Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1472: Locked up

A few of my classmates went, especially the big guy. His big fist came towards Zhang Feng's head, and his fists were almost as big as Zhang Feng's brain.

Holding a knife and fork in his hand, Zhang Feng stabs his fist against him, piercing his fist, even through the bone, Zhang Feng's speed is very fast.

It's like water cutting. It can cut off a hard and thick steel plate, and Zhang Feng's hand can pierce his hand bones. It's very simple.

"Ah..." The big hair screamed like a pig, and quickly retracted his fist, trying to open his palm but it hurts and the cold sweat came down.

Because the knife and fork strung his fingers and palms together, it hurts even if he moves.

This time, he lost his combat effectiveness and retreated by himself.

The other three were still attacking. Zhang Feng still kicked one out, hitting one in the chest with a punch, and the last one was a slap.

All three of them were lying on the ground, and one of them was unclear. It was the one who was slapped, his mind turned aside.

From beginning to end, Zhang Feng's **** never left the chair, but he didn't have a knife and fork to eat.

He glanced at that one, stood up and walked towards him. The big one was terrified. He took two steps back. He didn't know what he tripped under his feet. He sat on the ground and faced Zhang Feng's approaching step by step. He glared back at his legs, his face was full of horror.

The people around are quiet, is he trying to kill? I was stunned, and I have never seen anyone who shot so hard.

The big guy yelled, "Ah, don't, don't..." and blocked his face with his fork-fisted fist.

Zhang Feng did not hit him, but quickly grabbed the knife and fork and pulled it out.

"Ah..." The big guy yelled like a pig, and the one that was pulled out was more painful than the one that was pierced in.

Zhang Feng took the knife and fork out, wiped it on his clothes, and then turned to go back to continue eating.

But the thin man came up, and he held a small sharp weapon in his hand and came to the back of Zhang Feng's head. This is a fatal move, too cruel!

Zhang Feng seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, but a little bit too far, the sharp weapon stabbed by the thin man pierced empty.

When he was about to withdraw his hand and continue to stab, Zhang Feng made a move. It was only a move. His body did not move. He just swept back with the knife and fork with his right hand, only to hear a louder scream: "Ah... "

Zhang Feng returned to his position without even looking, sitting beside him as someone, and the food on the plate on the table had not been moved. Zhang Feng stretched out his hand and took his knife and fork and sat down to continue eating.


The thin man was screaming. Except for Zhang Feng's manual operation, no one moved. Looking at it quietly, the scene seemed to be frozen and dead, and even France who was eating over there was stunned.

The thin man's end was the worst. His mouth was pierced by a knife and fork, or exactly his face was pierced, from the left to the right, with the tongue in the middle.

So there was a lot of blood coming out of his mouth, and he was sitting there paralyzed, and the pain was about to pass out.

Its appearance makes people afraid to look directly.

This is more shocking than the dead.

Too cruel, too cruel!

At this moment, Zhang Feng quickly finished eating, stood up and returned the knife and fork to the person on the side table, holding the empty plate to the prescribed place, and then went out.

But just when he was about to go out, four prison guards stopped him, and immediately stood him up. The electric baton stirred Zhang Feng's waist, and Zhang Feng was taken away without resisting.

Only a few minutes later did medical staff come to rescue the thin and big people.

Zhang Feng was locked up in a closed space, and Zhang Feng's crime had to be locked up for at least a week.

But he came out the next day, someone came to greet him, and that person was France!

At this time, France recognized this person as the Chinese who beat him in the Chinese restaurant that night!

"You, you are Li..."


Zhang Feng shot and punched France's nose, breaking the bridge of France's nose.

"Ah..." Frans screamed, and the group of men behind were going to go up to fight Zhang Feng, but Frans raised his hand to stop him.

Zhang Feng didn't care if he turned around and left.

"Boss, why don't you kill him?" one of his men asked.

France endured the pain and said, "You are not his opponents!"

"So many of us are afraid of him!"

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Why don't you take me to the doctor!"

"Yes Yes!"

In fact, Francis wanted to win over Zhang Feng, he didn't know that Zhang Feng was the man behind him.

If there is such a strong person to protect him, who would dare to do anything to him in this prison, hit anyone he wants.

It cost him a lot of money to get Zhang Feng out of the confinement room. Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng not only didn't thank him, but also punched him.

He didn't care about his little grudge against France.

He checked Zhang Feng's crime, and the warden only told him that it was because of murder.

It was a big crime to kill, just like himself, but he believed that his energy was great and he could go out soon.

And he will be locked here for a long time, maybe he will be shot.

He needs a man who can fight, and he needs his own shelter, right? At least I can live kindly here.

But now it's such a situation that Francis hadn't expected it, let's heal his nose first.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already arrived on the square and was walking. The confinement room was very dark and cold. He was going out to bask in the sun. The closed lock for a day would not affect Zhang Feng's body.

There are many people playing in the square, and there are some fitness equipment on both sides to release the prisoners' hormones.

But now everyone stopped to look at Zhang Feng.

This will cause many people to start whispering, and then they will be shocked. It must have been the news that Zhang Feng has beaten France. Just like this, the news spread quickly.

Zhang Feng sat on the stone bench basking in the sun.

No one dared to approach him.

Everyone vaguely felt that this person's arrival, the prison was not peaceful, it is estimated that a **** storm will be set off.

After a while, the thin man whose face was pierced yesterday came, with a white cloth covering his entire face, followed by a **** man.

A dozen people followed, menacingly.

From the two fierce eyes on the thin face, you can see that there will be a good show later.

Everyone gathered around to watch the excitement, so how can you miss such a good show?

Zhang Feng looked at the prison guards who couldn't be far away, and they still closed one eye.

Sure enough, the thin man walked up to Zhang Feng, pointed at Zhang Feng, and then made a sound deep in his throat.


The meaning is very clear, that is to beat him!

The people behind rushed up. This was a group fight. A group of people beat up one person.

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