Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1479: Liwei

Similarly, he attracted the eyes of hundreds of prisoners around him. Is there still a good show to watch this time? Is there someone who died on the spot with blood splashing?

Zhang Feng sat down on the stone bench, and when he glanced over, they all looked away.

No one came to provoke him. Now he became the prison tyrant in this prison. They all know that from the day he arrived here, there have been fights every day, and someone must die. Just yesterday, five people died in a row. , And these five people are all serious criminals, and they will exist like demons to them.

But to this Eastern man, they are nothing, kill if they want, and they won't provoke a show, clever, clever.

This person has strength, means, and is very cunning.

This is the real demon.

"Then who, let me loose your shoulders!" Zhang Feng shouted, and most people here can understand English.

The crowd gathered face to face, he was too arrogant, just shouting, wouldn't he be afraid of being beaten by a group?

Gang fight?

This is impossible, no one wants to touch this demon, this killing god.

No one went up to massage his shoulders, Zhang Feng said again: "No one is here, right? Then I will order!"

Still no one came up, they were afraid they would point to themselves.

Zhang Feng glanced at them. At this moment someone stood up and wanted to leave. Zhang Feng said, "Who is leaving? I seem to remember his face. Alas, I have no other ability, so I like to remember others. It looks like! If anyone shakes it in front of me, I can remember him. When I go to bed at night, I can’t fall asleep and always think about these people, and they can’t sleep unless I solve it!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Feng looked at the people who had gone. They didn't dare to leave. He was able to do exactly what Zhang Feng had done and style in the past few days.

He killed so many people, and now he can sit there safe and sound, and the punishment he receives is nothing but confinement.

This person is too scary, so it's better to be less provoked.

So they sat back to their original positions.

Zhang Feng looked at them, pointed at a person, and shouted: "You, yes, it is you, bald, don't look at them, it is you!"

There was a chubby bald head sitting over there, looking very pleasing, round face, round head.

Zhang Feng can tell. Don't look at this man who is chubby, but he has practiced. Zhang Feng has noticed him a long time ago. It is easy to hold a barbell of nearly one hundred kilograms with his chubby hands.

The fat man didn't move, and everyone looked at him.

From the fact that those few people just wanted to leave, Zhang Feng could see that his majesty here was not great enough, and they were not afraid of themselves.

And with this bald head, the bird is not a bird.

In this case, you need to be a little stronger, let them know that they are powerful, it is time to establish their prestige, otherwise it will be for nothing.

How does Dangdangtu emperor feel.

"Bald head, didn't you hear me?" Zhang Feng said coldly.

The person sitting next to the bald head pushed him, but he still didn't move and didn't even look at Zhang Feng.

It seems that he can understand English.

Zhang Feng didn't go up to solve him immediately. He pointed to another person and said: "If you can't get your bald head, you will go to the infirmary. It's up to you to get out of the infirmary alive!"

This was a very arrogant threat. Everyone knew that after those people were beaten by Zhang Feng, no one could stand and come out of the infirmary.

Oh, no, there is one person, and that is Zhang Feng's follower Bansakori. He is an exception.

Now Zhang Feng is pointing at the strong man sitting on the other side.

"You, yes, in a black undershirt!" Zhang Feng said again.

That man was not a boring gourd, so he immediately said: ‘why? ’

"Very good question!" Zhang Feng said, "I think you are not pleasing to your eyes!"

"You..." This person was choked. When did he suffer such a frustration? Now he really wants to rush to tear this oriental man to pieces, but...

Who can come here without blood?

Zhang Feng is trampling on their bloodliness now.

"Give you three seconds to think about it!" Zhang Feng said.

His goal seems to have shifted from the bald head to the undershirt man.

The man in the undershirt at the moment has never encountered such a person. What does it have to do with him if he has a bald head?

Do you want to order him to go?

But if he doesn't speak, the Oriental will target himself, and he has a hunch that if he is staring at him, there will be no good fruit.

In this prison, force is advocated, and the law of the jungle is obvious and clear, speaking with strength.

Now no one denies that this Oriental is very powerful.

The man in the undershirt thought about it, but decided to talk about the bald man and let him serve the oriental man.

Although knowing that this bald head is not easy to provoke, the undershirt man has no choice.

So I got up and walked over. The show came, and everyone shouted: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Zhang Feng smiled.

When he was still in the street when he was a child, Zhang Feng liked the feeling of being the boss, because the following people provided resources, but his so-called boss was obtained by force, so soon there will be older gangsters. Hit him.

Xiao Zhang Feng will not die endlessly with them, even if he can't beat them, he will accumulate experience and he will not go up for revenge. If this is the case, it will be endless. Zhang Feng will fall into this darkness. But not here, but in the future, starting from the school, not from the street.

Now that he is here, Zhang Feng seems to have found the feeling of the year, and he is playing with it.

The man in the undershirt walked over and said something to the bald head, and the two began to fight.

The more he hits, the more powerful he is. Zhang Feng's vision is correct. The fat bald man is really powerful. He beat the man in the undershirt to the ground in a few strokes, and the man in the undershirt walked away griefly.

How disinterested, I played so soon!

Zhang Feng said again: "Is there anyone else going up? Otherwise, I'll be calling again later!"

At this moment, everyone understood that he was making people fight, and he had to convince this bald fat man.

Although there are many inmates in the prison, everyone has nothing to do every day. Everyone is looking at others, asking about other people's things, who comes in after committing something, and who fights fiercely.

It's almost all clear.

So everyone knows that this fat bald is not easy to mess with, but this Eastern man is even more difficult to mess with.

If you provoke a lot of bald fat guys, you will be beaten, and you will be fatal if you provoke an Eastern man.

Under the balance, everyone is still afraid of Zhang Feng, but if Zhang Feng does not name him, no one will go up.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll take a call!" Zhang Feng said, pointing to a person over there.

The man looked around, and Zhang Feng shouted: "Whatever you look at, it's you!"

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