Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1478: Address the threat

Chapter 1478

The square is not big, but a 2,000-meter circle, so Zhang Feng was surrounded by them in a few strokes.

Under the expectation of everyone, when Zhang Feng thought that Zhang Feng was going to fight them desperately, he did not expect Zhang Feng to shout loudly: "Help, help... I killed someone, killed someone..."

Before the other party started, he shouted, and the people eating melons were not looking directly at him. Didn't he just clamor for them to come over? Now he is persuaded.

When Zhang Feng screamed, Zhang Feng squatted down and held his head with his hands. He saw that the guards on the fence were indifferent, and he was very interested to see here. This is what Zhang Feng wanted.

The fist rained on Zhang Feng's back and his feet.

After five or six hits, Zhang Feng rolled on the ground and jumped out of their encirclement, and then fell two people down.

A carp hit hard, he stood up, and then began to attack, rushed up, punched and kicked, almost using his heart and fist, and he solved one in almost two strokes. His speed was so fast that his figure flashed between the five of them. It's like a doll that will never fall down.

In one minute and fifteen seconds, all five people were lying on the ground. There was blood on the ground. They hadn't been killed yet. They were seriously injured. They were lying on the ground in a panic. They were about to die when they watched, or there was only one left. Tone.

The surrounding people took a mouthful and lit up without speaking. The scene just now was too fast. It seemed that all of a sudden, the five big guys just lay on the ground, shocked, shocked!

I saw him hit one person before, but now he plays five together and the effect is still the same, that is to say, hitting one is the same as hitting five.

What kind of existence is this person?


The prison guards came, came blowing their whistle, and all the prisoners squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Zhang Feng naturally received special attention again and was taken away, but he was not detained because Zhang Feng said that he was a legitimate defense. They chased him and beat him, and so many people beat him.

The prison is very helpless, because everyone has seen it, and if he is imprisoned or sentenced again, it is an illegal act.

It can only be said that those five people were unlucky, bullying others and being injured. Now they are in the infirmary. All five people have lost consciousness.

In less than half an hour, even with the efforts of an infirmary with well-equipped medical equipment and experienced medical staff, two people died.

The remaining three people are being transferred to a nearby hospital.

One of the two white people had a heart pierced by a broken rib. It was a miracle that he could hold it for more than 20 minutes. The other was because of his throat. His throat was smashed by a punch and he had difficulty breathing. If it wasn't for the medical staff. Put him on an oxygen mask as soon as possible, otherwise it won't last two minutes.

The other three are all serious injuries.

The five people have one thing in common, they all suffer fatal injuries!

The opponent's moves were fierce and fierce, just like a life and death enemy on the battlefield.

Zhang Feng doesn’t care what they think. Now he has returned to Sakoli’s cell. Sakoli is still in the infirmary. Zhang Feng didn’t bother to see him. He just lay on the soft sofa. If only there is a mobile phone that can connect to the Internet, it can be poisoned.

In the last years of the previous dynasty, people's poisoning was opium, from the princes and ministers, to the traffickers and pawns, and to men, women, and children.

But now that the motherland is prosperous, and it’s so good, the mobile phone remains poisoned all day long.

This poison just changed the medium. It used to be opium, now it is a mobile phone.

The nature is the same. Fortunately, the prosperity of the motherland is a peaceful age.

Now Zhang Feng can only smoke. Sakori’s cigarettes are all good cigarettes. Even in prison, he still manages enough.

However, Zhang Feng still feels that his cigarettes are easy to smoke. In the early years when he was still on the street, he smoked seven cents a pack of green bamboo. Later, when he had a hard box, it rose to one yuan. Zhang Feng didn’t smoke until he was in junior high school. To the hard box.

Whether it's good or bad, Zhang Feng is not very picky. If you have it, you can enjoy it. If you don't, he doesn't choose what you can eat or what you can put in your mouth.

The five people dealt with today made Zhang Feng relax a little bit, otherwise they would be in trouble if they rushed in while he was sleeping.

Zhang Feng said that he would not save foresight or upcoming troubles, and would think about solving them as soon as possible.

All six people have been solved, depending on what Francis's father has.

After half an hour, Sarkoli came back with a lot of white bandages on his body, his hands hung on his neck, his face, and his head. It looked like a mummy anyway.

"Li, you're back!?"

It was a surprise to see Zhang Feng lying there safe and sound, Sakori was sent to the infirmary passively after he was beaten just now. I don't know how the prison handled Zhang Feng.

"Yes, it's been a long time since you came back, how is your injury?" Zhang Feng asked.

Sarkoli said: "It's okay, I can't die!"

When Sakori was beaten, Zhang Feng could actually save him, but Zhang Feng didn’t. I thought he might be killed. If he was beaten to death, he would kill him. There is not much to do with Zhang Feng. If there is a relationship, this is the cell.

If he died, Zhang Feng would have to go to his original place, and Zhang Feng would not care too much about it.

But Zhang Feng said apologetically: "They were chasing me at the time. I couldn't save you and let you get beaten..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I was also very worried about you at the time!" Sakori said repeatedly.

At that time, the five of them really ran after Zhang Feng. He could understand how he saved himself.

"Well, what, is there anything to eat?" Zhang Feng asked.

Sakori said: "Yes, I'm going to get someone to send it!"

Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

This is a good thing here. Zhang Feng suspects that if he stays here for a few months, he will get fat. It's like a pampering and squatting.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Feng said: "We still have to arrange for France to come tonight!"

"This is easy to handle. I already notified him last time, and he said he would be happy to come!" Sakori didn't know what Zhang Feng wanted him to do.

But he knew there would be no good things.

"Okay, you can make arrangements, you don't need to tell others, just the three of us!" Zhang Feng said.

Sarkoli became more puzzled, and asked, "What if he brings people?"

Zhang Feng thought for a while, but this is a problem: "That's okay, then let him take it! You should arrange as much as possible and keep as few as possible."

"it is good!"

Nicolas was injured, and Zhang Feng got up. He was uncomfortable after lying on the sofa for a long time and needed to go for a walk.

Just like that, Zhang Feng walked to the square again.

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