Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1471: Who is behind the scenes?

After all, Zhang Feng entered the game for the first time, and it was still the game here. Zhang Feng felt funny thinking about it.

The last time it was different, it was because of a fight, this time it was suspected of killing.

After entering the bureau, Zhang Feng was interrogated.

The police have obtained the evidence from the Alexandria Hotel, and the identity of the deceased has been formalized. Although the male deceased was completely unrecognizable, the police found out the identity of the male deceased after high-tech and blood tests. He turned out to be Nader.

France's bodyguard, Nader, was the one who made the earthshaking yesterday, but now he is dead.

The dead woman is the front desk of the alley bar.

That said, it is not difficult to understand. Nader did not leave Roman City, but found this woman.

But this woman is also dead, who killed them?

How did the police find Zhang Feng?

There must be a black hand behind this scene.

Faced with the police's questioning, Zhang Feng had nothing to admit. The police asked if Zhang Feng killed him, because they knew that Zhang Feng could beat him. They knew it before in a Chinese restaurant.

What makes Zhang Feng strange is that Zhang Feng was put in jail the next day, and he had not been tried at all. Zhang Feng had already been convicted.

This made Zhang Feng a little confused. It's too ugly to eat. Isn't enough things happening in these two days?

Maybe they don't have the energy to deal with themselves and just throw them into prison?

Zhang Feng scolded Nader in his heart and couldn't control his waistband. He deserved to be killed, so he shouldn't be kind to him.

But from another perspective, if this incident hadn't happened, if the police hadn't caught him, he wouldn't know the man behind the scenes against him.

Anyway, Zhang Feng didn't have any resistance, he just wanted to go to prison for their purpose!

It is much better to kill people in the prison than outside, and Zhang Feng’s crime is a murderer. The murderer is killed in the prison. The prison or the police will save a lot of trouble and save the prison. Lots of resources.

Zhang Feng was replaced with all the things on his body, including the saber. The prison guards didn’t know that Zhang Feng’s clothes didn’t contain such playing cards. There were hundreds of cards. They were even interested in that saber. Move the prisoner's things and heal it. The prison guards don't want to make jokes about their future because of a knife.

When he got inside, Zhang Feng was bathed and stood there barely. The guards sprayed him from a water gun. The guards were not interested in the tattoos on his back, but were interested in the wounds on his body.

It was shocking, almost all of them were seriously injured, this person is not easy.

Catch him can be regarded as the right catch, how can such a person be an ordinary person?

After Zhang Feng was washed, he was sprayed with lime powder, and then he threw the prison uniform to him.

After he was dressed, the two prison guards took him away, passing through the iron gates, and Zhang Feng came to his room, which was still a single room. It was not bad, although it was a bit weird, it was still clean.

Zhang Feng sat down on the cold bed and fell asleep. He was not worried at all. When he came just now, he already had everything in his mind.

Those guards and defenses were nothing to Zhang Feng, and he couldn't be locked in Area 52.

So, he slept with peace of mind, trying to find the person who yin himself.

Sleeping in this single room is stable, no one will come to your disadvantage.

After a few hours, when the meal arrived, the iron door opened and Zhang Feng woke up and went out. Since Zhang Feng was a newcomer, he didn't go outside to look out for the wind, so he was locked up first.

The prisoners all forgot one direction and went away. It must be the cafeteria. Zhang Feng followed with his lunch box, knife and fork in his hand.

The prisoners looked at Zhang Feng, a yellow race, how could he come here? There are almost no yellow races, which is rare.

Most of the prisoners here are black and the rest are white.

A few people approached Zhang Feng and walked beside Zhang Feng. They were all grown-up blacks. The largest one was estimated to be 300 kilograms and nearly two meters tall. It was a moving iron tower, similar to Caldera. spell.

But he is far from Caldera, he only has such a shell, Zhang Feng can handle him with one punch.

These people didn't act on Zhang Feng, they just walked by his side. Zhang Feng ignored them.

After queuing up for dinner in the cafeteria, Zhang Feng casually found a table to sit down and eat.

The food is not good, the stinky rice, and there are a lot of rice worms. Zhang Feng doesn't dislike it. He never picks food, as long as it is edible, it won't die.

His intestines and stomach can adapt to all kinds of food, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and so on.

At this moment, he saw an old acquaintance, shouting and hugging, and a little brother helped him to cook dinner, he was sitting there and someone pushed his back and pressed, and he was enjoying it.


He also came in, in the same prison, which is really interesting, it seems that he has become the emperor here.

He is so.

It’s just that Zhang Feng didn’t understand, so he was imprisoned so quickly without any trial? With such a loud voice from outside, can Roman City be able to handle it?

France did not see Zhang Feng who was eating in the corner with his head down. The black people walking beside Zhang Feng just now came, and one of them was lean and said to Zhang Feng, "Yellow monkey, get out of the way!"

He can speak a little English.

Zhang Feng didn't speak, this thin man was their head, and he seemed to have some strength.

Able to hold down the big guy behind.

"Didn't you hear? This is my place, get out!" The thin man said again.

Zhang Fengyu glanced at the surrounding prison guards. They didn't care about the upcoming conflict here. Zhang Feng then understood that someone wanted to fix himself, and these people were just dogs.

Faced with the thin man's roar, Zhang Feng remained indifferent and continued to eat his own.

At this moment, the surrounding prisoners were all looking over, even France in the distance was also looking over, looking at Erlang's legs.

There is a good show.

The thin man was completely angry, **** ho **** throat and vomited onto Zhang Feng's plate.

In everyone's eyes, this yellow man was going to die, and he did not dare to resist.

Zhang Feng did not move. He stood up, grabbed the prepared meal from the thin man, sat down and ate it. He hadn't eaten it yet.

This action made the thin man stunned, and he was robbed of the meal, so angry, his fist hit Zhang Feng in the face.

Before his fist reached Zhang Feng's face, Zhang Feng kicked one of his feet, like a standing wood kicked down, the whole wood fell down, and the thin body fell down.

He slammed his face on the steel table and made a loud noise. Then he rolled under the table, and it hurt.

Fortunately, the table is strong enough, otherwise it will break.

The thin man stood up hard to see that he was still eating. He had never seen such a calm person who was not afraid of death. He was still eating at this time. Is this food delicious?

"Hit him, hit him to death!" The thin man was furious.

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