in black entered the mountain from here.

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