Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1437: Siege

One leaf Fenghou!

The people who were still alive were shocked. They thought they had encountered the devil, but they didn't believe in the devil because they were the devil.

But the facts have already happened. They have to defeat the devil who is more powerful than them, facing each companion being killed by a sniper rifle, and the leaves of the devil.

They quickly figured out a countermeasure, and everyone lay motionless on the ground.

In this way, a little effect was indeed obtained. The devilish leaves did not come, and the shadow was no longer seen.

But they still couldn't avoid the sniper rifle, because the judge was at a high place, and they were lying on the ground, and the bullets could still be shot.

In less than ten minutes, they had lost more than thirty people.

"Ba Ga, Ba Ga, fight with them!" A person shouted to get up.

Another person wanted to catch him but did not catch him. Zhang Feng, who was squatting not far away, understood what he said, and immediately stepped out and threw a leaf in his hand. The leaf made a slight crisp sound during the high-speed flight. , Sank into the target's throat.

Immediately, the target covered his neck with his hands and looked at the direction of the leaves. A figure flashed by and disappeared, and he fell.


The sound of the sniper rifle sounded, indicating that another person was nailed to the ground, and the bullet penetrated his body and sank into the ground.

Da da……

The Hades's gunshots rang out from time to time, making them afraid to appear.

The people in black who are lying on the ground will also counterattack, and the target of counterattack is Hades.

However, this was in vain. They couldn't hit the king at all in this position, because the king hid behind a pile of rocks and shot him coldly.

Change a place with a shot.

The black-clothed Japanese are a living target.

The judge made no mistakes.

"Judge, don't be so arrogant, leave a few for us!" Li Jian said.

The judge said: "I'm not arrogant at all, I'm a lunatic, it's like a bombshell, this is no longer a human being!"

"The lunatic, just want to torture them like this, let them taste this kind of taste!" Hell said viciously.

Everyone knows Zhang Feng's skill. It's so handsome. They have always wanted to learn it, but they can only throw playing cards, and it can't cause any harm.

"Quickly clean up them, General Wan and Monkey are still waiting for us over there!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, "This is the place of right and wrong!"

Da da……

Zhang Feng was rubbed by them when he was speaking. More than 20 bullets hit him in an instant. Zhang Feng couldn't dodge that much and his leg was bruised.

He cursed: "I'm doing it, it's a lottery, why are you talking so much!"

Everyone was shocked, but knew that it should be all right, Li Jian said: "We said ours, you don't need to talk about it, it seems that you are not very good, the lottery!"

"Tyrannosaurus, what are your thoughts, don't gloat!" Zhang Feng said angrily, regardless of whether he would be targeted.

Two Japanese men found Zhang Feng and threw out the darts. They wanted to compete with the leaves in Zhang Feng's hand. Zhang Feng also threw out the leaves. The darts hit the leaves, and the darts cut off two leaves. , The darts keep going.

Zhang Feng wouldn't stop there waiting for the darts to come, he had already flashed aside, and Zhang Feng threw a lot of leaves when he moved.

The next moment two Japanese men fell, Zhang Feng went into hiding.

Hell and the others no longer hide behind the stone, attacking from the left and right wings, with the strong cooperation of the judge, and Zhang Feng's.

Formed a three-sided enclosure with a sniper rifle in the middle.

Although the number of people is seriously lower than them, the victory lies in the tactics and timing.

It can be regarded as an encounter, but Huangquan team occupies good terrain and has world-class snipers.

After all, it was a massacre.

As the encirclement shrinks, the number of Japanese Japanese also decreases.

With less than thirty people left, fifteen minutes had passed since the battle.

At this time, they knew they were invincible, and they had to break through or the entire army would be wiped out. General Wan had lost so many people without finding it, which was unacceptable to them.

And they are very puzzled, who are these people, so powerful! It's different from those before.

No matter what, they must break through and not all die in this valley.

They quickly formed a sharp-knife formation and went to Zhang Feng's side. Because there was the weakest point of defense, there was only a single figure. No matter how powerful he was, so many people would press on it all at once, and see how he responds. .

Da da……

They were fighting between trapped beasts, pouring out the bullets and darts in their hands and so on.

Zhang Feng leaned against a big tree and did not move. If he came out, he would become a hornet's nest. They hadn’t found the exact location of Zhang Feng, but they shot blindly. Their firepower was very strong, and the dense jungle in front Can open a way.

However, the people in charge of the queen were not so good. Because they retreated while fighting back, they didn't defend, and the judges were point by point.

Yama and others who caught up also gained something.

They lost another seven or eight people at once, but they had no retreat and could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

Zhang Feng, who was behind the tree, was suppressed so much that he did not dare to appear, and he was aggrieved.

If they come up, you will be passive.

So Zhang Feng sighed and leaned down. With the strength of the trunk, Zhang Feng rolled on the ground, while at the same time the leaves between Zhang Feng's ten fingers were thrown out.

Rolling against the ground.

They saw a figure flashing out from behind the tree and the firepower immediately concentrated there.

But they had lost the opportunity, the bullets could not keep up with Zhang Feng's body, and at the same time they had been injured, the leaves fell into their teaching, and they screamed one by one.

"Ah, ah!"


There were five or six people rushing in front. All of them were caught in the leaves thrown by Zhang Feng. They screamed and knelt down at the same time, trying hard to stand up but their feet were already disobedient.

The people behind looked at them, and continued to charge regardless of them.

Not all people can die here. Companions who have lost their heartbeat are no different from dead bodies. How could they care about them at this dangerous time.

At this time, Zhang Feng had arrived at another ambush location. They faced Zhang Feng and the chase behind, and they did not love fighting.

After leaving the corpses on the ground, they finally jumped out of the encirclement and ran deep into the forest like an escape.

There were less than ten people left, and three of them were injured in the back hall. Their fate was already a corpse, but with a little faith to protect their companions from leaving, it was their belief in giving up their lives.

"Crazy man, if you want to run away, do you want to erase it?" Yan Wang said jargon.

"Wipe all!"


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