Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1436: Encounter

Chapter 1436

"Okay, let's go now!" General Wan is not a twitch, he stood up and walked out with Zhang Feng: "Long Aotian should be very happy to have soldiers like you!"

"General Wan won the award!"

Zhang Feng said into the headset: "Brothers, General Wan is already safe. We will return on the original route."

"Crazy man, fast enough!" said the monkey.

They are still ten kilometers away.

"Wait for you, the day lilies are cold!"

Zhang Feng helped General Wan to come out, and then said to General Wan, "General Wan, I will walk behind your back, do you think it is okay? Let me do my filial piety, hehe, you belong to your grandfather!"

"Haha, good!" General Wan didn't care about what Zhang Feng said earlier.

Zhang Feng said that this is very competent, and this will not make General Wan look useless.

Zhang Feng squatted down, General Wan crouched on Zhang Feng's sturdy back.

"General Wan, this is my honour. I carried a general on my back!" Zhang Feng smiled and stood up slowly.

"Young man, go quickly!" General Wan said that was a little urgent.

Zhang Feng hurriedly ran away, still making no sound. General Wan was nervous for him. With the sound of wind whirring in his ear, General Wan's eyesight was not as good as before. In this dark night, he saw everything. No, but Zhang Fengqie can rush left and right, not only did not hit anything, but also did not make any noise, General Wan admired him very much.

I thought, Lao Long had taught a good soldier.

At this time Zhang Feng spoke into the headset: "I'm already on the return route, come here from the side!"

"Okay!" Yan Wang replied.

"Roger that!"

They responded one by one.

After Zhang Feng ran for one kilometer, he suddenly noticed a slight abnormal movement in 50 meters. Zhang Feng immediately stopped and supported General Wan’s back with one hand, climbed a big tree with one hand, and then quietly. The ground is above.

General Wan didn't say a word either. Zhang Feng's actions just now shocked him. He was even more powerful than a monkey. He was just a hand.

I just don't know why he came to the tree. Could it be that something happened?

Not long after, General Wan was surprised again, because a group of dark shadows came under the tree, and you didn't need to look carefully to know that they were Japanese.

General Wan didn't understand in his heart, how did he know that there was an enemy ahead? Based on time and speed calculations, when he climbed the tree just now, the enemy was still forty to fifty meters away.

Or did he know in advance?

will not!

There is only one possibility, he heard their movement.

Is this such a terrifying power of observation, or is it a normal person?


At this moment, some birds and beasts screamed in the mountains, and Zhang Feng took advantage of this voice to speak: "At my current location, along the route, there are nearly a hundred shadows. Eat them!"

Zhang Feng's words are very domineering.

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

They all responded, and every time they ordered and communicated, they had to respond to indicate that they were still online.

"Monkey, if you come to my position, General Wan will leave it to you!" Zhang Feng said.

"The monkey received! I'm thinking of getting closer to you!" The monkey responded.

After any explanation, Zhang Feng said to General Wan: "General Wan, please wait a moment here, I will solve those beasts!"

"Didn't you have already decided? You don't need to ask me for instructions, just throw me here, my old bones can still support it!" General Wan said grimly.

"Hey!" Zhang Feng smiled: "General Wan, I am wronged! One of our people will protect you for a while."

"Go, don't be polite to them!" General Wan got down from Zhang Feng's back, holding the branches with both hands to stabilize his body.

"General Xie Wan!"

Zhang Feng jumped down from a tree more than ten meters high as he said, but still didn't make any sound. He used his hands and feet cleverly, just making the tree tremble.

Soon Zhang Feng disappeared in the forest.

General Wan on the tree thought in his mind, this is not easy, all skills are top-notch, but not very easy to manage, Lao Long will definitely have a headache.

A soldier who can give the general a headache is extraordinary.

General Wan felt relieved if he could run into such soldiers, those Japanese men were not opponents.

Zhang Feng was already close to them at this moment, but he just followed closely and didn't solve them.

We must wait for the king of Yama and others to come over and destroy this group of beasts in one fell swoop!

Zhang Feng had to admire their greatness. With so many people running in the jungle, there was only a little sound of awkwardness and the sound of fast jumping wind.

At this point, they are even more powerful than Hades.

Zhang Feng followed up, and the headset in his ear turned to Yan Wang's voice: "Crazy man, less than three kilometers away from your position!"

"Come on!" Zhang Feng lowered his voice.

However, the black shadow fifteen meters away stopped, and Zhang Feng hurriedly hid in the grass.

Two people came back and passed in front of Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng held his breath. If Zhang Feng did it, he could kill the two people quietly.

But Zhang Feng would not be so stupid. He was not sure that one person would kill so many of them. Even if he kills these people, he might get injured and he has to wait for the team.

So Zhang Feng let them go and let them live a little longer.

Meow meow……

At this moment, a wild cat rushed out and called a few times.

The two black shadows looked at each other and went back. The cat let them dispel all their doubts and did Zhang Feng a big favor.

The wild cat's figure is more vigorous, if it weren't for a cry, Zhang Feng wouldn't know that there was a wild cat nearby.

Zhang Feng has been running wildly in the woods for most of the day, and there is no human smell on him.

Even the wild cat could not find Zhang Feng here, it was the two of them who shocked the wild cat.

Zhang Feng has already followed up now.

A few kilometers away, they soon encountered it. It was the king of Yama and the Japanese who first encountered it. Gunshots rang out.

Da da……

The gunfire broke the silence of the dark night forest, and the birds and beasts in the forest were startled.

"Judge, where is your position?" Yan Wang said.

Hell's voice came in the earphone.

"Already at the sniper position, the Japanese are in a depression in the valley, and the fire range can be covered." The judge's voice relieved everyone.

With him, what other waves can those Japanese wives make?

"Crazy man, don't get close to the Japanese people, lest you get ordered by the judge!" Hell Wang said.

The judge's sniper equipment has night vision, but it also needs simple thermal imaging to see farther.


There was a muffler on the barrel, which made a deep and crisp sound that could not be heard from a distance.

Almost at the same time, a dark figure fell.


Then there was another, and the person was headshot.

Da da……

Li Jian and the others were still driving, and there was a crossfire on the opposite side. The Japanese were shrunk in the valley. They were trying to occupy a high place, but they were suppressed by fire. Whoever went up, the sniper rifle greeted everyone.

What is even more terrifying is that within ten meters of them, a ghostly shadow is harvesting their lives. They discovered that it was the leaves that killed their companions!

The leaves are sealed!

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