Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1434: It's all waste!

"What? What did you say?" The Yoshino-kun on the phone was furious. Even if he was a very kind elder in front of others, he couldn't help but hear the news.

The man said it again.



"Trash, trash, all trash, not even an old man can catch, you are trash..."

Right now Yoshino-kun can only growl like this.

"Where is General Wan?" Yoshino-kun asked again.

"Already escaped!"



"You cut your belly to commit suicide!"


The phone on the other side was hung up. The man in the dark was stunned, but after a while, he still took out a short knife and pierced it into his stomach, then let the right side draw it over, and the intestines inside came out. Up.

This didn't make him die immediately, but endured it in pain. He fell to the ground, blood shed all over the ground, here, he would die with blood.

Generally speaking, when they apologize for their honor, someone would help them. In ancient times, someone cut off his head with a knife after cutting his belly.

In modern times, the gun was shot from the back of the head.

This can avoid the pain of the apologetic.

And now he is slowly enduring the pain to die.

Does this count as a glorious apology?


"Waste, waste, just waste!"

In a house somewhere, Yoshino-kun was furious, that was his family's property, now it's all done?

There are too many secrets in that general, which can bring him great benefits and bargaining chips, as well as the secrets of the year.

This matter is related to the major event of their country, and it has failed now.

As a fanatic, how could he forget it?

After thinking about it, he called his boss to get more support from him.

"British chance is long, do you remember General Wan?"

"The general ten thousand?"

The British plane was the head of the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps, and they used to call it the chairman.

This is an old man in his sixties who is in Africa at the moment. He said: "Our Black Dragon Mercenary Corps does not have this person, or is it domestic? Yoshino, what do you want to do? Don't make trouble for me!"

"It is General Wan, the key figure in the land and sea intelligence incidents back then!"

"Isn't he dead?"

"Not dead, even Long Batian's son and daughter-in-law are not dead, they are back to Kyoto!"

"Where is General Wan now?"

"It was originally in a small village on the East Island. I sent people to arrest General Wan, but I didn't expect many people to protect him. Their mission failed. Now General Wan is in the forest."

"Your people are really rubbish!"


"I will give you a hundred people. You can sneak from the headquarters to the East Island in an hour. You can direct them directly, but you must do it well for me. If you can't do it well..."

"I am sorry!"

Before Yoshino finished speaking, the other party hung up, and Yoshino rekindled hope.

If he can do this, it will be a strong mark on his Medal of Honor, because turning over the events of the year and running them again, or inverting black and white, will be able to tear them apart. The wounds, let the world see their faces.

And his Black Dragon Mercenary Corps will also be famous, no longer a thief-like group in the eyes of the world, but a huge influential group.

This will enable the Black Dragon Mercenary Group to grow stronger.

In order to achieve this goal, Yoshino is willing to give his life at all costs.

When he was young, someone contacted him. It was a man named Yamamoto, who was a powerful fighter in the Black Dragon headquarters.

The chairman sent him here, explaining that the chairman attaches great importance to this matter. With the chairman's support, Yoshino believes that it must be impossible.

Yoshino felt that he should go to the battlefield in person, so that he could complete it smoothly, and being able to catch General Ten thousand personally, his sense of accomplishment was also great.

So Yoshino immediately took a plane and left.


An airport in the island.

A very special international plane landed at this small civilian airport. There was no one at the airport except for the two captains. This plane was said to be an emergency landing. For humanitarian reasons, the airport did not pursue it and added it. Fuel, the plane took off in less than an hour and returned the same way.

And a small team was quickly shuttled through the dense forest more than 100 kilometers away from this civilian airport.

An hour ago, when the plane passed this forest, let the plane fly at a low altitude and then parachuted.

The monkey walked in front. He was holding a military customized tablet in his hand. On the screen was a map. There was a red dot flashing on the map, and a green dot. They approached the red dot along the green dot. .

There is the goal, there are still hundreds of kilometers away.

They shuttled on mountain roads that were almost virgin forests, and it took five or six hours for a hundred kilometers.

Chen Wanru only gave them twelve hours. When they came by plane from Africa, they started counting time halfway through. In other words, they only had five hours left.

"We have to arrive at the destination in advance, and the Japanese will probably search in the mountains!" Hell said into the headset.

The monkey said: "This speed is our limit, Yama, I have a proposal!"

They rushed and talked. In order not to attract the attention of possible enemies, they did not turn on the flashlights.

With a little bit of moonlight on his head, and it was also covered by a tree tens of meters high, it was very difficult to march.

"Say, what proposal?" Yan Wang asked.

The monkey said: "You and the madman are the fastest. You two will go up first, and we will follow."

"Well, madman, what do you think?"


"Monkey, send the location to the phone of the madman!" said Yan Wang.


The monkey didn't stop, and tapped the flat screen while running. He didn't hit the trunk either. He was able to look at the screen with one eye and the road with the other.

"It has been sent!" said the monkey.

With positioning, they will not get lost in this unfamiliar forest, and will take the fastest route.

Zhang Feng immediately accelerated upon receiving the positioning, and disappeared into Yan Wang’s line of sight. Under the gloomy moonlight, they could see each other’s shadow, but Zhang Feng disappeared all at once without making any noise. This surprised the king of Yama, and cursed: "Damn, madman, you are a ghost, you are gone all at once."

"Catch up if you have the kind!" Zhang Feng said before.


The king speeded up, but he immediately got a dead branch, stepped on it and clicked, and the sound rang throughout the valley. The king slowed down quickly. If the task is a surprise attack and there are enemies around, making such a sound will attract The Calamity of Extinction, not only failed the mission, but was covered by the energy of the enemy, and it was over.

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