Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1439: Zhang Feng's method

Chapter 1439 Zhang Feng's Method

Simply, he did not disappoint Zhang Feng.

He kept silent, looking like he was waiting to die.

"Mr. Yoshino, the time is up, let's start!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Yoshino glanced at Zhang Feng, his chin slightly raised, showing a look of contempt, Zhang Feng ignored him.

In Yoshino's view, it is nothing more than torture. Is he still afraid? No matter what the punishment is, he is not afraid of it. If there is no such endurance, he has been a vain all these years.

Zhang Feng added: "Your Black Dragon Mercenary Corps has a strong official nature. What you do is not as simple as other mercenary regiments, and you act secretly. You are the person in charge of combat personnel in the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps. Secretly, and you are holding a small but very important position in your country!"

Nonsense, this is nonsense, for Yoshino, this is nonsense, because in the world of mercenaries, this information is an open secret, and everyone who can talk to each mercenary group knows it.

Now Zhang Feng said this is not nonsense.

However, Zhang Feng mentioned his position in the country, which few people know, Yoshino cast a close eye and looked at Zhang Feng.

"Sakura Hall, it is Sakura Hall, you are an important team member there!" Zhang Feng said again.

Hades and the others do not understand what Zhang Feng is doing so nonsense? If you want to torture a confession severely, just go ahead.

But they are all waiting for Zhang Feng to see what he wants to do?

"If your identity is known to the whole world, or it is your appearance without clothes, or you pose in poses that only your movie actresses can pose, let the whole world know, what would it be like? What about the result?"

Zhang Feng finally said it. Hell and the others have not reacted yet, but Yoshino has reacted.

Achilles’ heel, this is Yoshino’s Achilles’ heel. If that were the case, Sakura Hall would be targeted by the world’s major hackers or enemy intelligence agencies, and there would be no more secrets.

If they are human, all their information and personnel will be published on the Internet and everyone in the world will know.

And he Yoshino will become the sinner of the organization, the country, and the nation.

Everyone who knew him was ashamed of him!

Oh, and his family!

These are his dead spots!

"You, you..." The more Yoshino thought about it, the more scared he became. This was even more terrifying than killing him, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Haha, Mr. Yoshino, I said, I will let you talk, and you answered my question. For you, it is just a small thing in the past. It does not hurt or itchy, and you will be brave How about the name of the war dead on your list?"

Zhang Feng was still sitting there. He threw away the leaves in his hand and took out his mobile phone.

Now the King of Yama finally understood, they couldn't help but shook their heads to admire him, and they pinched his dead spot with precision, too cruel, too cruel, and very cheap!

"Crazy man, this trick is too bad, right?" Yan Wang said.

Li Jian also said: "I also feel a little inhumane?"

"Too detrimental? Inhumane?" Zhang Feng looked at them and stood up: "These are considered inhumane on the battlefield? Too detrimental?"

In the face of Zhang Feng's questioning, they were speechless. Their thinking was very orthodox and regular. Whether they were tactically and physically first in the army, their personal thinking was also very correct.

Unlike Zhang Feng, who smashed out of the street halfway through the streets, his tricks, Hades, they couldn't even think of them.

Right now in Yoshino's case, they have no move.

"Okay, we listen to you!" Hell said.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "That's right!"

Then he said to Yoshino who was still still, "Mr. Yoshino, have you thought about it?"

"Kill me!" Yoshino said again.

Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly: "Oh, stupid people, even if you don't say these two questions, you will know soon, why bother!"

"Who is going to take off his pants?" Zhang Feng said to everyone.

This kind of thing! ?

They hesitated. If they were to pick up a woman's pants, they could barely do it. Now they can't pick up an old man's pants.

"Well, this kind of thing, let me do it!" Zhang Feng said, giving his mobile phone to Li Jian and said: "Tyrannosaurus, it is said that you like photography. This difficult shooting task is left to you. Remember, don't Capture me!"

Li Jian hesitated whether to pick up the phone.

At this moment Chai rushed up and took the phone in Zhang Feng's hand. He thought he was going to take a photo, but he didn't expect him to give the phone to the student: "Come on, student! I'll pick up my pants!"

"I'm not coming!" Student Wen Kaiqi gave his mobile phone to Li Jian: "It's still Tyrannosaurus!"

In this way, this group of people pushed you to block, and finally fell into the hands of the king.

Jackal is really going to pick Yoshino's clothes.

At this time, Yoshino's body was already trembling. He was not afraid, but angry. The behavior of these people was simply a beast, and it was the biggest humiliation to him.

He was thinking, is he even worse than those women?

Are those women who provide the world's guns and make those poor men fire their bullets, even those women?

Looking at Yoshino, Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Yoshino, what's wrong with you? Want to pee? Oh, no hurry, my brother will help you!"

At this moment the jackal went up and grabbed his hand. Yoshino wanted to resist, and a fist came to the jackal's face. How could the jackal let him succeed and easily resolve it.

"Is anyone here to help?" the Jackal shouted.

The students came up, the two cooperated, and Yoshino was caught in a few strokes, making him unable to move.

In order to prevent him from biting his tongue, Zhang Feng grabbed a handful of hay and stuffed it into his mouth, and said to him: "Mr. Yoshino, I'll give you another chance. If you agree, we will blink, otherwise we will take a photo. , I know that there is a website where you can put your photos and videos, and someone will watch it, hehe, I can still make money, Mr. Yoshino from Sakura Hall, haha!"

Zhang Feng didn't put it in his mouth immediately and gave him a chance to speak.

"Enough, enough!"

Yoshino roared. At this moment, Yoshino has collapsed. Zhang Feng is right. Compared with the reputation of Sakura Hall, what are the things of General Wan in the past?

Zhang Feng smiled and waved to let them go Yoshino.

"Mr. Yoshino, are you talking about it?" Zhang Feng asked.

Yoshino breathed out a long breath. When everyone saw this posture, they were impressed with Zhang Feng. What is this called?

Focus on the heart!

That's right, Zhang Feng took everything into account, including the historical nation of their entire country, and Sakura Hall.

This organization, even the king of Yan rarely heard about it, and the king suddenly felt that he was sitting in a well and watching the sky.

After a long breath, Yoshino said: "Back then..."

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