Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1440: Dignified death

Yoshino spoke for ten minutes.

In these ten minutes, everyone was shocked. Zhang Feng finally understood everything. It's really not as simple as yours, and Zhang Feng can understand why there is no result.

And Zhang Feng understands that the old beggar has worked very hard.

But it's not all that can't be solved, it needs a key, and the key is the general.

What happened back then was to have a relationship with the Japanese. The Black Dragon Mercenary Corps had not yet been established, and this happened on the East Island. It was a big deal. The Japanese wanted to turn this into a scandal that would make the Long family and even the whole country vulnerable. Shame, they have achieved a certain purpose and diplomatic advantage.

Not dead!

Won't let them succeed!

Yoshino really dared to say that if this matter was put on Zhang Feng's body, Zhang Feng would not be able to do it, so it's better to die.

As for how they dispose of the body after death, Zhang Feng would not think so much.

But now it is Yoshino.

"Hammer, how?" Zhang Feng asked Yan Wang.

The king said: "Let's go back!"

"No hurry, give him a dignified way of death, who will go?" Zhang Feng said.

Hades stepped forward, with nothing in his hand!

It is best for him to resolve this matter.

"Yoshino, right? I can tell you that I am the son of Long!"

Hades told Yoshino about his identity. Yoshino was shocked and said: "No wonder, no wonder, haha, no wonder you are so like this. I have to admit that the three generations of your dragon family are heroes, but your country..."

"To shut up!"

He was furious and deceived him, and at this time Yoshino had picked up his long knife and stood still, ready to fight, holding the hilt with both hands.

Both eyes looked at Hades who rushed over.

Hades came with anger. In this kind of battle, he is most afraid to bring emotions, because he will expose his weaknesses.

The distance was less than five meters, and the King of Yama arrived in two strides. The two passed by, and there was no sound. Yoshino's sword was very fast, and it was a cut.

Both stood still, back to back.

There was a trace of blood on the blade in Yoshino's hand.

It goes without saying that Hades was injured.

Zhang Feng understood. Just now Yoshino made two moves. Yan Wang did one move, but the second move failed because Yoshino's second move overlapped with the first move.


Several people called to go up, but they were stopped by Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng shook his head at them, meaning that he would let Yan Wang take care of it himself.

Of course, if the King of Yama is defeated, Zhang Fengcheng will kill him immediately. I believe that King of Yama can do it. He is the instructor of Huangquan Team.

If he loses to this little widow, then he really can't mix.

Hades was careless just now.

That's right, at this time, the clothes on the neck of Yama was slashed, but the skin was scratched, but it was also hot and painful.

The hot pain awakened Yan Wang, and he calmed down.

"Hmph, you are still too tender, not as fast as your father!" Yoshino said.

"Have you fought against my father?" Hell asked.

The two said back to back.

Yan Wang was brought up by Elder Long. He knew his parents had died heroically since he was a child. Yan Wang was proud and sad for this. But more than a year ago, they came back and everything changed.

Now Yoshino said that he had fought against his father, which was very interesting.

His words aroused a strong will to fight the king of Yama, and turned to look at Yoshino.

Yoshino also turned around.

The two looked at each other, as if they had returned to the scene twenty years ago.

Hades tensed to attack, and there was no problem with the injury on his stomach.

"Kill..." Hades shouted loudly, letting go of his tight feet, his body shot out like a taut arrow, and he was in front of Yoshino.

Yoshino moved too, and stepped forward to chop with strength.

The tip of the knife slashed towards Yama's forehead, and a smile flashed across Yoshino's mouth. He was about to succeed. Even if he died, he would make a profit.

Just when it was about to hit Yama's forehead, the distance was less than an inch. Just at the moment of his death, Yama's eyes showed a sharp look, his head quickly shifted, and then his chest shifted.

Yoshino's sword slammed into the air, at such a short distance and at such a speed, at this time the king of Hades had already exited, and Yoshino's sword had not been recovered yet.

Yama's fist turned into five claws and went towards Yoshino's throat.

With the power of lightning, Yoshino's grasp was caught, and then torn apart.

What kind of scene is this? Just talk about killing chickens and ducks. When dealing with the neck position, the trachea will be pulled out.

Now it is more cruel than killing ducks and chickens, because it is bloody, there is no blood to kill ducks and chickens.

At this time, the king of Yama was standing beside Yoshino, with Yoshino's trachea in his hand, dripping with blood.

Da Dang...

The long knife in Yoshino's hand fell to the ground, and then his hands covered his neck in response.

The appearance is the same as that of the Japanese Japanese who hit Zhang Feng's flying leaves.

"No, it's impossible, your speed, speed..."

Before Yoshino finished speaking, he fell down, his eyes widened, and he couldn't squint.

Hades stood there, and he seemed very excited.

"Hammer, are you okay!" Zhang Feng stepped up and asked.

"I'm fine!" Yan Wang threw away what was in his hand.

"Your belly?"

Hades said: "It's okay, shaved a little!"

"Okay, go!"

"Where are these corpses?"

"Their people will come and clean up!"


After a while, Zhang Feng and others arrived at the place where General Wan and Monkey were, and helped General Wan from the tree. Everyone gave a standard military salute to General Wan, and King Yan said, "General Wan, you have worked hard!"

"Who is Long Yu?" General Wan looked at King Yan.

Yan Wang said: "It's my father, my name is Long Ao!"

Intelligence personnel like them will have many names. Yan Wang's father is Long Aiguo, Long Yu, and some code names.

Just like Zhang Feng.

For those names of his father, Yan Wang had just learned of his father's name. It was Mr. Long who told him before his death, and reiterated that his father was good, and asked him to forgive his father for not giving him fatherly love in those years.

Hades is not one of those twitching people, so naturally he doesn't care about this, but the father and son talk very little and meet rarely.

The situation is similar to Zhang Feng.

"Haha, yes, yes!" General Wan said.

When Zhang Feng saw it almost, he said, "Go!"

During the journey, Zhang Feng called the old beggar. At three o'clock in the morning, the old beggar answered the phone immediately, as if he was waiting for the call.

"What's the situation?" The old beggar was a little anxious.

That's right, he has been waiting because he knows that the Japanese have sent many elite death soldiers.

"General Wan is safe, all the Japanese are destroyed!" Zhang Feng said.

"Very good, very good! I am waiting for you to come back!"

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